View Full Version : My new fish butts tail is coming!!

09-27-2013, 12:01 AM
Hey guys!
I'm soooo happy right now
I just bought Calypso's partial silicone fish but and it's coming in the mail
I know fish butts kind is an un-trustworthy company, but I would like to know more about their tails. Does anyone have any reviews/comments on their partial silicone?
Also, where's the best place to buy a cheap mer top?

Prince Calypso
09-27-2013, 12:51 AM
I will be trying to send the tail out to you soon sweetie
If you want a my review of the tail you can check out the review page here for Fishbutts.
and i think a few other people have posted about their tails.
I got mine way before all the recent drama and its served me well the few times I've used it

Fifi Tigg
09-27-2013, 01:46 AM
If you are talking about purchasing a tail to be made by fishbutts I would really advise against it! I know there are people that have been waiting nearly two years for their tail to be made and I have been waiting for 9 months now for my refund of $300 :mad:

Prince Calypso
09-27-2013, 02:10 AM
If you are talking about purchasing a tail to be made by fishbutts I would really advise against it! I know there are people that have been waiting nearly two years for their tail to be made and I have been waiting for 9 months now for my refund of $300 :mad:

she isnt buying the tail from fishbutt's. she is simply buying my tail which was one of the first made my stevi
I am in no way disagreeing with the rcent issue with the company in the past year or so if not longer
but my tail was pretty well made and stood up over the three or four years ive had it

Fifi Tigg
09-27-2013, 02:49 AM
That's ok I'm glad to know :D

09-27-2013, 09:50 PM
thanks calypso!! you have NO IDEA how excited i am!!!

Mermaid Harmony
09-27-2013, 11:09 PM
Soph, I have a partial silicone, and she's still in good shape for being used as much as she's been used. There are some scratches and I had to glue down the fluke but other than that and the scale patchiness, it's solid.

09-27-2013, 11:17 PM
Wow Harmony, you're tail is GORGEOUS! I'd love to hear how the final outcome of this transaction went. I've had my latex fish butt for about 2 years I think? Maybe less I guess, and I've used the utter loving bajeezus out of it and it's no different from when I bought it aside from some scorch marks on the fluke from a speed drying effort gone wrong lol. I ordered a full silicone tail several months back and I'm totally stoked for trying that out when I do get it.

09-27-2013, 11:17 PM
Also, keep in mind it's a latex tail Calypso has--not silicone. Alex Plus with neoprene. :)

09-28-2013, 07:40 PM
Thank you so much for the review harmony! Your tail is beautiful. I am a big fan of your facebook page btw

Mermaid Marissa
09-29-2013, 03:41 PM
Hey guys!
I'm soooo happy right now
I just bought Calypso's partial silicone fish but and it's coming in the mail
I know fish butts kind is an un-trustworthy company, but I would like to know more about their tails. Does anyone have any reviews/comments on their partial silicone?
Also, where's the best place to buy a cheap mer top?

I make tops if you're interested. The tops I have on my etsy page right now are a bit pricey but if you want to message me I could work something out :D I've been trying to come up with a smaller budget top.