View Full Version : More Mer-Mini Series on Youtube!

06-21-2013, 11:47 PM
Yep! I am here, shamelessly advertising my series due for release early next year. You may all be sitting here and wondering 'why such a long wait?' Well I am here to not only advertise my new series but also explain all that! Basically I'm trying to build an audience before the series airs to try and boost it's success rate.

Q. What is your series name?
A. Mer-Crazy (copy right, trademark, all that junk don't steal it) (like in my user name)

Q. Why chose Mer-Crazy?
A. Basically I went into this trying to make mermaids logical. If it doesn't make sense to me then it doesn't happen. So things like 'humans finding magic pools/spells/rocks/potions etc and getting fins doesn't happen, touching water won't cause humans to get tails, no magical mermaid powers, no talking to sea life, and they cannot get legs by getting dry. I understand this may lose me viewers, because I refuse to do some of those cliché things that make no sense to me, but I'm hoping the path I'm taking will also gain me viewers because of it's uniqueness. You will also notice instantly we're all a bit older than your average 'mermaid series', late teens.

Q. What's the plot?
A. It's about 3 human friends who find an injured mermaid washed up on a beach one day and spend the series keeping her a secret. There is a big reason here for why we only have one mermaid and that will be explained in the next section.

Q. Why will it take so long?
A. Well, firstly I do not do things by halves, meaning we will be filming with a semi-professional camera with proper audio recording devices and a good quality underwater filming camera. Our mermaid's tail is also professionally made (not a fabric tail over a monofin) and is still in the process of being constructed. So the expenses are rather high (our producer estimates she will be $3500 out of pocket before this venture even begins). That is one thing, the fact we are currently without a mermaid tail is second. Third it's currently winter here and too cold to do a lot of the water shots we'd need. Fourth the plot is in-depth and the scripts usually take about a week to write. So rather than rushing we thought we'd take our time and make sure YOU as a viewer got a high-quality product.

Q. What Equipment do you use?
Our tail will be coming from the lovely Raven of Merbellas <3 It is only a basic tail, but with a competitor monofin upgrade.
We'll be using a Canon 60D for the land filming and a GoPro hero 3 black edition for the water filming.
We have an external vidpro 14" shotgun unidirectional condenser microphone for sound recording.
We will be using Corel VideoStudio pro X4 for editing (we do have adobe premier but our editor feels more comfortable using the other program so there may be a bit of swapping ever now and then)
And we will be filming in the Tweed Valley region of northern NSW Australia.

Q. Where can I find Mer-Crazy?
A. Our Producer is crazy into this idea, so she's developed social media for this series all over the place. So far a lot of them are not being used (or just very quiet) but once we receive our tail she said she will start posting things like crazy. In the meantime here are our links:
mer-crazy.tumblr.com (http://mer-crazy.tumblr.com)

We will also be opening a CafePress shop if we gather enough interest.

Fell free to ask any other questions you might have, just post below and I'll be happy to reply <3

06-22-2013, 06:57 AM
Not another H2O clone? Then I'll watch.

Mermaid Julianne
06-22-2013, 11:10 AM
Yes! This is exactly the kind of show that needs to be on youtube, not the h20 copycats. I will definitely will be watching out for this.

Mermaid Julianne
06-22-2013, 11:11 AM
Oh, and welcome to the forum!

Mermaid Allie
06-22-2013, 05:46 PM
Count on me watching this!

06-22-2013, 10:23 PM
Sounds like it's going to be worth watching! I'm looking forward to it :D

07-22-2013, 06:48 PM
I will definitely look forward to it. No more "Guess what?! I found this mystical pond, and there was this locket and the this morning I spilled water on myself and grew a tail!"

07-22-2013, 08:19 PM
WOW! It sounds like a ton of work--who's making the tail? It sounds AMAZING!

07-22-2013, 11:00 PM
some specs:
Our tail will be coming from the lovely Raven of Merbellas <3 It is only a basic tail, but with a competitor monofin upgrade.
We'll be using a Canon 60D for the land filming and a GoPro hero 3 black edition for the water filming.
We have an external vidpro 14" shotgun unidirectional condenser microphone for sound recording.
We will be using Corel VideoStudio pro X4 for editing (we do have adobe premier but our editor feels more comfortable using the other program so there may be a bit of swapping ever now and then)
And we will be filming in the Tweed Valley region of northern NSW Australia.

07-22-2013, 11:16 PM
Cool, I can't wait to check it out. When is the estimated date for the first episode? I can't wait to see one of Raven's tails on the show, one of the things that annoys me about most mermaid shows and movies is the crappy tails that they use. Or the horrible CG tails.

07-22-2013, 11:32 PM
Like I said above we probably won't start airing episodes until late this year or early next year (as it is we can't start shooting until late August because we don't have all our equipment yet) but the biggest problem is that 2 of our girls go to university (collage), our Mer works full time and our boy is in his last year of school with a lot of exams. So the hardest thing is trying to get them all in one place at the same time. Not to mention we don't actually have our tail or an underwater filming camera yet and it's the middle of winter, so it's too cold to film water shots anyway. ATM the only thing that's ready is about 5 of the 10 episode scripts.

However there will probably be a lot of updates and trailers and teaser videos out before then :)

07-22-2013, 11:36 PM
Yay for trailers! Stinks that we have to wait but it's understandable :) I'm just incredibly impatient when I get excited about something lol

Mermaid Caspiana
07-23-2013, 12:33 AM
I'm so excited to see an older more advanced non-cliche mermaid show. I'm so excited! Can't wait! I'm also trying to make a deep story line and mine is also non-cliche. So happy for you and excited for the trailors let alone the ac

Mermaid Caspiana
07-23-2013, 12:33 AM
tual show! Good luck and hope everything goes well! Be sure to post updates and pictures as you go and also behind the scenes and such! :)

08-06-2013, 11:27 PM
Hey guys! Things are coming together! So our mic should arrive within the week! After that we can get to filming land shots! Alas I won't be able to buy the underwater camera for some time, due to some major things I've had to pay off. I should have it by November. Until then here are some pics of our other cast members and our mer's eventual tail. (Once she gets it we will have land shots I promise! Even though she's super self conscious.)
http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu20/Midna-Phobia/IMG_2803_zps7095151b.jpg (http://s629.photobucket.com/user/Midna-Phobia/media/IMG_2803_zps7095151b.jpg.html)

http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu20/Midna-Phobia/IMG_25982_zps71ac6044.jpg (http://s629.photobucket.com/user/Midna-Phobia/media/IMG_25982_zps71ac6044.jpg.html)

http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu20/Midna-Phobia/IMG_2121_zpse1839c92.jpg (http://s629.photobucket.com/user/Midna-Phobia/media/IMG_2121_zpse1839c92.jpg.html)

http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu20/Midna-Phobia/IMG_19522_zps5918eea3.jpg (http://s629.photobucket.com/user/Midna-Phobia/media/IMG_19522_zps5918eea3.jpg.html)

http://i629.photobucket.com/albums/uu20/Midna-Phobia/starry_zps01bc9d9a.jpg (http://s629.photobucket.com/user/Midna-Phobia/media/starry_zps01bc9d9a.jpg.html)

Gem Stone
08-07-2013, 12:22 AM
cant wait!

Mermaid Caspiana
08-07-2013, 12:40 AM
Excited! Can't wait to see a realistic show! My friends and I are trying to. We have a hige backstory and details and such. The writers are myself and my friend and we are both writers. But she is more short story and I am more novels. Lol
But you'll have to keep us updated on the show and air dates! :)

08-07-2013, 12:50 AM
Sounds great! Can't wait for more :)