View Full Version : WWF

12-02-2012, 01:54 PM
Hey guys! I think this is in the right place. And if it's too tacky putting this here, Sorry! I thought it would be ok.

I'm trying to raise money for the WWF. Personally, it's in the name of Blue Whales. The money will go to all the WWF animals, but they are the one's I have specifically in mind.

I started a "panda page" for fundraising, and I just wanted to share the link. I set myself a huge goal ($1,000!) but I'd take a penny if you were willing. If you don't want to, I know the economy sucks right now, that's fine! I just wanted to put it out there in case someone wanted to.

Again, if I'm out of line posting this here, just let me know! I've never done this before.

