View Full Version : Mer-Orca pod anyone?
New York Mermaid
08-18-2011, 10:24 PM
I know a few mermaids/men who either have or want to create an orca tail (im planning to have some made in the near future and i know Little Orca is in the process of making one herself) and are big fans of anything Orca. I'd love to be apart of a mer-orca pod, it would be interesting to have on here . So where are my Mer-Orca family at?:)
08-19-2011, 01:30 AM
08-19-2011, 02:05 AM
You know I'm working on a variation of orca for my tail ^_^
New York Mermaid
08-19-2011, 02:37 AM
LOL Yay for Orca Mers
08-19-2011, 03:15 AM
My main tail is going to be an orca tail! I will post pictures as soon as I get started...and hoping to make a final neoprene orca tail :)
I'm down with have a orca-mer pod :)
Taylor is a Mermaid
08-19-2011, 09:45 AM
Now all we need to do is get all of you together for a photo shoot nomming some seals in the arctic. I'll be in the wetsuit taking pictures.
New York Mermaid
08-19-2011, 12:17 PM
:) we need a photo shoot of the mer- orcas sliding up on a tails raised in the air,now if we only had mer-seals just a friendly chase, nothing too bad:)
08-19-2011, 01:22 PM
Might come as some surprise but I'm all for this!
New York Mermaid
08-20-2011, 10:49 AM
LOL Matt
Anita Mermaid
01-26-2012, 03:43 PM
Gonna be an orca soon, HI
Mermaid Lorelei
01-26-2012, 03:53 PM
I've been planning on an Orca tail as my third tail. :P
01-26-2012, 04:19 PM
Orcas do have a very striking appearance (all things considered, though, my favorite cetacean remains the narwal), and the idea of an "interest" pod instead of just a regional one is intriguing. I wonder what others one could come up with.
Mermaid Saphira
01-26-2012, 05:05 PM
PICK ME!! *jumps up and down* OOO,OOO PICK ME! I WANNA JOIN!
Anita Mermaid
01-26-2012, 08:02 PM
Can I be your orca tailmaker guys?
Anita Mermaid
01-26-2012, 08:13 PM
Thats nine Orcas so far. Lets finish our tails and post pics here later. Then, Orcas that are local to each other meet up for pics. Sound good? Lets shoot to get this done in a month.
Mermaid Saphira
01-26-2012, 08:17 PM
^ Whoooaaa! I haven't even started my tail! LOL u are a little excited aren't u? :D
Anita Mermaid
01-26-2012, 08:36 PM
That's my general disposition. EXCITED! :yay:
01-26-2012, 09:25 PM
*sigh* if it would satisfy i'll make a mer-seal tail because i love them
Mermaid Saphira
01-26-2012, 09:48 PM
^ LOL! I <3 u Freckles! U r just so adorable :)
01-27-2012, 01:35 AM
The next tail I am going to work on, which will fit my competitor fin, will be my first orca tail! If the one works, a neoprene one is next :)
New York Mermaid
01-27-2012, 01:57 AM
LOL everyone here is apart of the Mer-orca pod,
@Freckled kisses I would love to see your ideas :) Ill send you one of mine via pm when i get this computer scanner actually working
Mermaid Saphira
01-31-2012, 08:56 PM
Researching material for my orca tail right now! :)
Mermaid Saphira
01-31-2012, 09:01 PM
Just got done with a design! I'll post pictures tomorrow :)
01-31-2012, 09:14 PM
This is an awesome idea, my only concern is with the idea of calling it a pod. All the other pods are based on location, and are intended for people to be able to meet as a group. And with the exception of people that consider two places home, people are basically in one pod, representing where they live.
This is a group based on sharing a similar style of tail, so if it was a pod it could really confuse people as to what the pods are exactly. I think it would be better to call this something other than a pod to avoid confusion, like the Orca Club, or the Orca Tribe, or the Society of Orcinus or something. I could try to help make a logo for the group if you want. You guys would look pretty awesome as your own little group at conventions.
01-31-2012, 09:31 PM
This is an awesome idea, my only concern is with the idea of calling it a pod. All the other pods are based on location, and are intended for people to be able to meet as a group. And with the exception of people that consider two places home, people are basically in one pod, representing where they live.
This is a group based on sharing a similar style of tail, so if it was a pod it could really confuse people as to what the pods are exactly. I think it would be better to call this something other than a pod to avoid confusion, like the Orca Club, or the Orca Tribe, or the Society of Orcinus or something. I could try to help make a logo for the group if you want. You guys would look pretty awesome as your own little group at conventions.
What about, instead of pods, schools, like a school of fish? The Orca School, the Betta School, the Koi/Goldfish School, the Shark School, the Dolphin School, the Cephalopod School, etc? Performances at a mer convention of several mers from one school might be really impressive.
01-31-2012, 09:54 PM
The Orca SchoolFish have schools! Orcas have pods. If anything, it's the fish who should change! :P
I don't speak for the others here, but I kind of like to think there's more to it than just 'being interested in the same kind of tail'. Otherwise, why aren't 'people with blue tails' banding together?
01-31-2012, 11:39 PM
Fish have schools! Orcas have pods. If anything, it's the fish who should change! :P
In my opinion I think that the term pod should apply to all merfolk, and it shouldn't be based simply on whatever species the lower body bears a resemblance to. Mermaids have plenty of mammalian traits- hell, the word mammal comes from the latin "mamma", as in mammary. You know, boobs. Mermaids certainly have boobs!
Even if you wanted to debate the biology, and you could, cause there are versions where they lay eggs, versions where they have vertical tails, versions where they're hairless, ect, the fact is that schools aren't social or communal groups. They're just a crowd that's moving in synchronization due to the evolutionary advantages of moving as a group. But unlike pods, schools of fish don't stay together for long periods of time or have language or culture or anything, while pods do. So based on the functional and cultural and social aspects of what a pod is, I think it applies to a group of merfolk.
Anyway, about what to call the group, I think there are a bunch of good terms for cultural groups that would avoid the confusion that calling this a pod might cause. What about a club, or a tribe, or a society, or a clan, or a family...
New York Mermaid
01-31-2012, 11:53 PM
Lol at the mermaids/boobs comment Malinghi:D
I never realy meant for it to be placed like that but I guess i meant how many merfolks on here were planning to make a mermaid tail its a worldwide "pod/clan/family"- but "Mer- Orca Society" or "Mer-Orca Clan"- I'm open to it.
I think "Mer-OrcaClan" would be better considering the meaning of it :
"group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent."
02-01-2012, 12:01 AM
Thoughts?Well, I did say ":P" Still, here mermaids have pods because we declared they do, and that's fine. Orcas always had pods.
I could get behind 'tribe'. Or 'cabal'. Or 'syndicate'!
New York Mermaid
02-01-2012, 12:07 AM
mers joined together by their interest/love of orcas..
@Matt *cough cough*still a pod *cough*
Kidding :p
02-01-2012, 12:12 AM
Seems there's enough difference in the names to prevent confusion between regional and interest pods.
Mermaid Saphira
02-01-2012, 01:39 PM
Okay so...I got a test swatch for this (
It seems to hold up pretty well in the water
The fabric stretches just enough and is super
easy to sew. + I really love the shine to it :)
02-01-2012, 01:44 PM
Okay so...I got a test swatch for this ( long did the swatch take to arrive?
02-01-2012, 05:57 PM
Actually, it turns out that it is perfectly acceptable in English to refer to a group of whales as a gam of whales, a herd of whales, a pod of whales or a school of whales. Dolphins are usually referred to as pods, and while orcas are part of that family, they are still referred to as killer whales, for the most part. I like "school" because it can imply a philosophy and mutual interest (as in a school of thought, school of martial arts, etc) as opposed to a clan (which has negative connotations thanks to the KKK), and both clan and tribe involve a concept of heritage and bloodline, though I do prefer tribe better. Anyone know any Inuit/Aleutian terms for tribe?
Mermaid Saphira
02-01-2012, 06:25 PM
OrcaMatt- I had ordered it last week and it got here today :)
I was surfing google when I found this...
The tail was made by
03-17-2012, 06:29 AM
Love this idea. What a cool sight it would be to see a bunch of orca merfolk swimming together!
03-17-2012, 12:59 PM
I actually have a half-finished orca tail with a standing dorsal fin if anyone's interested.
I can take the final measurements but it was set to fit my cousin and she's a pretty tall chick. I sort of abandoned the project and it's been laying around unused.
I have a monofin for it too, I'll have to check all the measurements and stuff and get back to you guys- these photos are about a year old now.
03-17-2012, 03:10 PM
I actually have a half-finished orca tail with a standing dorsal fin if anyone's interested.
I can take the final measurements but it was set to fit my cousin and she's a pretty tall chick. I sort of abandoned the project and it's been laying around unused.
I have a monofin for it too, I'll have to check all the measurements and stuff and get back to you guys- these photos are about a year old now. Is. Awesome! :D
What is it made out of?
03-17-2012, 03:21 PM
@Kanti - That IS Awesome! How tall of a person is it made for and what is it made out of?
Other thoughts - I think we're a little different than people banding together because of tail colour. We are lovers of using a mammal as our bottom portion instead of the traditional fish.
Anyways, I like the sound of 'cabal'. And Orca Cabal? Yes please!
03-17-2012, 04:27 PM
It's an Alex and neoprene tail. The fin has a wire fed through it so it can be bent and stuff. Still, it's a bit difficult to size properly because of the fin.
The following are halved measurements. For the full circumference just multiply by 2.
The widest part around the waist is 38.5"
Widest part around the calves is 22"
Shortest part around the ankles is 15.2"
The length of the tail from approx waist to approx ankles is about 35-36"
However, it is still left open. I never got to sew it closed on her so you could adjust it plus or minus a few inches.
Those measurements are just the ideal since that's what I centered the pattern on.
The shoe size for the monofin I have is just a tad big on me so I'd say its about 8-9 women's
Of course, you could just attach your own monofin to it.
03-18-2012, 02:47 AM
Alright, so I doubt it will help anyone here in their orca-izing endeavors, but I ran across this and thought it was preeeeeetty darned cute, had to share in case anyone had a kiddo that might dig it. It's a swim assist vest with an Orca fin ( :) They have white shark, dolphin, pink dolphin, and clown fish too, and also life vests with the fins, too. Click here ( to see all the ones I found.
Oh, wait, they also have angelfish if you go to the company's website instead of SwimOutlet's. Click here ( for that.
New York Mermaid
03-18-2012, 02:55 AM
interesting, I figure though I dont want a straight dorsal fin, i want mine bent a bit, just to be "different" i'd love to see other mer orcas with their own dorsal/fluke and tail in general style.. either way fabric, Latex, silicone- straight, wavy or curled,- big flukes or small, black gray or white.. we're all Mer-Orcas
Mermaid Luna
04-10-2012, 03:54 AM
I actually have a half-finished orca tail with a standing dorsal fin if anyone's interested.
I can take the final measurements but it was set to fit my cousin and she's a pretty tall chick. I sort of abandoned the project and it's been laying around unused.
I have a monofin for it too, I'll have to check all the measurements and stuff and get back to you guys- these photos are about a year old now.
No, for real, Kanti, you have no idea what seeing that first photo elicited from me. The reaction sort of resembled this: 2414
And I'm so totally part of this group of mers! =D Keiko was one of my childhood heroes, and to be able to honor his memory with being a mermaid...omgIdon'teven *explodes with happy*.
Maybe I shouldn't have had two glasses of Mountain Dew plus sour gummies before reading this...:rolleyes:
New York Mermaid
05-15-2012, 12:52 AM
LOL wayy to much sugar high there, but your a welcome member of course, I know quite a bit about orcas and dolphins, My favorite orca well male anyway use to be Kanduke, but then 1993 it became and always is Tillikum. I did a behind the scenes and we got to touch his fluke and giant fin.. It was love at first
I see him every year because i love that big lug.. I plan to make a tail soon, but it has to wait of course :( just like everyone else on here we are all impatient mers here But im so glad there are many mer- orcas here.
07-13-2012, 05:07 AM
While my first tail will most certainly be of the fish variety, I would love to be a part of this group as I plan to make an orca one eventually.
Mermaid Gosalyn
08-01-2012, 12:57 AM
Oh, I am most definetely a mer-orca! I have loved orcas for as long as I can remember, and I hope one day to be able to have an orca inspired tail. Mine will probably be purple and gold instead of black and white, does that still count? lol Maybe some sort of hybrid tail with a super flowy fluke would be nice too!
New York Mermaid
08-01-2012, 01:07 AM
welcome to the pod :)
Mermaid Gosalyn
08-01-2012, 03:40 PM
Thanks! I also would like a seal tail at some point, so I'd be up for a little 'chase' sometime.
Mermaid Bella
10-07-2012, 06:15 PM
OMG MERSEAL RIGHT HERE!!! I don't think the orca pod Will work as it seems the whole forum is joining lol
MerOrca over here!!! I love orca's sooooo dang much, and i wont even begin with how many orca trinkets and stuffed animals i have! I really want an orca tail at some point, as i know many of you guys do too. So count me in, Whales Forever!
New York Mermaid
10-07-2012, 11:30 PM
lol Yays, theres a few of them on here, its funny though, most of the NE/NY pod are full of mer-orcas :D
Funny, in a YouTube video of yours, didnt you say that you, Merman Shawn, JV the Merwhale and a couple of others (all from New York) call yourselves the Orca Pod? if so, coincidence! :)
10-09-2012, 11:01 PM
I would love to see a full body seal suit. Then we would see who could catch who!
New York Mermaid
10-09-2012, 11:06 PM
Well JV, Orcamatt and I want to be Orca merpeoples, We are technically an "orca pod" but we're still people so mer-orcas. JV already has his unique Orca mertail. I have yet to have mine done, and i think Orcamatt is still working on his. Colorful or not we are still Mer-orcas :D
10-10-2012, 02:34 AM
I would love to be a part of this! I love all Cetaceans and porpoises! I plan on making a "dolphin shaped fluke" tail!
12-01-2012, 12:17 PM
I agree!! There should totally be a "Cetacean Pod"
12-01-2012, 12:44 PM
WHALES!!!! I am so in!
12-02-2012, 12:11 AM
I agree!! There should totally be a "Cetacean Pod"
I do have a unicorn horn or two... I bet a narwhal mer would look interesting as well.
New York Mermaid
12-02-2012, 12:31 AM
Im cool with a Mer-Orca/Mer-cetacean pod :D
All are welcome Id love to hear more about your ideas, thoughts and of course loves of cetaceans, their so beautiful and awesome.
01-08-2013, 07:58 PM
Hey, and there I was thinking cetacean mers weren't a popular thing! Scaly tails might be spectacular, but why should they get all the attention? ;)
02-21-2013, 06:57 AM
ME! I planned on having my third tail be an Orca tail. The first two I wanted more of a fish look to it, but Orca has always been a tail I eventually plan on getting. I also planned on getting a dolphin tail after that sometime.
03-06-2013, 04:49 AM
I don't know if anyone here plays Pathfinder, but your orca tails remind me of Cetaceals from their second beastiary. Here is what the Pathfinder SRD says about them and also here is a picture for you guys. :)
"Cetaceals are great water dwelling agathions who swim the planar seas and commune with the creatures of the deeps. Rarely seen by landwalkers, they defend the waters against aquatic evils such as aboleths. Their spirits usually were those of great mortal leaders of aquatic or coastal tribes, or good folk who died underwater serving some great cause, reborn in a celestial form that is part humanoid, part orca. They are social beings and develop close friendships with other celestials and marine creatures."
03-06-2013, 05:00 AM
:) we need a photo shoot of the mer- orcas sliding up on a tails raised in the air,now if we only had mer-seals just a friendly chase, nothing too bad:)
Haha! Well, I'm making a selkie tail for my show Mystic Water. Does that count?
07-27-2013, 01:05 AM
Planning on doing an orca tail at one point :D it would be amazing, especially since orcas are what I'm planning to study but I'm going to base my first one off the spotted dolphin.
07-27-2013, 01:25 AM
I finished my Orca Tail last night.
Never thought I'd make one, but when working on my seakrait tail, I experimented with white-and-black colour concepts, and the idea struck me.
I thought an Orca wouldn't look silly with a big fluke, so now I have a tail to put my competitor in :)
I'm still ill, so I can't post a nice pic yet.
(Could upload one stranded in a messy house though :p)
All in all, it's quite funny, because I'm very scared of orcas lol.
New York Mermaid
07-27-2013, 03:03 AM
ive been looking at dusky/White-sided dolphins color markings and even dalls porpoises for a black/white tail. I love orcas, but i want something with a but more.. flare First, I have an orca tail design in mind though.
07-27-2013, 06:51 AM
Yeah that's what I was thinking, especially for my first tail. But can you imagine swimming next to a pod off wild orca in a tail and studying their reaction to something possibly completely new to them?
And I can't wait to see it caltuna! Hope you feel better soon! :)
07-29-2013, 01:29 AM
Looks like I won't be able to go swim for at least another week, so I just load up a land-shot of the tail
nothing fancy, and only loosely reminiscent of an orca, which I'm totally ok with :D
New York Mermaid
07-29-2013, 02:48 AM
its a unique take, i like it
Mermaid Laurell
08-22-2014, 11:50 PM
Hi!! I'm totally a Mer-Orca!! They're my favorite animal in the world and have been for as long as I could remember. :D I'm working on an Orca tail design right now! :dance:
Tasha Mermaid
01-06-2015, 07:39 PM
Awww i totally love this idea, always wanted to have an orca tail as well....but Australia...not sure if there is any other Mer-Orcas for taking phoyos with 😕
Tasha Mermaid
01-06-2015, 07:41 PM
I don't know if anyone here plays Pathfinder, but your orca tails remind me of Cetaceals from their second beastiary. Here is what the Pathfinder SRD says about them and also here is a picture for you guys. :)
"Cetaceals are great water dwelling agathions who swim the planar seas and commune with the creatures of the deeps. Rarely seen by landwalkers, they defend the waters against aquatic evils such as aboleths. Their spirits usually were those of great mortal leaders of aquatic or coastal tribes, or good folk who died underwater serving some great cause, reborn in a celestial form that is part humanoid, part orca. They are social beings and develop close friendships with other celestials and marine creatures."
Thats totally how ive always pictured my "Mer-Orca" self looking like....i want full body 😍
01-06-2015, 07:55 PM
OMG an orca thread! :D (Still new and finding threads to keep an eye on.) If/when I get a tail, it will be an orca tail for sure.
01-06-2015, 08:00 PM
Hee hee! Orca love! My Bluefish tail is orca-based, it has a dorsal fin and a saddle patch. You can see pics on my website here: It's also the tail I'm wearing in my icon. ^_^
01-07-2015, 03:54 AM
@SarKatsha *giggles* funny I find you here!
I was going to make a post like this! *excitedly reads thred*
Orca mer here! Looking into Neoprene fabrics locally to sew up my first tail/suit and i'm determined to get a dorsal fin on it.
New York Mermaid
01-07-2015, 04:09 AM
Hehe yay more orca mers around. I know one of my pod members was at merfest with an orca tail as well oh and my friend marla made one too. so 2 orca mers were at merfest !! We will take over soon :)
09-11-2017, 07:48 PM
I just joined here yesterday and I noticed most of the post here are a couple yrs old, but I'm definitely interested in being part of an orca-pod.
01-10-2018, 03:17 PM
Where there's a whale there's a maid right??[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
Sent from my [device_name] using MerNetwork mobile app
Sam is here
04-05-2018, 12:10 PM
more orca mers :D
Im ordering neoprene soon and it'll be an orca tail c:
Kelpie Thyra
02-26-2020, 10:02 PM
imma little late for the discussion... but as a black and white horse, orca tail fits quite right to describe the Kelpie
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