View Full Version : Lumiere Paint Not the Color I Pictured?

Mermaid Caidence
02-18-2013, 02:43 AM
So being on an Island in Canada, the only place to buy lumiere paint is three hours away. I got a bottle of Lumiere Paint Metallic Olive Green and Metallic Silver. It's supposed to look like this: http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h387/_Caitey_/Lumiere%20Paint/442401_zps0cdcfe8d.jpg
But when I put it on fabric it looks like this. It's the gold colored one in the upper Right Hand corner. Then I went and bought the Emerald color. That is the color on top of the Olive Green. It's also the other green color in the bottom.
Here's what they look like on paper.

So is this what the colors are supposed to look like, or am I just not adding enough layers or doing something wrong? The silver doesn't seem to have this problem.

02-18-2013, 04:41 AM
maybe try getting the opaque green you like and putting that on first, then putting a layer of the metallic over that...i am in germany and im having trouble finding lumiere...but i did find some mettalic fabric paint and it took me a while to realize its just not cutting it it terms of how bright it should be on the dark colored neoprene. SO i went back and stared looking at different paints and found that it ACTUALLY addresses this issue on the bottles, lol...some paints are considered opaque and ideal for dark fabrics while others are better suited for light colored fabrics; lol, maybe you could try that method to get that pretty green to show up the way you want it :)

Mermaid Caidence
02-18-2013, 05:38 PM
Well, what's interesting is, I tried painting on some white spandex and the gold color showed up, but when I turned it over the other side was dark green. I also painted over the gold color once it had dried and I got the right color. Maybe the green color is sinking into the fabric and the gold part isnt? Maybe this is only happening on neoprin? So I guess I need 2 layers of paint, and I have to let the first one dry. Does anyone else use two layers?

03-27-2013, 01:31 AM
There is a jacquard product that has the same qualities as lumiere but is formulated to cover dark surfaces, it's called neopaque. I am going to use this to prime my tail before adding a lighter coat of lumiere or a coat using extender (same base as both afore mentioned paints, as far as I can tell) and pearl ex dust, for a less stark metallic more iridescent finish. These are all products on the Jacquard site. I'm a newb at tails, but I have done a good bit if costuming and a lot of painting so I hope this helps!