View Full Version : While scuba diving at an aquarium, a mom told her son that I was a merperson

09-14-2011, 03:22 AM
I was at the diver entry at an aquarium I volunteer with, and one of the guests said to their son something about how me and my friend were mermaids.

"Well, merman, anyway."
The son, maybe 7 or 8, asked, "Where's your tail?"
I pointed to my fins and explained that they were like a tail.

I thought it was kind of cute.

11-13-2011, 09:39 PM
How did no one reply to this? This story is adorable.

Merman Dylan
05-14-2016, 12:13 AM
How did no one reply to this? This story is adorable.

I'm wondering about that too.

I hope bringing up an old post isn't a bad thing, but I thought this was really adorable. I don't normally refer to stuff as cute or adorable, but I really don't know another adjective for this.