View Full Version : SOCAL mermiads near santa monica or malibu?

Imogen Finnly
09-24-2013, 08:27 PM
I am curious to see if there are any SOCAL mermaids or pods near Santa Monica? or Perhaps even closer into the valley:D San Diego is.. well five hours away haha So you can see how that would pose a problem for me.

Mermaid Wesley
09-24-2013, 08:58 PM
Hi there! im in LA :)

Imogen Finnly
09-24-2013, 09:14 PM

09-24-2013, 11:20 PM
I'm in LA too. I swim anywhere from Santa Barbara to San Diego though... depending on m mood and who is driving me on my adventure (I hate to drive, lol)

Imogen Finnly
09-25-2013, 12:35 AM
yeah i agree with you I generally don't like driving too far.. the most comfortable I am with a far drive is like Zuma and Malibu. the water is so pretty there I think!:D I hope ya'll mind me adding the mermaids that are near my area :) i'm just wanting mermaid friends in my area!

09-25-2013, 12:40 AM
I don't mind a bit. Add away - It's nice to be able to know the mermaids around you, if only for that nice feeling of knowing you're not alone. :)

Imogen Finnly
09-25-2013, 12:44 AM
exactly! Its nice to have people you have something in common with! a lot of people in my area haven't heard of this nor do they understand. its annoying to have to explain myself every time I happen to mention it lol I'd rather be asked "what'd you use for your tail?" lol instead of "you're joking right?" haha

09-25-2013, 12:48 AM
Lmao, yeah, most definitely. Way better to be able to talk about the nitty-gritty of it than having to explain yourself and the hobby as a whole!

Imogen Finnly
09-25-2013, 12:50 AM
my dream would be to have a sex and the city group of friends only we'd be mermaids (and not so loose) hahan:')

09-25-2013, 12:55 AM
lmao. Ok, but if I'm part of the group I get to be Samantha.... ;) (I think that's the old naughty one... Not sure, I won't lie, I only ever saw the movie because one of my cousin's dragged me to see it)

09-25-2013, 02:11 AM
I'm up in Valencia, CA! about 30 mins from LA ect. :D
It's been a dream to hang ten with some close mers! I recently moved from Las Vegas! So, I'm excited to meet others!
I don't have a tail right now, but I sure do have a snazzy camera for great land pictures! Photoshoot anyone?!

Imogen Finnly
09-25-2013, 06:09 PM
@ananhita: yeah haha I watched the (edited) version of the show and movie because HBO is basically like crazy nude all the time but I got the story line without the boobies lol! I think I would be carrie! I got the JOKES! haha @thesolitarysiren: you are actually pretty close to me!:D I don't have a tail either but am working on it slowly. I'm still trying to make a final decision about what colour and fluke design I want lol I'd be down for a shoot when I get a tail going!

09-26-2013, 01:58 AM
@thesolitarysiren: you are actually pretty close to me!:D I don't have a tail either but am working on it slowly. I'm still trying to make a final decision about what colour and fluke design I want lol I'd be down for a shoot when I get a tail going!

Sweet! However, I do have a monofin if you ever want to have a monoparty! :) It'd be nice to practice breath holding and swim tricks with people. I know the feeling of trying to find the 'perfect tail'. I finally made my decision, unfortunately I have to save up for the funds all over again.

Imogen Finnly
09-26-2013, 09:18 PM
yeah I need to practice holding my breath too only downside is that I don't have a pool lol but my bf does haha but I have a monofin like those mermaid looking ones that are kinda small but work pretty well the only thing is, is that is has a large crack right down the center and I don't want to put it in a tail only to have it break completely you know? what happened to your fund? I am buying things little by little so I don't feel the pain of a flat wallet all at once haha

09-28-2013, 02:04 AM
yeah I need to practice holding my breath too only downside is that I don't have a pool lol but my bf does haha but I have a monofin like those mermaid looking ones that are kinda small but work pretty well the only thing is, is that is has a large crack right down the center and I don't want to put it in a tail only to have it break completely you know? what happened to your fund? I am buying things little by little so I don't feel the pain of a flat wallet all at once haha

Ah! I know those monofins! They're so small! Especially if it sounds like it's breaking. We need to get you an upgrade! LOL I have a finis foil for practice, but I would like to bump it up to a Rapid.

My fund, I still get so upset thinking about it. I wrote a story about it in the Bitc# It Out! forum. It was a long an awful feeling. So, now I have to work my way up again. hm.

Summer of 2013 My mother received her backpay for her social security disability money. I was extremely happy for her. She received over 30k and constantly talked about giving us, her kids, some gifts exclaiming how much she appreciated us for tolerating 2 years of struggling and living paycheck to paycheck. --By the way, those paychecks? Were all mine.-- Now, at the time I didn't really expect anything because I could really care less. I was just happy that I could finally spend my own money on myself I mean, it was my first job after all. But a month in, my mom sat me down and surprised me with announcing that she would be buying my mermaid tail! I was extremely surprise and extremely happy. I never thought she was willing to give such a gift!

I told her how much the mermaid tail was, which--if you couldn't guess-- was a $3k Merbellas Mermaid tail. Granted, she was taken back by the price and I didn't blame her. But we spoke openly, I explained to her how it was a fair price. I told her what I planned to do with it, why I wanted it, and the wonderful amenities that came with the 3k tail. She seemed to agree that it was a fair price as well. She ended the conversation with, "I'll see what I can do." I took that as an 'okay' sign.

Weeks later, the subject came up again. She told to me that she wanted to pay off some bills and calculated that she could only pay for half of the tail. I was still excited and agreed with her. She would pay $1500 and I would pay $1500 + extra fins + shipping. The amount she was willing to pay was still wonderfully generous. At this point, I was taking extra shifts at work, lowering etsy prices for sales and my half for the tail was gradually approaching. With my excitement in tow in finally owning my dream tail, I would start counting down when I would possibly have the full amount, the count down period of the tail process, and the count down of when I would probably get it. I was ecstatic! I went through tail colour changes, fins, themes, accessories, ect!

As the month went by, I would casually bring up the mermaid subject again making sure she didn't forget her half of the bargain. One day, she exclaimed, "I want to pay 'these many bills'. Which means, I wont be able to pay half of your tail. How about I only pay $500 instead?"

My heart became heavy and I started to get concerned, but nonetheless, I was still excited. I had already saved up close to my half of $1500. All I needed was a little over $500 more for everything I ever wanted. Around this time, I practiced breath holding (officially 2 mins!), working out a lot with my monofin, looking at underwater timers, weights, cameras and I even planned to get suba lessons! I worked so hard at my job! I did my best! I even had customers recommend me to other customers! and then the greatest happened, I had finally raised $2400! Just a few under what I needed before I would ask my mother for the rest.

Then, it came time for us to move out of state. This move costed us a lot. Mainly, gas, food, some bills I had to finish up. My mom would even ask me to for certain things, which also took away from my savings. When we moved, I was coerced to pay partial rent and because my job transfer didn't go through, I was forced to dip into my savings once more . . . which completely wiped me out. All my mermaid tail savings, gone. I was so close to my dream, only to have the tide pull me away.

A week ago, my mother confessed to me that most of her money is gone now from bills she had to pay, the move, and rent. I don't blame her. Because deep down, I knew she was never really going to pay for my tail. The only reason why it upsets me, is because she brought my hopes up. I guess, it's also my fault because I brought my own hopes up too and raised $2400 for it, only to have it gone so suddenly. I'm so stupid. I hate myself.

I worked and worked and worked so hard, for something I wanted so badly. There are times when I think about what happened and how I swear I almost had my dream tail and I just cry. It feels like, I'm stuck in the desert desperate for water, but only being able to gulp down dry spit.

Recently, I got two jobs, but with me having to pay rent and bills now, the tide wont be pushing me any closer to my dream.

I worked so hard. So fucking hard.

Imogen Finnly
09-29-2013, 07:25 PM
OMG! that's an awful story! I would be so upset! two minutes! that's a long time to be able to hold your breath! Those Merbella tails are amazingly gorgeous and I want one too but I think based on the price I came to the decision that it would be best to do one myself.. haha if this tail comes out as good as I hope then I might just make my own. I'll have a magical collection!!:D

10-05-2013, 03:36 AM
Grew up in West LA (went to SAMOHI) and now in Glendale. :)

Imogen Finnly
10-08-2013, 09:19 PM
@Sirenade : Really? that's So close.. ( I think..) i'm bad at directions.. haha I live in the SFV lol I just want to be able to swim in like lakes but I don't know any in my area haha I think the ocean is too..hard core for me right now

10-12-2013, 03:04 PM
Glendale is just east of the valley. Not any good lakes to swim in unless you like getting run over by boats and jet skis! Better off heading over to Catalina for some beach swimming. :)

Imogen Finnly
10-13-2013, 12:31 AM
ive never been to catalina!!! I see it when the coast is clear and non foggy from the topanaga canyon! right when you see the ocean! the fairy is like 80 bucks one way -_-' plus the water is either too cold, polluted or shark infested haha wahh!!

10-20-2013, 02:42 PM
I live in Torrance now, but I use to live in Catalina, I just moved about a month ago off the island. The water in the summer was fine for using my mono fin and practicing free diving, but when it got colder I really needed a wet suit. I got some strange looks with my mono fin but most of people knew me and knew I was a mermaid at heart. It even became a joke at work. The Catalina Express has a deal that you get a free ride on your birthday.

11-08-2013, 12:28 AM
Yes, we have several mermaids in the Los Angeles and Ventura County areas. So Cal is the best! :)