View Full Version : Seaweed HELP!!!

07-24-2013, 11:24 PM
OK, long story short, but I went to the beach today and came back home with a HUGE amount of seaweed. I'm drying it out and plan to use it in crafts for my Etsy shop...

The only thing is I don't know what to make with seaweed!!! Any creative and unique ideas out there?

Mermaid Angel Starfish

Mermaid Danielle
07-24-2013, 11:43 PM
Hmmm, what type of seaweed is it? Could you describe it or post a picture?

Mermaid Caspiana
07-25-2013, 12:13 AM
What Danielle said would help. But also you can try to make a top out or it or jewelry or hairpieces. Or even make some kind of frame or something. :)

07-25-2013, 03:15 AM
Ooh! What I would totally do is what I've been looking for fake seaweed for - put it (dry) in little tiny necklace bottles with some colored mineral oil, and some glitter or sand or little pearls, like this (http://www.etsy.com/listing/106087786/h2o-just-add-water-moon-pool-blue-water?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted&utm_campaign=jewelry_low&gclid=CML32qCLyrgCFed_QgodjH4A4g)! I love the vial the crafter made it in, I just have little bottles with corks that I have to figure out how to seal so the oil stays inside (natural cork is a diffuser).

Or make a beach in a bottle: dried seaweed, sand, little shells (maybe glitter... I love glitter LOL), no liquid.

wreaths for around the house or on the head? I like the idea of a seaweed head-wreath (like the flower wreaths at renfair)... maybe with little shells scattered here and there instead of flowers :)

stick some inside a piece of casted resin jewelery... use as a texture for polymer clay (press it into the clay, then remove for a cool print), bookmarks (make the same way you would make pressed flower bookmarks), put some in a shadowbox with sand and other beach finds to hang on the wall... or just frame some on some nice paper in a regular frame from the thrift shop.

I'm so jealous of your haul :3