View Full Version : How to take mer-photos?

Mermaid Azira
06-23-2013, 12:34 PM
Hi, I know I've been gone for a while, a lots going on in my life right now. I searched for a similar thread but I couldn't find one, but sorry if there is.
My family is taking a trip to Costa Rica in the fall and I would really love to be able to have neat mer pictures. But I can't have like a photographer come and take professional pictures, so people like my parents will have too. Anyways any tips on how to take cool photos? I was looking at photos of where we are going and there are many cool places, like bays of mangrove trees, beaches, etc.

06-23-2013, 01:29 PM
Stay out of the direct sunlight. If possible scope out possible locations first and note the lighting. Early morning and late afternoon, and just before sunset is usually really nice lighting. Wear some accessories, jewelry, hair pretties, and makeup is a must. A little heavier than everyday makeup. Practice your poses in advance and facial expressions in the mirror. Good luck!

06-23-2013, 02:18 PM
thanks for posting this! <3 I'll probaly never get hold of a photographer and will ask my parents/family for help taking the pictures :p

06-23-2013, 02:27 PM
If you have a digital camera, then there wont be a problem with wasting film with my method... have the photographer just take pictures. The pictures I get are sometimes posed, but some of my favorites are candid. They are times when I look more natural, more like I belong in the environment versus 'sitting pretty' and holding myself in an unnatural position.

Mermaid Azira
06-23-2013, 03:25 PM
Thanks! I guess I will practice poses while still trying to be natural. When I have taken underwater pictures I always end up really funky. I guess it will have to be more on land. Does anyone know how to make your tail look more realistic in photos. I have a magictail.

06-23-2013, 03:31 PM
Does anyone know how to make your tail look more realistic in photos. I have a magictail.

I have a magictail, and I have found that the thing that makes it appear the most unrealistic is the fact that the heels are super noticeable on these tails for some reason. I try to keep my feet super straight to minimize the appearance of the heels. Other than that, just be natural and don't try to hard to pose.

06-23-2013, 04:24 PM
Thanks! I guess I will practice poses while still trying to be natural. When I have taken underwater pictures I always end up really funky. I guess it will have to be more on land. Does anyone know how to make your tail look more realistic in photos. I have a magictail.
Digital touchups ;)

06-23-2013, 04:52 PM
Stay out of the direct sunlight. If possible scope out possible locations first and note the lighting. Early morning and late afternoon, and just before sunset is usually really nice lighting. Wear some accessories, jewelry, hair pretties, and makeup is a must. A little heavier than everyday makeup. Practice your poses in advance and facial expressions in the mirror. Good luck!

Just curious here...why is makeup a must?

Mermaid Oshun
06-23-2013, 04:55 PM
I don't think makeup is a must for kids. I think she was saying that if you normally wear makeup, you can use a heavier hand because it won't show up as much in photos

06-23-2013, 06:07 PM
Just curious here...why is makeup a must?

It really isn't.
There are many people who look just as good without, or even better.

Matter of taste; imo, a certain kind of usual "human" make-up- for example, red lipstick-
looks way too unnatural on a "mermaid".
Much better to use pastel tones, and maybe some glitter to appear really faery-like and aquatic.

As for base; if you have a healthy, nice skin, you most certainly don't need that :)

06-23-2013, 06:40 PM
Just as a pro photog input, I always recommend heavier makeup for photo shoots...the reasoning being that the camera will wash you out and make your features appear "bland." It can also make you appear more pale than you actually are.

Quick tip: Save the "glitter" for appearances, you do NOT want to use it in a photoshoot. It shows up in portraits as white specks all over that you may have to pay your photographer extra to photoshop out - same with body jewels...they rarely show up as faceted in real life and can end up looking like big pimples, lol. Steer clear of anything shiny, sparkly or glittery - it doesn't translate to film. Matte makeup, lip and cheek stain and waterproof mascara are best.

06-23-2013, 07:27 PM
well, if you have a look at all the gorgeous pics in the "show your tails"-thread, many of them are without any make-up, and they look great :)
nothing beats natural imo, if you can pull it off.
By "glitter" I was thinking of something looking like SireniaSolaris did with her fantastic fairy-do
(I hope you don't mind if I put it up here as an example for great non-human looking make-up):


Winged Mermaid
06-23-2013, 07:46 PM
Makeup isn't a must for non pro shoots. For pro shoots with lighting, makeup is better. For people like me? A must. Without makeup pro or non pro shoots wash out and my face doesn't look right since there's almost no distinguishing colors from the pale paste that is my skin lol

For tips I'd say try all kinds of positions and angles! Have the person shooting just take shots continuously unless you tell them to stop so you can reposition or whatever. With photoshoots you can take dozens of photos and end up with 1 or 2 good ones. Don't be afraid to boss your family or friend acting as photographer around a bit (nicely of course) to get different angles. And ask them to give you feedback. Stuff like "don't tilt you head back so far" "angle your fluke a little more to the left" "try a different expression" "relax your shoulders" ect More than anything just have FUN with it! The more you stress the more it shows on film I've found.

Christopher Chandler
06-23-2013, 10:35 PM
Makeup will save you when we use professional lighting and cameras we are able to capture greater detail and skin tones. If we can get a great shoot and don't have to do alot of photoshop magic the end results are always better.

06-23-2013, 10:48 PM
No make up for kids obviously. I photograph alot of dancers and whether natural or studio lighting, if they are not wearing makeup they just look washed out. For dancers it looks more professional. Don't go over board, but I suggest at least some eyeshadow, even if neutral colors, liner, mascara, lipstick. Pick colors that work for you, just a bit darker then what you might normally wear. False eyelashes are good too. Even if its not a pro shoot, it still can make a big difference in the final outcome of the photo. If you just want some quickie snapshots, then you dont need to worry or prepare, but if you want to try and get some good pics even if they aren't pro you can still end up w/ some great shots if you prepare. LOL. My pro camera broke one year at the beach and I had to use my point and shoot. Obviously the quality was not as good, but they still came out pretty good b/c I had makeup on and did my hair, ect. And a little color boosting filters either in photoshop or another editing program and you can make a basic image outstanding! I agree stay away from glitter esp on the eyes, it doesnt always photograph well. Obviously some of this stuff is for land shots, if you plan to swim, you can opt out of makeup or still wear light, just make sure its waterproof. (just my 2 cents) :D

Mermaid Azira
06-24-2013, 12:13 PM
Thanks everyone! I can't wait to take mer-pictures! I think I will take some here first to practice and then hopefully I will be able to get some good ones in Costa Rica! I don't usually wear makeup but I think I might for pictures. Now just to find someone who is willing to take pictures. *talks mom into it*