View Full Version : growatail.com?

Merrow Erie
07-05-2013, 04:16 PM
Has anyone here ordered from Grow A Tail? It seems like the best deal for what I can afford right now. Just wondering.

07-05-2013, 05:24 PM
I saw them online before, they look adorable.

07-05-2013, 06:09 PM
When not in use, keep the mono fin flat to preserve its shape. If the fin does somewhow dry in a bent way, siply lay it flat so can fall back to its original shape. Keep the proactive cloth on at all times to avoid any tears to your tail.What the heck are they using that you have to worry about how it dries?

07-05-2013, 06:28 PM
That is an interesting point, Matt. They kind of look like the Magictails that come from Europe, just without the scale print.

Merrow Erie
07-05-2013, 06:42 PM
Missed that memo O__X I have no idea. I'm just trying to find a decent fabric tail I can afford and maybe customize on my own :/

07-05-2013, 09:51 PM
They remind me of magic tail a bit.

07-06-2013, 12:52 AM
After watching their tail care video, I think their monofins are just modified swim fins with some sort of plastic attached for flow. They look pretty nice, especially if you want more flowy fins. This might be good reference material for those looking to make an alternative monofin.

What sort of plastic do you think it is? It seems to be pretty flexible without snapping, but seems thinner or not as strong as the lexan fins I've seen. it probably warps easily when not stored flat, which is why she added that but about drying. That's called creep, right?

07-07-2013, 01:16 AM
Hope it's not acrylic. Know coroplast has been used in low-end tails. Could be anything, really.