View Full Version : So frustrated I'm fed up

06-12-2013, 11:05 AM
So after literally no mer was biting on buying my mertailor tail (can't say I blame them) I decided to gut the fluke and try to fix it myself to see if I could salvage his shotty worksmanship. I have seriously (I think) tried every tip, trick, and suggestion I have come across or been given. NOTHING works!!! Idk if it's the neoprin....I'm assuming yes, that's what he used...it's always been to big and stretches forever never to return again. (For instance, since I got it, it fits my husband better than me. Weird considering I copy any pasted the measurements to fish butts and that tail fits like a glove hmm..) I tried latex, silicone, BOTTLES of e6000 (all of which were rolling pinned through. some with heat, some with weights), I inserted drainage tubes, I tried elastic for the waist issue. So is there ANY other ideas for what I can do to make this thing work. Otherwise it's going up on my wall as a cool (and very expensive) living room decoration.

Mermaid Varshana
06-12-2013, 11:35 AM
Sooooooo glad I went with Mermaid Shelly and not this dude. Seriously...


06-12-2013, 06:29 PM
I think you've tried everything :( I'm really sorry you've had that experience and I can relate

06-12-2013, 07:03 PM