View Full Version : Scared to get my fins wet

04-19-2013, 01:09 AM

I'm a new mer and I'm scared about wearing a tail to the pool for the first time, as I get looks now just wearing the monofin.

Did anyone go through the same thing? and how do you get passed it?


(sorry if this is the wrong section)

04-19-2013, 01:31 AM
I don't have a tail as yet, but I've worn my fin out a few times.
you just ignore the looks. They're just jealous.

the first time I wore mine was in a sea lake (sea water getting pumped into a man made lake, very VERY salty) and I had 2 little girls come and have a look at the fin and touch it. They were a bit confused as to why I had a fin but no tail (I have an Oceanika) I just told them I was a mermaid in training :)

04-19-2013, 01:42 AM
Hehe, I'd like to think/do that but I'd just probably go hide behind a rock >_<, silly me being shy.

Aww that's cute, once training is finished you get the tail :D.

04-19-2013, 01:48 AM
Aww that's cute, once training is finished you get the tail :D.

That was the idea :)

04-19-2013, 01:56 AM
Where abouts are you in Adelaide, Ilyena? :) If you're ever nervous, its always easier to swim with other mermaids! :D Theres another mermaid meet-and-greet on May the 11th at North Adelaide Aquatic centre, otherwise you can always get in contact with me, Mermaid Miel or Mermaid Araylia as we are always swimming :)

As for swiming by yourself, sometimes all you gota do is just GO for it! haha! I started mermaiding alone, before I even knew there were other mermaids in Adelaide. It was a little nerve-wracking, but because I was so determind to do it I didnt mind the stares. Now the lifeguards at the pool know me as 'the mermaid girl' :P You just gota find the courage and go for it! Because you will love every second you're in the water, and the stares wont even matter. :)

04-19-2013, 02:04 AM
Up north, Munno Para way. Saturdays are busy for me but I'll try >_<. It would be nice to swim with others to take the nerves away.

I'm sure after the first time it will be fine but initially....yea. Though im a bit weary about people's perspective about a 'typical' mer as my tail is black and red...far from the colourful creatures most think of.

Dive in head first, literally XD. Thank you though ^_^

04-19-2013, 02:08 AM
haha, I know that feeling! Saturdays are usually my less-free day, but I always make room for the mermaid meets! Normally I swim on Sunday mornings at the Aquatic centre if ever you want to join me :) Often I'm just in my monofin, though, as I do freediving training most of the time. haha!

You'll be fine, I know that when you finally do it you'll feel so wonderful and wonder why you were ever worried! :D <3

04-19-2013, 02:17 AM
I'll see how it goes and if I end up moving or not :).

I hope to reach that feeling one day soon ^_^ <3

Mermaid Octavia
04-19-2013, 08:26 AM
I know the feeling about not being a "typical" mer! My tail is black and purple and is shark-themed. So you're definitely not alone there!

04-19-2013, 09:48 AM
Yay. Sounds gorgeous ^_^