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08-07-2018, 11:52 PM
True, but no one successfully making high-end silicone tails does it as their sole source of income. Rather, they have lines of fabric and other products to sell regularly as their bread and butter. That's what frees them from taking up more than they can handle -- as long as their relatively easily-made products are selling, they can ramp up or scale back as needed without cutting into their living income.

Mertailor realised this early on, Finfolk much later.

Agree with Katie, Merbella's is amazing but scoring one is like winning the lottery -- only you have a high chance of not being able to collect at all. Companies may tank hard and fast, but the writing would have been on the wall a long time in advance.

Mermaid Momo
08-08-2018, 12:01 AM
I do wonder, how many tails does merbellas take on at a time so that the wait time for an in progress tail is 3+ years? I was under the impression they closed orders from the public to cut down on how many orders they took in at a time. In the case of Finfolk they take in new orders every day so i can understand their wait time being 3+ years as tails are bumped through the queue but i thought merbellas cut their queue down to only a few customers and wouldn't take more orders until tails in the queue were completed, thus keeping the queue at a stable number.

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08-08-2018, 08:58 AM
I'm not sure, honestly. Not that many I don't think. I know that compared to Finfolk and Mertailor they are extremely limited in actual working time due to humidity issues where they live. I remember someone talking about how they basically can't make silicone tails during the rainy season since the humidity is too high for the silicone to cure.

Iirc, I don't think they closed down public orders just to reduce the order load, although that probably factored in. Raven had a couple of bad experiences with people and almost threw in the towel altogether, so they decided to just keep repeat customers that they were comfortable working with. I think she's relaxed on that a little bit now, though, since I've seen a slot or two open up over the past year or whatever (note that these are the ones which grant her full creative license.)

Also Ransom, they've got leggings and shirts and stuff for sale on their site, just like all the other companies. Raven also does clearouts of headdresses and accessories fairly frequently, and that stuff goes like hotcakes.

08-08-2018, 10:11 AM
True, but no one successfully making high-end silicone tails does it as their sole source of income. Rather, they have lines of fabric and other products to sell regularly as their bread and butter. That's what frees them from taking up more than they can handle -- as long as their relatively easily-made products are selling, they can ramp up or scale back as needed without cutting into their living income.

Mertailor realised this early on, Finfolk much later.

Actually, industry history speaking, this is all VERY new. For the longest time they DID all only do silicone tails as their sole income. This has only been a past 2 years sort of thing actually. I think the issue is we're trying to hold them all to the same standard but they are ALL only just getting to this point. What seems like it should be standard is actually still brand new. ;)

I think it's unfair to compare them all they're apples and oranges when you look at how they all got started. Finfolk are hard working ladies, but I remember reading that they were lucky enough their grandmother invested in their company with an early inheritance so they could actually AFFORD to take that leap of faith. Then they were smart enough to have that genius idea to sell bricks for their factory and their podsquad etc.

Other companies "look" successful on the surface, but are actually DESPERATE for clients. They have fast turnaround, and great customer service, because they have no customers. And I know of 1 company that directly got their company by very brutally taking advantage of Raven. I've always wanted her to tell the story publicly because I think it would floor people, but she had decided to let that go. (but it burns me up a lot) Finfolk had a similar experience.

Mertailor is doing amazing now, but he had some hiccups along the way and things got tight like many others have experienced. With big innovation comes big risk with potential for big fallout. And while he's enjoying success now and found his balance, he def had the same issues Raven is.

Merbella's launched clothing last year too. And also, her husband is a full time performer. Raven used to perform as well but had to stop in order to finish tails. and as Theta mentioned she sells off premade stuff.

I do wonder, how many tails does merbellas take on at a time so that the wait time for an in progress tail is 3+ years? I was under the impression they closed orders from the public to cut down on how many orders they took in at a time. In the case of Finfolk they take in new orders every day so i can understand their wait time being 3+ years as tails are bumped through the queue but i thought merbellas cut their queue down to only a few customers and wouldn't take more orders until tails in the queue were completed, thus keeping the queue at a stable number.

Both merbellas and finfolk closed silicone tail order. Merbellas have been closed for a year, I think Finfolk for 6 months +?

I can't make excuses for Raven, I have had to wait like everyone else and had some things fall out too. But here's why I think her wait times are longer:

When she first got really started there were two things that put her behind and to an extent they happened to other tail makers as well.

1) there was a great monofin shortage from finis where things got back ordered. All tail makers experienced this, and it actually put some of them under. It set everyone else back 6months-9months on their wait times.

2) Raven was the first to offer an affordable hybrid tail and it nearly bankrupt her and set the whole company back. It was a risk she took before anyone else took it. The tails sold for 1k or less, and ended up taking more work than her full silicone tails. She had a bunch of those orders she had to get through and people had really high expectations (too high for something budget friendly IMO) Similar companies like Fishbutts and Mermaid creations went under for this exact thing. Raven was able to recover but it set her back.

A few other factors:

I have personally seen some awful clients who have ruined it for everyone else. People who would get their entire tail finished, look at it and say "oh I've decided I don't want yellow, please make it pink or I'll threaten you with bad reviews everywhere". I used to help Raven with emails and I can't tell you how much people tried to blackmail her, threaten her etc. These crazy clients made it take extra long for everyone else.

Raven has standing contracts with weeki which can throw a wrench into things each year as she makes all the tails they use for their calendar, and then sells them off as premade when they're done.

And as Theta mentioned after dealing with clients who would outright lie about their experience she decided to stop working with the general public.

Like everyone else, Raven had people in her inner circle that betrayed her and it always takes a little time to bounce back from that.

People come to Raven for extremely custom work, custom molds, custom everything. The more customized you get, the longer it's going to take. Some people have decided to buy out customization too so it's not available to the public and that's something she's had to work around.

As people have noted, you can't just live off silicone tails so they obviously supplement other ways. As mentioned, Tyler is a full time performer with Universal I believe, and his own company. And when he's on tour Raven is back to working on her own. Raven took on that little mermaid movie that is coming out to help make ends meet too and that took time. making the costumes, renting the tank, and training their actress and stunt actress.

So these aren't meant to be excuses just CONTEXT. because I think we can ALL agree there are ways to make their business better. but it's ALWAYS easier to point that stuff out. It's a whole other ballgame to actually LIVE it.

I'll share something personal because I don't want you to think I am just biased because I care for Raven. Last year as many of you know my life was pretty awful. My mom and friend died on the same day - both young and unexpected and there was a lot of fallout after a con I ran. In November I went to Florida. Raven and I usually see each other, because our birthdays are days apart. Even if we can't mermaid, we are friends and have dinner etc. But she was so swamped with trying to get tails out, she didn't feel she could take off any time to see me. Even though I only get to Florida once every few years.

I've known Raven to get hospitalized from exhaustion. So I don't want people to theorize that she's wasting time etc.

I think what I am trying to get at is all great tail makers get to this make or break point where your stuff is in such high demand that you sink or swim. And she's having that moment right now where she is carefully balancing that ball trying not to drop it. And yes, other tail makers got past that- but only recently, and Raven paved the way for most of them honestly.

I have no excuses for the people here who have posted complaints. I hear you. My heart hurts for you. I am disappointed for you. I don't agree with choices made and I am not defending them either. I reached out to Tyler after reading some of these posts and we had a good discussion and I even said, that's not how I would of handled this maybe would of done ___ instead.

I just wanted to give a little context and remind people who maybe haven't been around the community as long, that everything you're seeing in the industry is quite new. And it wasn't that long ago that they were all in raven's shoes.

I personally hope for the best, I want to see Raven do well, I want to see people get their tails and be happy. I hope everything works out and they're bale to grow in the way they need to. Or maybe scale back if that's what needed. I just hope people get their tails.

08-08-2018, 10:11 AM
Thanks for the info, Theta! I really hope they're able to restore good communications and timely delivery though, and pick up again.

08-08-2018, 10:24 AM
and as a sidebar since I also sell clothing lemme tell you, you do NOT make much on it unless you're able to make it in house which Mertailor only recently was able to do with a huge investment in actual machines for fabric printing and a team of seamstresses. I make so little on my clothing and I looked into the factories that all the others use and it's the same amount. It's like a cool side thing, but nothing you could live off of at all

Mermaid Ankhali
08-08-2018, 10:54 AM
I really hope they don’t go under and eventually start accepting orders from the public again. Raven’s aesthetic matches mine so perfectly and my goal for years has been to save up for one of her tails because I know nobody could bring my dream tail to life like she could.

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Mermaid Ankhali
08-08-2018, 10:56 AM
I’m not a (commercial) tailmaker, but as an artist, I’ve noticed this trend recently where a lot of the most talented people are having the hardest time supporting themselves via art. It’s sad. Although, I am only 19, so maybe I don’t know what I am talking about. [emoji39]

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08-08-2018, 01:19 PM
I just have to say that I would have probably given up and gone under if I had to go through what she’s gone through. That magnitude of work is overwhelming to even think about, including dealing with that many people on a regular basis. Clients wanting custom orders scare the crap out of me just because of the situations like the ones she’s had to deal with. I absolutely would have given up.

I agree that she’s helped pave the way and let me tell you, I’ve also seen SO many “Inspirations” of her work, it’s pretty crazy (I’ve called out more than one person for literal replicas of her flukes). It’s like she comes up with a good idea and then it’s a fad. For instance Raven was the first mermaid to make those filigree shapes on bras and now that style has been replicated many times. Obviously everyone has their own take on things and they’re all a bit different because art.. But if I were her, I’d secretly be like “Umm.. excuse me??”.

I love her work so much. She swims like an actual fish and it makes me want to cry. Her new and innovative designs are so incredible and unique. I don’t think I will ever order from her again (I mean, AS IF they would even want me to at this point, honestly. I’d blacklist me lol.) But it’s not because of the lack of incredible work. It’s because of the awkward positions I feel put in, the lack of communication and the “carrot on the stick” waiting times. It’s just a bit depressing (maybe for both parties). I hope she is able to find a way to flourish because gahd dang, she is so full of talent.

08-08-2018, 01:52 PM
Things Raven did before anyone else:

-headdresses with the shells on each side
-the tops as Katie mentioned
-extra fins on tops and bracers
-genuine blended waists (not just painted on)
-hidden seams
-unique flukes that as we've seen have been copied to death
-sculpted seaweed and sculpted octopus bra
-individual silicone scales you could glue on your skin

^like all these things just didn't exist until she started them but people don't KNOW that or realize it because they just haven't been around long enough, or because others try to take the credit. I remember about 5 or 6 years ago we literally had a post with proof of dates etc. You can probably still find them all listed in this thread.

All these things people take for granted no one realizes Raven invented.

Mermaid Ankhali
08-08-2018, 04:10 PM
Things Raven did before anyone else:

-headdresses with the shells on each side
-the tops as Katie mentioned
-extra fins on tops and bracers
-genuine blended waists (not just painted on)
-hidden seams
-unique flukes that as we've seen have been copied to death
-sculpted seaweed and sculpted octopus bra
-individual silicone scales you could glue on your skin

^like all these things just didn't exist until she started them but people don't KNOW that or realize it because they just haven't been around long enough, or because others try to take the credit. I remember about 5 or 6 years ago we literally had a post with proof of dates etc. You can probably still find them all listed in this thread.

All these things people take for granted no one realizes Raven invented.

Oh my goodness those blended waists are amazing and so visionary! I always thought that blended waists were a nice idea but it would be impossible to get the paint to match the skin perfectly. Raven is a freaking genius! Oh I so hope she is still making tails when I can afford to buy one! 🤩[emoji7]

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08-08-2018, 09:49 PM
Raven is such a kindhearted and talented lady . She really cares about if the client is satisfy with her work and listen to client's comment about her design.
I think she really try her best to make the tails as fast as she can which delivered high quality and beautiful design .
And this is why so many people want a tail from her and existing clients do return to order more tails and tops.

08-11-2018, 09:31 PM
honestly i always felt that merbellas was the creme de la creme, you know? her work is beyond the scope of art, and if i could ever afford a tail i would get one.

just makes me a bit sad that the industry is so... idk i'm floundering for words a little bit. like crazy demand from crazy customers who want blackmail and stuff

08-14-2018, 09:38 AM
honestly i always felt that merbellas was the creme de la creme, you know? her work is beyond the scope of art, and if i could ever afford a tail i would get one.

just makes me a bit sad that the industry is so... idk i'm floundering for words a little bit. like crazy demand from crazy customers who want blackmail and stuffI know exactly what you mean. People are so weird when it comes to purchasing handmade items, and even more so when it is art. I was a part of the cosplay community before it went mainstream, and it was so disheartening to watch this influx of people pulling similar things on my commissioner friends. "I want a full Cinderella ballgown for less than $100, and I want it done in two weeks. If you don't agree to this, you're an elitist jerk who just wants to overcharge me! I'm going to leave a bad review for you because I lied about my measurements and there not enough time to remake it!"

I see the same sorts of attitudes creeping into the mermaid community, and it's really bothering me.

Anyway, it is my dream to get a tail from Merbella, too. I have two of her cuffs, and they're fantastic. I'd even be quite willing to give her full artistic license, because I'm terrible with designing my own tail, lol. But until she opens up more slots, it remains a dream for me. :)

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Mermaid Alea
09-18-2018, 09:57 AM
I really love the jewelry Raven has been making. I'm kind of picky about jewelry - I like colorful and/or unique jewelry and her jewelry has always been spot on at least as far as my tastes go.

09-18-2018, 11:45 AM
It really has been stunning, as most of her work tends to be. And to hear she is moving to a bigger studio with all the amazing opportunities this will give her is great too.

09-18-2018, 11:48 AM
I agree, her talent and keen eye for design seems to shine through in any new medium she works with; that jewelry is utterly spectacular.
I'm so excited for their future endeavors with the new studio space and her expanding into jewelry making more.

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09-21-2018, 04:31 PM
Im on day 836. Its a struggle not to get down but I am hopeful it will be 2019. I truly truly hope so. Im aching for my tail. I trust Raven though. I know its worth the wait and I know everythings fine. Its just so...hard. Her tails are like diamonds though, highest color, quality, cut, conception and construction. So worth it.

09-22-2018, 05:21 PM
wow that's such a long wait, I'm sorry

09-23-2018, 04:41 PM
that is a long wait.

10-10-2018, 10:06 AM
I was thinking damn, that's a long wait! and then checked my wait time... 923 days, oof.

10-10-2018, 10:07 AM

10-10-2018, 06:10 PM
I’m at 967 right now. It’s encouraging to know that Raven is getting a new set up and I’m hoping the extra space and resources will help the tail-making process less arduous than I’m sure it must be. I understand what it’s like to live with severe social anxiety and I keep that in mind when I think about how difficult it can make communication. I know how lucky I am with my timing - placing my order so soon before Raven decided to cut back significantly on new custom orders - and even as long as I’ve had to wait, I know I’m going to receive an absolute treasure. I remind myself that with every tail she makes, like any artist in their craft, she is improving. The tail I get will be a cumulative result of all the tails that came before it. I just have to stay positive and wait for that email telling me things are underway.

10-11-2018, 09:19 AM
I remind myself that with every tail she makes, like any artist in their craft, she is improving. The tail I get will be a cumulative result of all the tails that came before it. I just have to stay positive and wait for that email telling me things are underway


10-17-2018, 07:55 AM
Hear hear well said!!!!

10-17-2018, 10:14 AM
Yep, that was exactly what I was telling myself during my wait time. Like a mantra, "it will be worth the wait", "I will have a beautiful tail", "just be patient", and all that jazz. When they suddenly canceled my order after 911 days wait time I realized that Merbellas may have improved artistically but not in treating their clients, even loyal and returning ones. Still didn't get any answer from them why they did this to me. I'm still cowardly blocked by them on social media because I asked for explanation. Very unprofessional, I will never trust them again. I really hope that at least you all get your tails. Somewhen. Ever.

12-05-2018, 01:56 PM
I don't keep track of my day number because I don't want to be dwelling on it all the time (I prefer to celebrate the yearly aniversary of ordering so time doesn't seem to stretch so slowly). But I just did the math for it out of curiosity and I am on day 600 :) It feels somewhat crazy that it's been that long already but also... like I have been waiting forever!! Lol. I don't expect to see anything for 3 years, so, a ways to go yet.

The last contact I had was when they sent me my sketch in July 2017, which I said I loved with only minor adjustment (asked for an additional set of fins but didn't want her to redo the sketch just for them). Tyler had also posted on facebook at that time to email them about adding extra items to orders, so when I replied I also asked if she would make a matching scale top for me when she did the tail as well (I basically said I wanted to give her total creative freedom and would pay for whatever features she was inspired to include in the design lol). I don't really expect a top sketch or anything as i'm sure she waits to do those until she's got the tail well underway but I do hope they got the email/approval for the sketch. Sometimes I worry that maybe they didn't notice it and my tail progress has been on hold without my knowing but realistically I know they are constantly just very very busy and can't reply to everything.

In the meanwhile I'm going to start measuring myself somewhat often to try to get a baseline idea of my body fluctuation. For those of you who already have tails (especially if you have multiple tails with different fits), any tips/advice? I've read all the threads on sizing here and elsewhere but nice to hear from just Merbellas folks about their personal experience as well. I get so much anxiety thinking about getting my tail and not having it fit correctly after dreaming about it for so long :P

12-05-2018, 07:05 PM
Really excited for you, it's been a LONG time coming Jade! You've been in this community for as long as I can remember, you deserve a beautiful Merbella!

Mermaid Persephone
12-09-2018, 06:54 PM
I'm sitting at 430 days! I know they've been slowing down a little lately so it could easily be double that, but still excited. I switched to the newest fluke design, because it's so unique! And asked for Raven to design a top and headpiece, sending inspo ideas.

Every tail Merbella puts out just seems more beautiful than the last.

12-16-2018, 02:39 PM
Really excited for you, it's been a LONG time coming Jade! You've been in this community for as long as I can remember, you deserve a beautiful Merbella!

Thanks Raina! I'll be honest I've felt like I'm pretty detached from the community the last couple years -- my day job takes up so much of my time/energy I don't really post or chat online ever anymore. And being the only mermaid in a small desert town in a low-population state makes in-person meetups pretty impossible. I sort of resigned myself to the fact that a mermaid 'career' (more than a hobby or small side job) isn't really on the table for me but I hope when I can get my merbella tail and move elsewhere (unsure where, but, grad school soon) I will be able to have it be a larger part of my daily life again at least :)

Folly, agreed, part of me wishes I would have been able to order earlier so I could get a tail sooner, but I also know that with every tail Raven knocks it out of the park, and I keep being more and more amazed. So ordering in these later years has its upsides!

12-17-2018, 02:00 PM
I don't keep track of my day number because I don't want to be dwelling on it all the time (I prefer to celebrate the yearly aniversary of ordering so time doesn't seem to stretch so slowly). But I just did the math for it out of curiosity and I am on day 600 :) It feels somewhat crazy that it's been that long already but also... like I have been waiting forever!! Lol. I don't expect to see anything for 3 years, so, a ways to go yet.

The last contact I had was when they sent me my sketch in July 2017, which I said I loved with only minor adjustment (asked for an additional set of fins but didn't want her to redo the sketch just for them). Tyler had also posted on facebook at that time to email them about adding extra items to orders, so when I replied I also asked if she would make a matching scale top for me when she did the tail as well (I basically said I wanted to give her total creative freedom and would pay for whatever features she was inspired to include in the design lol). I don't really expect a top sketch or anything as i'm sure she waits to do those until she's got the tail well underway but I do hope they got the email/approval for the sketch. Sometimes I worry that maybe they didn't notice it and my tail progress has been on hold without my knowing but realistically I know they are constantly just very very busy and can't reply to everything.

In the meanwhile I'm going to start measuring myself somewhat often to try to get a baseline idea of my body fluctuation. For those of you who already have tails (especially if you have multiple tails with different fits), any tips/advice? I've read all the threads on sizing here and elsewhere but nice to hear from just Merbellas folks about their personal experience as well. I get so much anxiety thinking about getting my tail and not having it fit correctly after dreaming about it for so long :P

Regarding weight fluctuations: my Padmé was made in 2012 (I think?? maybe 13) when I was a fair amount thinner than I am currently. I also had it made on the snug side since I was really worried about gapping (needlessly!!!) I must have gained a solid 3-4 inches around my waist and 2-3 around my hips (around 40 lbs. total.) My tail is very tight and my muffin top is pretty muffiny but honestly I can still get into it fine, and it's not terrible if I'm stretched out to full length. I had a couple of small tears in the top of the blended waist, so I stretched them in and filled them with silicone, kind of 'letting out' the waist a tiny bit. I wouldn't do that intentionally, though. Long story short, you've got some wiggle room with Raven's tails. Don't have it made on the snug side would be my advice.

12-17-2018, 02:48 PM
I was seriously 20lbs lighter when I first got my tail!

01-18-2019, 02:00 PM
Day 955. Seeing that Raven has moved into her new home and is working on her new cave brightens my spirits! I hope shes full of new creative energies and excited to work on tails! I hope she also has a much better workspace for herself. I know that was a huge issue.

01-18-2019, 03:43 PM
Always nice when tail makers get to level up and get new space! It seems to make a huge difference for everyone.

02-09-2019, 10:00 AM
Does anybody have any idea like about how many orders raven has out at the moment?

02-10-2019, 06:12 PM
I would say quite a few. I know there were a good couple in front of myself and the other lucky met who landed spots in October of 2017.

Sent from my shellphone.

Mermaid Ankhali
02-10-2019, 06:14 PM
I would say quite a few. I know there were a good couple in front of myself and the other lucky met who landed spots in October of 2017.

Sent from my shellphone.

Wow. Guess I’m not getting one till I’m 30

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02-10-2019, 06:37 PM
*shrug* that is one way to look at it. I lucked into my spot in the queue a month before my 25th birthday with an open ended production spot so I don’t have any true idea when my baby will be ready either. May be when I’m 30 May be sooner, but for a dream tail I don’t mind the wait. It has been flying by while I chase other pursuits.

Sent from my shellphone.

Mermaid Ankhali
02-10-2019, 06:38 PM
For context I’m 19

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02-10-2019, 06:41 PM
The trick is to just watch her Facebook page. She often sells premade tails, or will list an open spot. You never know when opportunity might be in your favor.

Sent from my shellphone.

Mermaid Ankhali
02-10-2019, 06:43 PM
Aw thanks. Maybe one day. I’ve wanted one for a while, but the cost plus the wait time is so discouraging. Hope always.

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02-18-2019, 09:39 AM
Day 986. Thankfully its definitely starting to get lighter in the evening here in the Midwest, though we're still bogged down with awful weather the changing sky gives me hope that we might luck into an early spring. I'm hopeful that this will be my year. I am also thankful that I have never seen a color combo like my own tail yet anywhere. I live in fear of someone releasing a tail that looks like my own. It's so incredibly unique I know chances are slim but it's still a fear. I am so thankful to all you mermaids on social media who are bright and happy and lovely in your tails constantly posting pics and videos. You keep my spirits up. I can't wait to join you.

02-21-2019, 02:13 PM
Day 1057! I'm in the quadruple digits club now :p

I've got my fingers crossed for this summer but we'll see :)

02-21-2019, 03:53 PM
Oh wow Theta, I think your wait began as mine was nearing it's end some years ago. Your patience is amazing!! Raven's work is definitely worth the wait! I have two of her tails and I've never regretted the waits when the day of delivery arrived. Her art is magnificent. Sending lots of good vibes to everyone waiting patiently for their dream Merbellas!!

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

02-21-2019, 09:01 PM
I admire you all. I would love to own another Raven tail but I just don't know what my life will be like in 3 years and with the CAD dollar continuing to tank, her tails will be 7-8k in my money, plus import, plus shipping! Back when I first got my tails and my used ones we were on par with the US or close to it and it made such a huge difference because I wouldn't have to factor in that extra 20-25% price difference. I feel like with the way economics are going I will never see that again lol. Even if I could afford a premade right now, my body dimensions have changed so much I doubt I'd fit in one.

So I just oogle you all from a far bahaha and shell-e-brate your unboxing videos!

02-22-2019, 02:34 PM
You could save on import fees, at any rate - you know I'd smuggle that shit over the border to you.

"Anything to declare?"

"Nothing, officer."

"Is that a false bottom in the bed of your station wagon?"

"...No, officer."

"Are those mermaid tails?"

".......THE JIG IS UP!!! GUN IT!!!!"

02-23-2019, 09:50 PM
Day 1057! I'm in the quadruple digits club now [emoji14]

I've got my fingers crossed for this summer but we'll see :)1460 -ish days here... ~4 years. Part of it my fault as I got pregnant and had a preemie, so life was crazy for about a year for us.

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02-25-2019, 09:13 PM
Does anyone know if raven even still takes orders for tails? And does she take money upfront and then your wait time begins? Honestly she is my dream tail maker and her paining is flawless! I have ordered a silicone from Mernation because they are amazing to but my dream is still a merbellas tail! My favorite fluke ever was Raina’s she creature but I don’t believe raven offers that one anymore! The next dream fluke I have is the lunar koi. It will prob take me a few years to save up the cash! And then once I pay her the web sight says a 2 year weight time! But I have not seen any new tail made by her in a very long time! Anyone get to order once recently?

Or is she gonna be the one tail maker that got away and I should prob get over it and look for someone else as a dream tail maker even thow it would break my heart!

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02-25-2019, 10:23 PM
Raven does still take tails just not super often from what I've seen. She will post to her FB page when they have openings with a deadline to apply usually, once the deadline finishes she lets the folks who secured the slots know and they discuss the total price. From there if I recall its a 72 hour window from receipt of the invoice to pay in full and then the time starts. If you cannot pay in full in that time window the spot is forfeit.

02-26-2019, 09:31 AM
Your best bet is when she sells premade tails to be honest. She does take orders but she doesn't do it often. I havent seen any new order slots in a long time. She also requires full creative control now I think. The wait time is more like 3-4 years. I think right now she's more focused on making jewelry and accessories than tails since that's what we see most and those sell extremely fast. Her jewelry is super cool. For flukes, you can only pull so many times on a mold before it's gone and they do wear out with time, I assume maybe the she creature mold maybe finally just got an imperfection that affected the silicone pull from it and just gave out.

02-26-2019, 01:05 PM
Last I caught up with Tyler he felt confident they were getting through their list of people. So maybe if you just wait a while she'll be through the backlog? I don't really know.

02-26-2019, 03:01 PM
Last I caught up with Tyler he felt confident they were getting through their list of people. So maybe if you just wait a while she'll be through the backlog? I don't really know.

Thank you !!! Gonna start saveing my sand dollars now !!! Lol I need to figure out everything that I want so that I can get the total price and have it ready at the next opertunity I really want one of her tails !!!

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02-28-2019, 05:50 AM
Does anyone know whether Raven makes custom mermaid tops by request, or does she only do pre-made tops?

It's my dream to own a Merbella Starfish top, but I haven't seen her make those in at least a year.

02-28-2019, 10:22 AM
She does both but I *think* she only really does custom tops if you have a tail order in with her.

03-01-2019, 01:18 AM
She does both but I *think* she only really does custom tops if you have a tail order in with her.

Ah :/ Well, I've sent her an email to ask. Maybe I'm lucky.

03-24-2019, 12:07 AM
So Raven is doing work for The Little Mermaid movie, right? Should I not even bother checking for a spot until they're further through their backlog? I can imagine she's swamped. I was planning on making my own or at least working towards it, but Merbella's tails are so well sculpted...! I'm a sculptor myself but I plan on doing it in my free time, not as a job, so I know it'll take a few years (at least) to get good enough to where I'm satisfied.

03-24-2019, 02:47 PM
she made the tail for the mermaid movie that is already out.

03-25-2019, 11:59 AM
Oh yeh, it is already out, whoops. I don't keep up with movies, so I hadn't checked in a long while. Guess she'll be through her backlog in time, then.

04-22-2019, 08:58 PM


05-06-2019, 11:59 PM
The Frog Tail is DONE! I just paid for shipping, now to wait for the mail! 🥰[emoji173][emoji7][emoji196]🧜*♀️43783

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The Water Phoenix
05-07-2019, 12:33 AM
Oh wow! That’s gorgeous!

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05-07-2019, 02:23 AM
The Frog Tail is DONE! I just paid for shipping, now to wait for the mail! 🥰[emoji173][emoji7][emoji196]🧜*♀️43783

Sent from my [device_name] using MerNetwork mobile appOmg is this one over ravens you've had made? This is stunning. Wow I'm totally speechless

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Mermaid Alea
05-07-2019, 09:02 AM
Meshy how long was your wait for this tail? I had forgotten about your tail! It is gorgeous!

05-07-2019, 10:09 AM
Congrats, Meshy! It's stunning!!!!

05-07-2019, 12:55 PM
WOW! Gorgeous!! I love that fluke! You must be so excited!!

05-08-2019, 08:36 PM
Amazing meshy!!!

05-08-2019, 11:14 PM
Meshy how long was your wait for this tail? I had forgotten about your tail! It is gorgeous!It's been over 3 years. Partly my own fault. I had the money because of a divorce. Got married to someone else and had a kid all while waiting ! [emoji23]🤣 🤷*♀️🤦*♀️[emoji64]🦈 Giving measurements while pregnant is not happening, so I waited.

The first year of my kiddos life was a bit rough on us too. She was 7 weeks early, has her dad's genetic syndrome (sticklers syndrome) which causes bad eyesight, cleft palates, and bad/loose ligaments and joints. At 4 months she got glasses, 6 months ear tube surgery, and at 1 year a surgery to correct her cleft soft palate. (She had no suction before that) and I exclusively pumped milk for her for 14 months.

So this tail was definitely on the back burner for a while. Things are perfect for my kiddo now, and her birthday is on the 16th (she'll be 2!!![emoji79]) So getting this tail around her birthday is an amazing surprise!

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06-29-2019, 08:16 PM
I feel like Raven is really cranking out the tails lately!!! Is it any of you guys?? I check the facebook group now and then but I get so many notifications I miss a lot. I've noticed Raven is posting/updating more even though she must be super busy. It sounds like the new space they've moved into has really helped open things up for her.

I'm going to be taking my measurements soon and I'm pretty nervous about it. I know people say silicone is stretchy and you can gain/lose a surprising amount of weight without it no longer fitting, but most of my anxiety is actually about ankles/knees, where if it's too small you're pretty stuck. I've never used a competitor monofin (though I hope to buy one to practice in as soon as I can find somewhere to swim again), but the wave spaces my feet out farther than they would if I was just standing, and while I know the competitor is a different style foot pocket, my feet definitely splay a bit as i'm swimming because of the force used in kicking. So I guess I'm worried about those ares being too tight if I measure according to the video with feet/legs held together.

For those of you with silicone tails, do you notice these ares feel especially tight? I have chronic knee problems so I don't want to end up in a scenario where I can't use my tail as often/long as I'd like once I have it because of something like this.

Not keeping track of days exactly but I'm 2 years and several months in. Since ordering my coping method was just to not think about it too much or just as a far-off goal but it's starting to feel real now, seeing everything she's putting out and people getting their stuff!

06-29-2019, 10:41 PM
I feel like Raven is really cranking out the tails lately!!! Is it any of you guys?? I check the facebook group now and then but I get so many notifications I miss a lot. I've noticed Raven is posting/updating more even though she must be super busy. It sounds like the new space they've moved into has really helped open things up for her.

I'm going to be taking my measurements soon and I'm pretty nervous about it. I know people say silicone is stretchy and you can gain/lose a surprising amount of weight without it no longer fitting, but most of my anxiety is actually about ankles/knees, where if it's too small you're pretty stuck. I've never used a competitor monofin (though I hope to buy one to practice in as soon as I can find somewhere to swim again), but the wave spaces my feet out farther than they would if I was just standing, and while I know the competitor is a different style foot pocket, my feet definitely splay a bit as i'm swimming because of the force used in kicking. So I guess I'm worried about those ares being too tight if I measure according to the video with feet/legs held together.

For those of you with silicone tails, do you notice these ares feel especially tight? I have chronic knee problems so I don't want to end up in a scenario where I can't use my tail as often/long as I'd like once I have it because of something like this.

Not keeping track of days exactly but I'm 2 years and several months in. Since ordering my coping method was just to not think about it too much or just as a far-off goal but it's starting to feel real now, seeing everything she's putting out and people getting their stuff!

I'm the Froggermaid. (frog tail) got mine end of May. She had moved and had mine put together, just needed to paint it. Apparently, I was the 1st from the new shop. I don't know how she's able to crank them out, but I know since mine was a custom fluke, hip, ankle, and matching top, I knew it would be a long wait. Then I got pregnant. So my wait became longer.

I'm about 20lbs heavier than when I gave her my measurements. It's a little tight around the ankles, which makes it wrinkle, which makes it seem short. So it fits, but yes, it's tight. It's not so tight that it's uncomfortable, or not usable.

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08-19-2019, 07:50 PM
Hello, I am approving reviews over in the Merbella review section if you'd like to make one. You can leave an embedded video for your review as well. For information on how to post a review, and how to add pics or media, view this thread: https://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?1591-INFORMATION-ABOUT-TAILMAKER-REVIEWS&p=16064#post16064

10-14-2019, 03:11 PM
I've tried finding this information and cant seem to find it anywhere! I bought a mermaid tail from Raven years ago that was snug to begin with and have since had a child and it definitely doesnt fit now! Has anyone had their tail resized and know the price?

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10-14-2019, 08:09 PM
It would fall under her refurbishing, I remember seeing something somewhere, but I don't remember where that was.

10-14-2019, 09:09 PM
Thank you! I'll try searching for that! I just dont want to bother her if I'm not going to have enough when I email her I know she is extremely busy

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Mermaid Alea
10-22-2019, 09:04 PM
I am extremely in love with that second tail (brown/blue/black) in the set of two tails Raven posted 5 days ago:

Is anyone on here the lucky mer who is getting that tail or do you know who is?

Out of curiosity I've been wanting to know how much of the color scheme/design was decided on by the client or if this was a tail Raven had a lot of artistic freedom on.

Either way, that tail is so lovely! Raven you are amazing!

11-20-2019, 10:16 AM
Its been 1261 days but my darling just arrived!!!!

Mermaid Alea
11-20-2019, 11:07 AM
AHHHH! Please post photos or link us to where you have photos!
That is awesome news!

11-20-2019, 01:01 PM
Congratulations. Definitely post pictures!

I only just realized I have moved into my 3rd year a month or so ago. Its very exciting. I'm actually shocked at how fast the time is flying.

Kaila Mermaid
11-26-2019, 05:38 PM
@mermaidnerina Where are these pics at girl?!

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07-08-2020, 02:49 PM
I'm getting real close to that 1,000 day mark, currently on day 981. I absolutely cannot believe how quickly the time has flown by. And I definitely feel like that has only been made even easier with the lack of a season this year due to the Global pandemic.

07-09-2020, 11:39 AM
Has she sent you any updates? 1,000 days is a LONG time to wait.

07-09-2020, 01:20 PM
We discussed some slight changes to my order over the time and I've requested to add some extra items to the order, but as far as production goes there have been no updates and I honestly am not expecting any for another year or so most likely. It was an open ended production spot and I am not in that much of a hurry. Plus I know there are other patient fish who have been waiting far longer than I.

The Water Phoenix
12-27-2020, 02:07 AM
I know this thread hasn't been posted in a while, but I'm the proud owner of a (3rd hand) merbella tail! It's in such good condition for its age (around 6 years!)

Mermaid Persephone
06-23-2021, 04:32 PM
I'm now at about 1360 with no idea when the tail will be started. I still have some hope though.

06-23-2021, 07:43 PM
I feel you there Persephone, I'm at day 1,331. Luckily with the last year and being inside it was so far from my mind I hadn't even thought about it outside of a passing thought here or there. Can't wait to see photos of your tail once it's done.

07-14-2021, 10:04 PM
I'm still trying not to keep track of days. Unfortunately things got extra delayed on my end--was sick for a while that stopped me from taking measurements, and when I was finally better and ready... the pandemic hit. And since I lived alone/not in the same state as any family members, it was over a year until I could get them done. But they're submitted now! I haven't had a response but I might send a follow up in a week or two. But I really hope that maybe I'm back on track to finally getting my dream silicone tail <3 ;_;

04-30-2022, 04:33 AM
I know this forum is slower but I still wanted to give an update here <3 This beauty posted the other day is my tail, and I'm so excited to be able to share the design with everyone now!! :) It arrived today and I filmed an unboxing but I need to edit it together. I hope to post that tomorrow!

Hmm well mernetwork is not letting me upload images of any size right now so here's just a link to the instagram post haha. Close enough for now!


05-01-2022, 11:22 PM
Congratulations again!

05-04-2022, 11:31 PM
Congratulations again!

Thank you!! I can't wait to see yours once it's finished <3

I also finally uploaded my unboxing video!


The Water Phoenix
05-11-2022, 12:31 AM
I love the earthy tones your tail has! It's going to look so awesome in the water. One of these days I want to send my merbellas tail (I bought it second hand) back to Raven so she can spice it up a little bit, if she's still doing that.

04-04-2023, 09:51 AM
Creativity has always been a passion of mine, and that's part of what drew me to start my own roofing service (https://idconstructioncompany.com). I love the challenge of taking a problem and coming up with a unique solution that meets the needs of my customers. In my free time, I often browse forums like this one and explore other crafts and DIY projects. It's fascinating to see the variety of creative ideas and approaches that people come up with, whether it's related to home improvement or something completely different. I believe that creativity is important in all areas of life, not just in traditional artistic pursuits, and I'm always looking for new ways to cultivate it in myself and others.

Mermaid Persephone
05-16-2023, 12:28 AM
For those who don't know, I unboxed my Merbella later October (it arrived while I was little kf state for a wedding and Mermaid Kairi kept it safe for me). It is beautiful. Everything I wanted and more. I suck at posting pics, but it's on my mermaid IG.