View Full Version : Florida bans mermaids.
07-16-2013, 06:33 PM
'Mermaid' banned from wearing her tail in swimming pool because her fins pose a 'safety issue'
Jenna Conti wears the custom-made silicon mermaid suit in a Florida pool
The sight of her flipping through the water has amused many pool visitors
The Community Development District says the costume is a safety issue
A mermaid fan has been banned from wearing her tail in a local swimming pool due to health and safety concerns.
Jenna Conti, whose mermaid name is Eden Sirene, wears the custom-made silicon mermaid suit at Fishhawk Ranch, Florida.
The sight of her flipping through the water has amused many pool visitors.
This makes me sad. I thought silicone was safe...
Mermaid Octavia
07-16-2013, 06:49 PM
I was reading that and it's more of the pool having a rule against fins in general, and the mermaid tail counts as a fin. Some pools here in Oregon don't allow fins of any kind either.
07-16-2013, 06:51 PM
It's not Florida, either. It is the community that she lives in.
I wonder if she will be attending MerPalooza.
07-16-2013, 06:56 PM
I can't wear my Oceanika fin at my local YMCA unless I'm doing laps (I have yet to test that though, & they're EXTREMELY strict) but I can wear it at my local hotel (timeshare) pool and a bigger, lower-budget pool (they take money where they can get it).
The state of Florida has not banned mermaids and I doubt they will either, considering Weeki Wachee. It's just that pool. Hopefully she can find somewhere else to swim! D:
07-16-2013, 07:19 PM
If a pool already says clearly they don't allow 'fins or flippers' as the stories say about this one, why even try to take a tail in? I would love it if more pool managers felt differently, but I imagine they came to the rule after problems, so I can't see why the big hubbub. Yes, it sucks, but it's everyone with fins, not just mermaiding- tails do contain a monofin.
07-16-2013, 07:44 PM
it's weird, Florida seems so chill with mermaids.
I feel like we need to band together and make an info site, that mermaids can send to pools that are banning them. Something comprehensive that covers everything. If I had the time I'd do it!
07-16-2013, 07:56 PM
That's a good idea but I'm not sure how many pools would take the time or effort to look at it. The Y here is so terribly run I know for a fact they wouldn't bother looking it up. Maybe just a site (or general list) of pools that have turned away mers would work.
It'd be neat, but golly the people at our Y just are so lazy they wouldn't bother. Maybe other places would, though!
07-16-2013, 08:03 PM
That's a good idea but I'm not sure how many pools would take the time or effort to look at it. The Y here is so terribly run I know for a fact they wouldn't bother looking it up. Maybe just a site (or general list) of pools that have turned away mers would work.
It'd be neat, but golly the people at our Y just are so lazy they wouldn't bother. Maybe other places would, though! hey guys lets get together and make a new rule on swimming pools!!! Lol
07-16-2013, 08:16 PM
I meant merpalooza
07-16-2013, 08:41 PM
Eden Srene, I am sorry that happened to you.
07-16-2013, 10:35 PM
Thank you it's not going to get me down though :) I have so much support and everyone here.. All the Mets got my back I'm not worried just wish I could do the good things I was doing and help the community ....frustrated ... But not conquered !! I will still continue to color outside the lines ;) love all you Mers!! How I appreciate what everyone of you do keep doing it and do not stop we're unique and amazing
07-16-2013, 10:36 PM
Mers not mets stupid autocorrect
Mermaid Dottie
07-16-2013, 10:49 PM
Hi Eden! I'm Dottie. Have you tried suggesting legal waivers?
Also, Mernation for the WIN!
07-17-2013, 02:38 AM
Hi Eden! I'm Mermaid Marla, former Weeki Mer. I'm also dismayed that you have been banned from your pool as a mermaid. I read it earlier today. Facebook news travels fast! I know I speak for myself, but hope I am speaking for all mers, too... We are all behind you! In fact, we (as MerNetwork, and MerNation) are formidable entities. And you must have heard that saying, "It's who you know, who knows someone that knows someone...." Called five degrees of separation. We are that group. We know family, friends, business people, maybe even an attorney within these connections that can give you pro bono assistance. (preferably in Florida)
I agree with Mermaid Dottie. Start with the easy approach, with a legal waiver. Call the HOA Secretary, make sure you get on the docket to speak. Then attend your HOA meeting.
Have someone there to record it (video, audio, by cell phone or computer with cam). Maybe your family has an attorney that would draw up a legal waiver for you to present. On legal stationary it carries more weight than home printed letterhead. It also carries another message, in that you are not fooling around if you have "Legal Council". It's non-aggressive, but not so subtle either.
I see this as a field day for an attorney... they thrive on nitpicking! First, mermaid "tails" are only the leg portion of the costume. The FLUKES are NOT fins. Mermaids are not fish (historically depicted with human features, and mammal-like (dolphin or whale appendages). Fish have a bony, vertical, translucent Caudal Fin for propulsion. Mermaids swim with horizontal flukes. And on and on.
Second, despite having a monofin inside the costume, its not exposed to the public. Some costumes don't even have monofins. They have a flukes shaped stiffener and foot pockets. Many monofins can't even be removed from the silicone or neoprene.
Third, did your pool EVER allow swim team training? If so, then the high end high school swim teams all use monofins for workouts and training. Did the pool ever get used for SCUBA training? Fins were used then. What I'm getting at is precedence. Prior to the HOA rule, if fins were used in a controlled environment, and no one was injured from using fins, then "no harm, no foul". If a child, fooling around, admonished by the life guard, set in motion the resulting "use of fins" ban, then burden of proof would be on the HOA to prove how your use of your costume, endangers anyone but yourself. You are being just as professional and serious about your job as the lifeguards are about theirs.
There are many ways to approach this, and media pressure is a good one! Embarrassment to your HOA by media could be two edged, tho. You may win by this method, but once the media pressure subsides, the HOA just might turn around and vote in a no mermaid costume clause. It's a chance you might have to take.
I would go one step at a time, slowly, with logic and not emotion (as tempting as subjectivity is). Be objective and courteous about your requests to your HOA. Do not let on that you have other plans to back up your request to practice in the pool. Never give your "cards" away. Keep your use of words limited to relevant terms, e.g., costume instead of mermaid tail. It keeps the focus on the HOA term of fins, not your costume. Use the term flukes, not fins. Make specific distinctions. And the proper term really is flukes. Dolphins, whales, etc have a left and right fluke, but one set of flukes.
I wish you all the best. I know this got long, but I am so passionate about this. HOA's can get on their high horse and sometimes need to be taken down a notch. Feel free to ask questions, we may have guidance for you that you can take to the table. Please keep us informed as to your progress.
(((HUGz))) and Bubble'z
Mermaid Marla
07-17-2013, 07:37 AM
I think we need to start a list of pools that do and do not allow mermaids, at least for reference's sake.
07-17-2013, 09:23 AM
A list would be a great idea, I think! I suppose that we'd need to see who wanted to start it.
Mermaid Harmony
07-17-2013, 02:08 PM
Marla, my jaw just dropped a little, that was impressive. Yeah, I'm going to start calling pools and meeting with aquatic directors in September to see who will let me swim, if they have any rules, etc.etc. That way I don't have an incident like two weeks ago where I got there and they were like oh yeah you can't get in the water...I was like what? So I just put my fin in and sat on the side, in other news, I'm going to get performers insurance soon so that should help assuage people. Anybody go to anyone good for performer's insurance?
07-17-2013, 02:18 PM
I must say; Here in Belguim, I haven't found any public pool at my area that allowd mermaid tails ( read: for hygeine and safety. It's not known here.) I only have 2 outdoor pools for swimming with my tail,thanks to my grandparents (pool 1) and my aunt (pool 2)
So badly I only can do,mermaiding in the summer.
Mermaid Octavia
07-17-2013, 05:07 PM
I found there are a few public pools that love having mermaids in my area!
07-17-2013, 06:28 PM
Eden! I got publicity today because of you! On a local radioshow they were talking about you, saying mermaids seemed kinda weird, and then all my fans called in to tell them otherwise, and enlighten them to mermaids, and then some of my clients called in to talk about what I do, and then the radio station ended up changing their mind and saying how awesome mermaids are. I had no idea either! I was in a meeting haha! All my fans were emailing me and all my family was texting haha.
Mermaid Fenicia
07-17-2013, 06:34 PM
As I live in Belgium too (Antwerp), like Ariel, I also had a big problem an finding a pool where I could practice with my monofin. I finely found one and they even let me swim in my fabric tails as they know I have a buddy and that I can swim with only a monofin or without any. So now I made a simple black fabric tail just for practice. :)
07-17-2013, 09:12 PM
That's SO cool, Raina! :D
07-17-2013, 09:38 PM
Eden! I got publicity today because of you! On a local radioshow they were talking about you, saying mermaids seemed kinda weird, and then all my fans called in to tell them otherwise, and enlighten them to mermaids, and then some of my clients called in to talk about what I do, and then the radio station ended up changing their mind and saying how awesome mermaids are. I had no idea either! I was in a meeting haha! All my fans were emailing me and all my family was texting haha.
07-17-2013, 10:35 PM
I've said this plenty of times...
I work at a pool/water park. You guys really need to understand that tails are a NIGHTMARE for lifeguards and owners. It's literally a swimming liability. The last thing a facility wants is for someone to drown/get hurt while swimming in a mermaid tail.
A mermaid fan has been banned from wearing her tail in a local swimming pool due to health and safety concerns.
Again, HEALTH and SAFETY concerns. It was not like, "Oh you're a mermaid, I frown upon that. Get out." It was a concern for the woman's safety and others in the pool. Children can get over excited and climb on her and could sink her. It can cause too much of a ruckus.
It's like, a restaurant can have a smoking section and a non smoking section. But it just becomes too much to contain people, or people don't listen to the signs, so it's better just to slap on a "No smoking at all". That way they don't have to ever deal with the problem again.
There ARE pools out there that will let you swim! I think it is EXTREMELY important to contact a pool before you go for a swim. Let them know that you are a professional, you're practicing, ect. The more professional you are about your tail, the better the odds you'll have with getting your freedom to swim.
It is not fair to hate on a pool for banning tails when they are only looking out for yours and others safety.
07-17-2013, 11:53 PM
yeah I should point out, I never go to pools during "family swim" etc. I wont let people try to book me that way either. Too chaotic for everyone involved. I try and keep a good working relationship with the lifeguards. One pool even has me as their photo on FB haha
07-17-2013, 11:53 PM
(also, USA you are different than Canada.)
07-18-2013, 06:00 AM
The pools here in the UK don't permit the use of any kind of fin, mono or otherwise! It's sad. I wonder where I can no to get my mermaid on? :confused:
Mermaid Fenicia
07-18-2013, 06:35 AM
If you lucky you can use a hotelpool, that's where I made most of my clips and pics ;)
07-18-2013, 06:42 AM
A friend linked me to this story today and it doesn't really surprise me, though it does make me sad. I was a lifeguard for three years, and like Blondie said, we never allowed fins of any kind in the pool because it's a 'liability'. Floats either for that matter, except on floatnight which was designated on certain Fridays. Regardless, it's still offputting to know so many pools are against mermaiding, especially if you let the staff know ahead of time. I was on a swim team for years at a YMCA and we used fins. it's basically the same difference. I don't know why so many pools are against it. It was usually upper management though, not the literal lifeguard staff. We had no choice but to follow orders, or get canned. I actually had a dream last night about a water park dedicated to mermaid training, with specific pools and workshops purposely made to teach the mermaiding craft and tricks (bubble rings and hearts). Does this exist? If not, why doesn't it? Also, Harmony did you ask a YMCA, I was planning on inquiring about swimming in my tail at one and possibly joining their swim team for practices until I got back in shape.
07-18-2013, 06:50 AM
The pools here in the UK don't permit the use of any kind of fin, mono or otherwise! It's sad. I wonder where I can no to get my mermaid on? :confused:
Concerning that, I just had a weird idea which might help.
Will take some time and persistance though!
As far as I know, UK pools have a "bathing suits only"-rule for their pools right?
So how about making a tail out of bathing suit fabric, with no embellishments or paint.
(I have several of those, and they are awesome to swim with.)
Just wear it loosely, without any monofin or such in it.
If they don't want to let you in, tell them the tail is made from a bathing suit, you just choose to wear it over your legs, to help you practice the dolphin kick.
Since there's no monofin or flippers in the tail, they should let you in.
Proceed to go to that pool with the tail, until all the guards there know you and no longer pay you any heed.
Then one day, insert a monofin into your tail (preferably a small and unnoticeable one),
put it on at the pool's edge, and quickly dip in.
It's what I would try if I had no pool allowing anything but bathing garments.
07-18-2013, 08:31 PM
My fellow Mers I love you all you are where it all began where the dreams started!! I'm here with you and I mean more than ever that its time to take a stand ! We're here to bring happiness to people and we bring happiness to ourselves every second we wear our tail!! We're a team I have each one of you in mind there are some of u that have been a huge inspiration to me without knowing you were.. Thank you for your support ! Thank u so much
07-19-2013, 01:19 AM
Just to let everyone know I changed my account today ... I am now under EdenSirene ok I was under Jenna/aangelfish I want to be sure everyone knows I changed so its still me just changed account :) thanks again
07-19-2013, 03:02 AM
Ok here I am in my new self correct name :) like I said earlier thank you for all you support thru everything!!! Your all amazing !!
07-19-2013, 03:57 AM
Ok here I am in my new self correct name :) like I said earlier thank you for all you support thru everything!!! Your all amazing !!
Fins before feet?
Mermaid Cascada
07-19-2013, 10:22 AM
Eden! I saw you on Good Morning America this morning!!!
07-19-2013, 11:37 AM
Hey guys here I am in the real name :) nice to have the real me !! I was on good morning America today !! Wow :) so excited I told them about all of you Mers that have my back here on the Network !! Much Mer love to you all
07-19-2013, 01:27 PM
Hey guys here I am in the real name :) nice to have the real me !! I was on good morning America today !! Wow :) so excited I told them about all of you Mers that have my back here on the Network !! Much Mer love to you all
OMG I forgot that I set that up to record! :D I am Going to go watch right now YAY!
Mermaid Oshun
07-19-2013, 01:44 PM
gosh I would love to see that clip from good morning america. Can someone post it and send me the link PLEASE?
07-19-2013, 01:55 PM
It's not GMA but all I found was this:
Mermaid Oshun
07-19-2013, 02:01 PM
thank you. I read that According to what I see online, the community center's complaint is specifically the fin. Could you just take the monofin out of the suit so you're just swimming in a long rubber dress basically? Madelyn Sheaffer was banned from Adventure Oasis in Missouri for wearing a small bikini and being full figured. Surely FishHawk will allow you to cover up in a long rubber skirt. So removing the fin from the equation, if you can neither wear a bikini that is too small nor a skirt to cover up, the pools are overstepping their bounds by dictating wardrobe requirements.
07-20-2013, 02:30 AM
It was so cool to see you on GMA! I really hope that they cave. :)
07-20-2013, 12:46 PM
Man I missed the GMA also... can anyone post the clip? Im lucky that Georgia State Univeristy lets me swim in my tail. One day I just walked in with the tail.. I didn't figure it would b a problem with swimming in my own lane. I had been there a lot with my monofin already. The Aquatic director got wind of the tail as I was putting it on and came out to meet me. I explained what it was and who I was and all he asked was for a few sessions that I only swim up to the 5ft mark in the lane. Now that I have proven my swim ability.. I just get smiles all around from the life guards and I absolutely love the expressions from the swimmers next to me when they finally notice me. LOL! I do hope that HOA finally caves for you. I really wish everyone had places to swim. Ive even got the local pool where the swim team/Olympic hopefuls practice saying I can practice there as well.
07-21-2013, 12:16 PM
07-21-2013, 12:27 PM
Good thing about FL is that we have beautiful beaches, who needs a pool? Iv always preferred swimming in the sea anyway.
07-22-2013, 11:45 PM
I just moved out to FL and my apartment complex supervisors LOVE to see me in the pool with my tail. They encourage it actually. Well, that and i'm in the coast guard so I can pretty much get away with anything water related after mentioning that. Man, who knew being CG would help my mermaiding? I.E: I was stopped in Cali at a lake and they told me I couldn't swim with my tail. When I asked why, they said it conflicted with coast guard safety standards. I laughed, told them CG had no jurisdiction over that lake and that I would know (I pulled out my nifty ID and badge to demonstrate). He apologized and immediately became much more accommodating, even asking me if I wanted to put my tail on outside of the sectioned off swimming area so I wouldn't get bombarded by children. XD
Mermaid Cascada
07-23-2013, 12:33 PM
I just moved out to FL and my apartment complex supervisors LOVE to see me in the pool with my tail. They encourage it actually. Well, that and i'm in the coast guard so I can pretty much get away with anything water related after mentioning that. Man, who knew being CG would help my mermaiding? I.E: I was stopped in Cali at a lake and they told me I couldn't swim with my tail. When I asked why, they said it conflicted with coast guard safety standards. I laughed, told them CG had no jurisdiction over that lake and that I would know (I pulled out my nifty ID and badge to demonstrate). He apologized and immediately became much more accommodating, even asking me if I wanted to put my tail on outside of the sectioned off swimming area so I wouldn't get bombarded by children. XD
Lol that sounds great! The lake in Cali incedent is just... Lol.
07-23-2013, 01:15 PM
I just moved out to FL and my apartment complex supervisors LOVE to see me in the pool with my tail. They encourage it actually. Well, that and i'm in the coast guard so I can pretty much get away with anything water related after mentioning that. Man, who knew being CG would help my mermaiding? I.E: I was stopped in Cali at a lake and they told me I couldn't swim with my tail. When I asked why, they said it conflicted with coast guard safety standards. I laughed, told them CG had no jurisdiction over that lake and that I would know (I pulled out my nifty ID and badge to demonstrate). He apologized and immediately became much more accommodating, even asking me if I wanted to put my tail on outside of the sectioned off swimming area so I wouldn't get bombarded by children. XD I really hate it when people try to BS me about stuff they know nothing about. I might have to look into coast guard regulations, and carry around some kind of printed sheet to show to idiots like that... :rolleyes:
07-23-2013, 04:16 PM
Well the truth is we dont have any jurisdiction over pools, small bodies of water, and most inland rivers. We focus on places that deal with high boat traffic where the body of water is large enough for smuggling, illegal fishing in an environmentally destructive way, and/or search and rescue cases. We have no regulations on what swim wear/flippers/monofins you wear in the water. Honestly you can wear a banana suit in the water if you want and we won't stop you. What we do have standards on is PFDs and safety equipment on board commercial and leisure crafts. Our standards really only apply if you are on a vessel or craft or in deep water that you cannot stand in or easily swim to a place to stand/rest. A lot of that "coast guard approved" bullshit is just an easy way to chase you away by throwing out the name of a federal organization. Honestly, we don't have the time to regulate that sort of thing... we're too busy saving the dumb asses and occasional legitimate search and rescue case.
Mermaid Dottie
07-23-2013, 04:25 PM
Do you have a website handy with all that information on it? It would be really great to have on hand if I get stopped in CA, OR, or WA.
07-23-2013, 07:10 PM
This is what we concern ourselves with as far as civilian pleasure crafts/ water activities are concerned. Anything that isn't on there, we don't bother with. As you can see, its really primarily boating safety and PFD regulations.
Mermaid Dottie
07-23-2013, 07:40 PM
You are awesome! Thank you!!! This will help a lot of mers.
07-23-2013, 08:19 PM
I like to help and hate it when people try to hide behind an excuse that has no merit, more so if that excuse is my service! We're a good branch and everyone I work with knows I swim in a tail. They think it's neat and I'm working on some way to incorporate it into educating the public about boating safety (because that's really important especially in Florida!!!). :)
07-27-2013, 11:29 PM
Hi everyone wow what support if I could hug u all I would !! U have no idea the huge amount of support I have received from you. I can't thank u enough !! Much Mer love Eden
Ps I have opened a non profit organization for children with life threatening diseases . I felt that this was the best decision for this Mer !! Thank you all I love all you guys you are family to me!!!
07-30-2013, 11:51 PM
Hello Everyone I launched Scales for Tailes today . I will be raising money by doing events then using the money to provide hair(pony tailes- hairpieces) back to the beautiful children who suffer from diseases that have stripped there hair from them . Thank you for you support love ya all! Hope to see u at Merpaloza
07-31-2013, 12:39 AM
@Mermaidmechanic Are you in the Coast Guard Auxiliary, too? :) That was where I met my husband! We used to teach the safe boating classes together, but then RL got a bit hectic, and we moved, and we have been just non-participating members for several years. Lots beside just classes - The CG Auxiliary also does courtesy boat inspections, to make sure you have the right equipment, and I was a radio watchstander for our local base for a couple of summers. It is a pretty neat group that not many people know about - people think of the regulars and the Reserves, but don't really know about the Auxiliarists.
07-31-2013, 07:00 PM
I'm actually active duty. I used to be on a ship but I've moved to a station now where we have aux that do that exact thing you're describing. We appreciate their help; by having auxiliary volunteer to stand the watch, it allows us to focus on other things like our next qualification or training. :)
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