View Full Version : girl impresses dolphin

07-22-2013, 09:16 PM
don't approve of dolphins in captivity, but I thought this was cute


07-22-2013, 09:47 PM
Heehee, that is so cute! Captive dolphins not so cool, but at least we know we can give them a giggle :) When I get to see dolphins, maybe I'll do a silly human trick for them haha!

Mermaid Caspiana
07-22-2013, 11:51 PM

08-21-2013, 05:29 PM
Aww! Super cute. Maybe it will give the dolphins ideas about keeping humans for amusement. ;)

11-07-2013, 06:56 PM
Lol CUTE!!

Mermaid Dottie
11-07-2013, 07:16 PM
Aww! Super cute. Maybe it will give the dolphins ideas about keeping humans for amusement. ;)

11-07-2013, 09:11 PM

this is a clip from the future

the year 2087 the dolphins have now become superior then humans. they were able to flood and invade where the humans thrive. thus globe warming and pollution has stopped. The sapien war has begun. the whaling ships were only trying to protect and save the human race because they could see the future. the human race is now down to 1.8,00,000. some has been pushed into re-education camps. the lucky ones take refuge in china but they are not safe for long (GOD DAMN IT GREAT WALL) now the dolphins roamed in bigger pods and now maintains an education system. in their dolphin school they will learn about when the humans roamed and the dark times where dolphins were held captive for amusement and field trips to what once was important buildings.
The humans in this video are held captive. soon they will be split up from the younger ones to the older ones (transportation purposes). the younger ones are now sent to parks for the marine mammal's amusement.

now the tables have turned.

for the parks the younger ones will now preform their flips and hand stands. Often times the teenage humans will be breeded and the babies will be sent to islands where they will be raised to do the same things. If the teenagers dont follow what is told the dolphins will put them into punishment. some restricting food to violence so you may see some that don't have all 10 fingers or toes.
BUT there has been rumors. during all the invading a group of humans may have escaped and parted off from the species. It is said that they evolved to be more durable in the water and look more ...dolphin. "but how could they not be caught?" orcas are the top predator of the sea. you could never trust orcas. even though they have been put to slavery in parks such as sea world the orcas see a break through to how the future could change. it is still in legend that what the orcas may be hiding from all the oceans could be this evolved homosapien species categorized as... the mer.

11-07-2013, 11:50 PM
Oh, it all makes sense now.