View Full Version : New Monofin!

09-07-2013, 09:06 PM
Whoo! I am super excited. Why??? My Competitor monofin came in, of course! It was my present to myself after working this summer to create video lessons that are used in classrooms throughout the world! Most of the payment went to paying off student loans, but I treated myself to a present--a shiny new monofin. I've finally uploaded the video of my first attempt, and I've included it below. Be nice! I've never used a monofin before, and this video was taken as soon as I put the straps on my feet and took off for the first swim!

I am so super stoked to start working on my tail!
P.S. I LOVE how crazy-like-jelly the water makes my legs look in the thumbnail picture for the video... haha!


09-07-2013, 09:47 PM
YAY! Awesomesauce! It's your first monofin? How does the Competitor feel to you as a monofin n00b? You're much braver than I, getting such a high-performance monofin for your first! You go, mer! :P

09-07-2013, 10:01 PM
YAY! Awesomesauce! It's your first monofin? How does the Competitor feel to you as a monofin n00b? You're much braver than I, getting such a high-performance monofin for your first! You go, mer! :P

Haha, thanks! Yep, it's my first monofin. I was REALLY surprised at how natural it felt--I swear, once you get the movement down and start going, you're not stopping! Well, unless you hit a wall... or drown. I did neither. :) You can REALLY feel the propulsion with it, especially with the way the water moves by your face. It's basically the most AWESOME feeling, ever. I did have to take a bit to learn how to dive, because for a while there I was just flopping around like some crazy person in the pool. Other than that, and some foot cramps at first (which have been solved by stretching my feet beforehand), I didn't have any problems at all! I'm glad that I get to practice with this before actually putting it into a tail. :)

09-07-2013, 10:01 PM
Absolutely awesome, you did great Willow! For your first monofin? Fantastic

(((HUGz))) and Bubble https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/e/B0C'z
Mermaid Marla

09-07-2013, 10:15 PM
Absolutely awesome, you did great Willow! For your first monofin? Fantastic

(((HUGz))) and Bubble https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/e/B0C'z
Mermaid Marla

Thanks a bunch! I know I still need to work a bit, but it's a good start, I think! This pool is super shallow--only 3 feet in the shallow end and then a quick drop to only 8 feet. The plus side? It's free to swim in (my mother-in law's house), only 4 minutes from my house, AND it is chlorine-free! She uses an ecosmart system (that uses copper, not chlorine), so I don't get those yucky red eyes after swimming.

09-07-2013, 10:23 PM
OMG aren't competitors awesome? I love mine! It was the first monofin I ever tried, and I've never gone with anything else since then because I just love how easy it is (although I am thinking of getting a Leaderfin in the future with a slightly harder blade than the competitor to see if it makes me go faster. Lol)