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View Full Version : Mermaid sponsors/incentives?

12-31-2012, 07:31 PM
I have been running my own personal tumblr for a few years now, focusing on my times as a mermaid and also my times working at Disneyland. I've read about other people finding mermaid sponsors for their professional mermaid life and I was looking for some advice.

I don't want to blindly ask for donations from people because its a bit too strange for me but I want to offer incentives and a way for everyone who helped to experience the end result. For example, even if I get to perform more it won't affect anyone who does not see it.

Thanks for any help.

01-06-2013, 05:30 PM
This can be tricky.My experience is with event sponsorships,but maybe it will help you.

the way we worked it out for the water festival was that we had a list of possible sponsors related to the event and the board would call them. they explain the event and why it would be a good investment. they pay us, we put their logo on the banners, flyers, and speak about them."brought to you by:"
ive been told sending out letters in person to potential sponsors with a follow up call works well too.shows persistence.
sponsors will sponsor you if they feel you will get their company name out there so you have to get your talents noticed.
what are you trying to get sponsors for exactly?

02-01-2013, 09:56 PM
here is my thread on how to do a sponsorship (http://mernetwork.com/index/showthread.php?4256-how-to-do-a-sponsorship)