View Full Version : one shot. real stories on how you became a mermaid.

SeaGlass Siren
07-24-2013, 11:11 AM
hi all! curious to see how you all became a mermaid, whether it was a life decision, or a goal, or if "you were born into it". i like to think i was born into it.

so here's my story...

once upon a time there was a boy. his home was run by communists, and a war broke out between the opposition party and the communists. his father did not want him to join the army, so at the age of 18 he left his home with a fisherman in the dead of night- just before morning- and sailed away with the others who had run away from the war.

for days they were out on the ocean. they were well stocked with food and water but that quickly disappeared. soon the fishermen who piloted the boat were beginning to get irritated. the sun beat down on them, there was no food, children were crying, the boat was packed like a can of sardines, and they had run out of drugs. the boy thought "how are we supposed to find refuge if the fishermen dont steer the boat? just because they ran out of drugs and dont have 'a reason to live' doesnt mean they have an excuse to abandon everyone else's lives on this tiny boat..' so the boy took it upon himself to pilot the boat. he asked the fishermen to quickly teach him how to steer, how to tell what direction he's headed, how to use a compass.. things like that. in no time the boy was piloting the boat with no problems. except one; where was land?

time flies and it has been weeks. one day when he was steering the boat, a pod of dolphins were by the boat. they circled the boat a few times before finally swimming off. the boy thought logically that wherever the dolphins lead the boat to, there would be food for everryone of the passengers to eat... because dolphins are animals and they hunt for food. "ok lets follow these dolphins" he thought. so he followed them. little did he know that these dolphins would lead him and the boat people back to land, safe and sound.

by evening he had reached the beaches of malaysia, and the dolphins -who had lead him and the people to safety- swam back to their home in the ocean. the boy eventually grew older, moved to canada, had children of his own, and continued to live a life free of worries, but he would never forget the day his life was saved by dolphins.

who was this boy? this boy was my dad. that day when he left his home in vietnam, he started a new life; he became a sailor, saved his people... and then when the time came to start a family, he had me. "his daughter who came to be because the dolphins saved him."

Thats why my mom calls me her little mermaid. or "sea maiden," because i'm the daughter of a sailor. :) so what are your stories?

07-24-2013, 11:17 AM
Wow..that is truly an amazing story.

Mermaid Cascada
07-24-2013, 11:20 AM
How beautiful!

Carolina Mermaid
07-24-2013, 11:21 AM
...wow, your dad is Awesome!

SeaGlass Siren
07-24-2013, 11:24 AM
thankyou everyone :) i'd love to hear your stories!

Mermaid Cascada
07-24-2013, 12:07 PM
Here is my story: I was browsing the Internet and I came across mermaid Kariels video of her first swim. And I swear I thought "What the heck!" lol but in the back of my mind I really didn't know what I thought. Then I decided to search the word "mermaids" on YouTube a while later. And I saw the Mertailor video with Mermaid Melissa (it was the one with the pink silicone tail).

They were swimming with manatees and whatnot. I can't even describe what I felt when I saw that. It was just magical and I felt like a little kid again. I just felt happy and for a long time before that I felt unhappy. I didn't feel like I belonged to anything because of the fact I was adopted (by both parents). I don't know why but somehow seeing that video made me open my heart and see the world in a different way.

I realized now that I was loved and I will always be loved and it doesn't matter if I'm adopted or not. I now look at the world with childish curiosity and I love life all because of seeing some mers swimming on YouTube. So I decided to become a mermaid so I could share my happiness with others and hopefully make them happy too.
wow... That took a while to type lol

07-24-2013, 12:13 PM
Amazing story!

well here's my story:

The little mermaid and splash where my first movies I have ever watched and loved them since then <3
I always have been attracted to water and when I was able to swim asca kid, I was more under water than above! (It happend to many times that, after spending more then 2 hours in the pool my parents requested to come out znd rest for a wile andcI refused!!- Even trough my lips where getting blue znd my hair green from all the
Oh and my grandpa always joked about how i was getting webs between my toescand becomming a fish xD

And even now many years later, I think I was born to be a mermaid <3 I found out about this forum and I wansen't afraid anymore to show my inner self, and started mermaiding <3

07-24-2013, 12:15 PM
* sorry for the bad spelling x( Can't type on my tablet. Lol

SeaGlass Siren
07-24-2013, 01:04 PM
Here is my story: I was browsing the Internet and I came across mermaid Kariels video of her first swim. And I swear I thought "What the heck!" lol but in the back of my mind I really didn't know what I thought. Then I decided to search the word "mermaids" on YouTube a while later. And I saw the Mertailor video with Mermaid Melissa (it was the one with the pink silicone tail).

They were swimming with manatees and whatnot. I can't even describe what I felt when I saw that. It was just magical and I felt like a little kid again. I just felt happy and for a long time before that I felt unhappy. I didn't feel like I belonged to anything because of the fact I was adopted (by both parents). I don't know why but somehow seeing that video made me open my heart and see the world in a different way.

I realized now that I was loved and I will always be loved and it doesn't matter if I'm adopted or not. I now look at the world with childish curiosity and I love life all because of seeing some mers swimming on YouTube. So I decided to become a mermaid so I could share my happiness with others and hopefully make them happy too.
wow... That took a while to type lol

aww... thats so cute... we all need to keep our inner child happy :)

SeaGlass Siren
07-24-2013, 01:05 PM
Amazing story!

well here's my story:

The little mermaid and splash where my first movies I have ever watched and loved them since then <3
I always have been attracted to water and when I was able to swim asca kid, I was more under water than above! (It happend to many times that, after spending more then 2 hours in the pool my parents requested to come out znd rest for a wile andcI refused!!- Even trough my lips where getting blue znd my hair green from all the
Oh and my grandpa always joked about how i was getting webs between my toescand becomming a fish xD

And even now many years later, I think I was born to be a mermaid <3 I found out about this forum and I wansen't afraid anymore to show my inner self, and started mermaiding <3

woooiii this one is cute tooo!!! <3

Mermaid Caspiana
07-24-2013, 01:38 PM
Well, mine is probably the cliche story, but eh, what the heck?!
So I was looking for Halloween costumes that were creative and came across a mermaid. As you can guess I got interested and happened to find swimmable ones. I kept looking and got really into it. Found multiple makers and so on and so forth. And then I remember times as a little (well, littler, lol, like, 10. Haha) playing with my friends and sister, mermaids. We had a pretty in dept story line. Lol. But then through all of that I decided I wanted to have a tail. The proccess only took a year due to reasons. But now I am finally about to begin on the detailing of my tail. I am also already stating to build up my business skills and needs. So ya. Nothing majestic like the past stories, but its my story and it helps me. :) ;)

SeaGlass Siren
07-24-2013, 05:49 PM
Wow that's inspiring though.. You're having your own business because of the whole mermaid thing is pretty amazon in itself.

Mermaid Danielle
07-24-2013, 06:41 PM
SeaGlass Siren, that is awesome!

SeaGlass Siren
07-24-2013, 09:59 PM
Update: i think they might be Irrawaddy dolphins from the way my dad described them. Dad didn't know what type they were but he said they were short snoutted and looked like the waves and kinda seaweed coloured.. also since it was a Vietnam to Malaysia trip, I decided to look up migration routes for dolphins in this particular area. So far Irrawaddy dolphins for the bill.

Mary Marine
07-24-2013, 10:50 PM
Cue harp music for flashback!

As a toddler I loved playing in the bathtub. I had boxes of plastic toys JUST for the bathtub, but my favorite with a cheap Barbie with a green mermaid tail. The top got lost quickly, but I played with her in her tail until it fell apart (though honestly, why would mermaid wear clothes in the first place? Then again I'm a nudist).

Simultaneously The Little Mermaid came out, which seems to be the childhood inspiration for a lot of us here. I would sing pretty much the entire soundtrack.

Flash forward to middle school when my best friend showed me that year's Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog. If you've never looked at one before, it's full of crazy expensive stuff, like a freaking personal jet. That year's issue had THIS:
I wanted it like I need air, but I was 13 and it would have taken me about 10 years to save that much in allowance and birthday money.

Flash forward to a year ago when the mermaid mockumentary came out. I hadn't seen it, but I read an article that talked about it and how you can buy swimmable tails...including inexpensive fabric ones. So I shopped around and started saving money. Unfortunately I had to get a new car and other real life problems kept getting in the way, making it hard to justify dropping a hundred something bucks on a mermaid tail.

End flash back...

I've started saving money again and in the mean time I'm swimming to get in better shape. I have trouble finding the motivation to work out, but you can bet I'll swim my fishy butt off to get a mermaid tail!

Mermaid Caspiana
07-24-2013, 11:02 PM
Wow that's inspiring though.. You're having your own business because of the whole mermaid thing is pretty amazon in itself.
Thanks! I was hoping to have my first gig on the 20th of August but sadly my Murtle Beach Vacation is that time so yeah. Bit at least it gives me more time to collect stuff and such. ;)