View Full Version : monofin retail

Mermaid Bella
12-01-2012, 11:25 PM
ok, so mum wants to buy me a monofin for christmas, woo! but she has a block with online shopping...
i remember some time ago there was information for a store that sells them in the melbourne cbd somewhere, but for the life of me i cant find the details anywhere.

can someone help me out? its a diving supply shop i think, and does have a physical store with monofins in stock :S

thanks :D

12-02-2012, 02:40 AM
I've not heard of anywhere in Melbourne that sells monofins (if you do - I'd sure like to know!) My recommendation would be the Oceanika website for their fins: Australian company, good quality product and fast, reasonable shipping. Failing that (if your feet happen to be larger than my plonky 9.5's) then Might I suggest ordering a monofin through Mermaid Shelly (http://www.facebook.com/MermaidShellysGrotto?ref=ts&fref=ts)? She can arrange almost anything! :)

12-04-2012, 04:21 AM

I guess I always just assumed there weren't any places with monofins here, and never thought to actually look! 5 seconds on Google haha. You might want to call them first to see if they have any in stock. But it's probably cheaper to get it online, by a considerable amount.

12-04-2012, 04:25 AM
