View Full Version : Non-Mermaid Aquatic Being Performance...

Fathom delMar
06-30-2013, 03:06 PM
Has anyone thought of, or actually done, any modeling or performing as a non-mermaid aquatic being? Ie. a finned/aquatic-humanish-looking Atlantian that doesn't have a mermaid's tail. I was considering this when I was first looking into making SPFX prosthetics for my mermaid costume. I was thinking about doing it as a "while I'm waiting" kind of thing for however long it will take to make/buy a tail, and also possibly of continuing it on the side once I do get mermaiding. I was just curious if anyone else had tried this or thought about it. If I did this, it would really only be for modeling shoots and underwater performances. ~Fathom

06-30-2013, 04:39 PM
I'm currently working on a green Medusa costume, and a seakrait tail (both swimmable),
so you could say I'm trying to get a collection of aquatic snake costumes together.

If they turn out well, I'll use them for performing.

I would be thrilled if there were a way to make a realistic seaserpent costume (I still have the humanoid upper body, thus Medusa, or Lamia/Echidna/Melusine), or even a water dragon, but I guess that'd be too complicated to swim in :D

06-30-2013, 05:12 PM
I've been planning on something for this Halloween. A sea being that I can be while walking around and dancing. I have various ideas, but no idea if I'll be able to do it, for financial reasons. My daughter's costume comes first.

I suppose it would be like a mermaid on land, basically.

I've seen some amazing renditions of sea beings... using blue and greens in makeup, webbed hands, decorated with netting, glass floats, etc., done at various fantasy faires.

And for comic con next year- if I manage to go- I'd love to be a female version of the Man from Atlantis, but that costume involves very little makeup or prosthetic work outside of webbed hands, I'll skip the fancy contacts since no one makes any that look like his anyway, and it's really just to make my inner nerdchild happy. I doesn't seem it will be difficult.

Fathom delMar
06-30-2013, 05:17 PM
Yea that's what I was thinking along: glue and green and silver makeup, some various prosthetics applied to different areas of the body, arm and legs fins, webbed hands, and possibly some sort of individual fins for the feet that don't just look like scuba fins. I'd like some full sclera contacts but I don't know that you can wear them in the water, and I've never even worn regular contacts so that might freak me out (and they're very expensive). I bet you could also do a Silkie get-up... that would be a good on-land costume.

Fathom delMar
06-30-2013, 05:18 PM
I also wanted to try and make some sort of goggle-upper face mask that doesn't look like goggles. That way you can see underwater, and yet still go along with the Atlantian/mermaid/whatever-look. Still mulling over design ideas for that one.

06-30-2013, 06:09 PM
sounds interesting, and would be cool to have!
Please share if you find something.
I've become goggle-addicted, and it really kills any aquatic creature look sadly.

Fathom delMar
06-30-2013, 10:25 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/940909_521575231238029_193540074_n.jpg(From Karma Karmelita's Facebook)..... I think something like this could be used to be more "aquatic". But I would want to make one with less conspicuous goggles.

07-01-2013, 12:03 AM
If you wanted to get *really* creative, you could make some by tweaking this a whole lot.


Perhaps by using a glass grinder to change the shape of lenses, altering a pair of goggles for a new shape. Hmm..

07-01-2013, 12:14 AM
Reminds me of the Animal Planet mers.
This would have to match with the colour scheme of the tail, though, or it'd look fake.

For something like this, a matching full body suit would probably give the best effect.

Fathom delMar
07-01-2013, 12:09 PM
If you wanted to get *really* creative, you could make some by tweaking this a whole lot.


Perhaps by using a glass grinder to change the shape of lenses, altering a pair of goggles for a new shape. Hmm..Yea I saw that one yesterday. if gave me an idea for sure. I want to try making something like the upper face mask below using goggle lenses or non-prescription glasses lenses and latex or silicone.

Reminds me of the Animal Planet mers.
This would have to match with the colour scheme of the tail, though, or it'd look fake.

For something like this, a matching full body suit would probably give the best effect.If I made one it would definitely be colored appropriately haha

Fathom delMar
07-01-2013, 01:05 PM
Just found this... kinda what I'm going for: http://jebriodo.deviantart.com/art/Merfolk-53944687

07-01-2013, 03:34 PM
Totally love it.

07-01-2013, 09:08 PM
I've been planning on something for this Halloween....

And for comic con next year- if I manage to go- I'd love to be a female version of the Man from Atlantis

Hi DeepBlue!

Here's what I did about 8 years ago for a Halloween parade! I make many kinds of costumes and fell in love with a child's pattern for an alien. It certainly could be modified for a sea creature. I totally agree that makeup would be the way to go, as under this mask, was the most difficult for me, there was no way to "smile" to on-lookers who waved and loved the costume! I had to use gestures of nodding & bowing, and the "queen's wave" and other body language movements to communicate. I still love this costume. The weather made it tough to photograph, but I used magenta boots that matched the vest! Enjoy!