View Full Version : My brother inlaw just past away

06-29-2013, 01:44 PM
Truth be told I am not a very emotional person. But from what has happened an how it happened makes me very sad. My brother inlaw was a sex offender but he did his time in jail. I know that there is no need for them to be around, but how he died was needless an cruel. About alittle over a month ago we took him to our camper on my gf's mother's property to stay. While he was there he was not allowed to leave the camper in anyway shape or form. This was due to her uncle not allowing her brother to leave the camper by the threat of bodily harm by him an his friends. Well today as of 11:45 am he passed away. From what I have been told his stomach was the size of a walnut when he was admitted into the hospital. A few days before he went into the hospital be begged his uncle for just a glass of water an his uncle told him to leave an he called him all types of names. Due to his condition he was having seizures from lack of food an water. He was on 14 different types of medication just to keep him from just having seizures an also receiving 100% O2. Even though he was a sex offender nobody deserves to die like that. I have called the police on the behalf of my GF (his sister) an they are looking into it.

06-29-2013, 04:31 PM
I'm glad you can come here and talk about it. I hope you'll give yourself some tender care today. Take it easy, try to remember the good. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Mermaid Tula
06-29-2013, 07:13 PM
That's so inhumane. I agree, he may have been a sex offender, but no one deserves to be treated like that. The only choices left to him being starve or get beaten is ridiculous. I'm glad that you contacted the police. That's involuntary manslaughter as well as essentially death threats. That makes me sick that human can do that to another human. I agree with Deep. Take some time for yourself and remember the good.