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08-03-2013, 01:51 PM
Hello Gentle Merfolk!

I recently signed up to the MerNetwork and have posted a few replies to some topics...I figured it was high time and only polite that I introduced myself and provide a bit of background information.

My name Is Jolene, and I am probably the oldest Mer on the site! While I might not come right out and say how old, I did participate in the first Coney Island Mermaid Parade in 1983, and my daughter was born the year after that. Help yourself to all the math you like! :D

I was raised mostly in the South...not completely landlocked, I lived on the Ohio River and in and around the myriad lakes, creeks, streams, ditches, ponds and puddles near home. I developed a fascination with dolphins at a very early age, which led more to the Mer-Mindset as I got older. I got my first taste of the Ocean at 10 years old in Florida, and moved to the NYC/NJ area a few years after that.

Funny, but my inner dialogue led me to think that mermaiding (to verb the noun) was more of a solitary pursuit... quite frankly, I didn't want my friends and colleagues to think me mad, so other than constructing my tails and floats for the Parade every year, and proliferation of mermaid knick knacks and artwork everywhere, my passion for the lifestyle was/is largely unknown. (Holy crap! Am I coming out Davy's Jones' Closet? Hahaha!)

I live on a small lake in northern NJ and swim in my monofin every single chance I get! EVERY. SINGLE. CHANCE. I. GET! I've been swimming with my fin for five or six years now, and a five mile afternoon jaunt is not unusual. While out there, my mind races with ideas for tails and fins and modifications and workarounds and effects...well, suffice it to say, I have many tail ideas in the works. I work for a hobby tool and supply company, so I have access to a lot of neat stuff (I just missed the Smooth On rep yesterday! DAMN!), and before you ask, I have already spent my employee discount for the year. Ha!

I hope to have my business plan and logistics in place to become a professional mermaid/performer by next summer, and in addition to advocating for ocean conservation, I hope to book appearances to teach kids (and adults!) water safety. PearlieMae is/will be the matronly mermaid type, with a modest 3/4 full body tail, sharing stories, songs and safe swimming/splashing tips!

I've already started working on the parade entry for 2014 (It's my Burning Man), not an easy thing to do when mermaids are expected to MARCH down Surf Avenue in Coney Island!

Well, the library is about to close, and the sun has come back out, so I'm off to go jump in a lake! Nice to meet you all, and happy to find so many of a like mind!

Feel free to ask me anything! I am chock full of ideas and opinions!


Pearlie Mae!

08-03-2013, 08:33 PM
Where is the price tag?

08-03-2013, 08:38 PM
Price tag? You must be thinking of Minnie Pearl. Hahaha!

Thanks for the warm welcome. ;)

08-04-2013, 01:31 AM
*wave* Hello and Welcome!

I am probably the oldest Mer on the site!
eehh... *counts on fingers*
hmm...no, don't think so.

You're so lucky to live near a lake! I wish I could just jump in somewhere.
I'd never leave the water! :)

I like your ideas for tails, and the modest 3/4 suit.
Don't see many of those. Yay for more diverse mers!

08-04-2013, 11:13 AM
Hello Caltuna! I am very happy to meet you! I love your white tail! You must look like a glimmering pearl in the water.

Yes, I adore my little lake, when its warm enough to swim...my neighbors have already dubbed me the Mermaid of Erskine Lake! Hehehe!

I hope to be quite active here, now that I've found you all. No one else to really talk to about mermaiding. I am fortunate that The Beau considers himself to be my merman, he is such a water addict! I hope to surprise him with his own tail soon!


08-05-2013, 12:16 AM
Hi, PearlieMae! I love the bubble headress in your picture, such fun! I just celebrated my 25th annual 29th birthday, so I suspect we are not too dissimilar in age ;) Welcome to the MerNetwork, I look forward to getting to chat with you more!

08-09-2013, 04:34 PM
25th annual 29th??? You're going to make me do MATH??? Hehehe...Mine is coming up in Feb.

I am having so much fun here!

Nice to meet you!

08-27-2013, 12:16 AM
I love the tail in your profile pic (not your avatar, LOL), that looks so shimmery! I can't wait to see pics and videos of your tails, I really love fabric tails, and what I've seen of yours look so pretty! :)

And yay for modest mermaids! I don't always feel like wearing a bikini top. I hope to make matching one-piece swimsuits to wear with my tails to switch it up a bit.

08-27-2013, 12:52 AM
I really like that idea!