View Full Version : Question: Extreme Chlorine Issue...

12-02-2013, 03:22 AM
So I went to a 24 Hour Fitness tonight that I'd never been to before. Their chlorine levels were so high that the place was probably sterile enough to do surgery in the pool... I cannot get the chlorine smell out of my skin and I'm worried that it's going to damage it. Obviously, I don't think I'll ever be taking it into such a caustic environment again, but what should I do to clean it? I sprayed it down with hot water in the tub with the shower sprayer on hot for THIRTY minutes and it still stinks! Honestly it's not the smell that bothers me, just the idea of the bleach ruining it... Anyone have any cleaning tips? I was told by the maker not to take the fin out, but I think I might have to...

12-02-2013, 05:54 AM
How about some chlorine neutralizing soap or spray? You can make a spray out of ascorbic acid from vitamin c tablets and water, just make sure it's the right sort of vitamin c. That's what I've done, and it seems to work well enough so far. My skin might still feel a little weird, but the smell goes away, and my hair feels way better.

12-02-2013, 10:08 AM
My pool is pretty mild on chlorine, I think, but I still come home and put my fabric tail in the bathtub with about 3 teaspoons of baking soda, dissolved in a quarter tub of warm water, and leave it soak for about an hour or two, then rinse it out and hang it up to dry. My monofin comes out fairly easily, so I take that out and soak it, too, because it has a neoprene cover.

12-02-2013, 05:17 PM
You could also try soaking it in hot water and a splash of plain white vinegar. Vinegar is stinky at first but it will bring the PH back to normal. Just rinse it with hot water after soaking and let dry. I'd be surprised if it still smelled after that! .

12-02-2013, 07:29 PM
Good ideas. Thank you, ladies.

12-02-2013, 10:47 PM
Except mixing chlorine and vinegar will cause harmful fumes, so be careful and all.

12-07-2013, 12:20 PM
I've used Ion chlorine removal shampoo and it works pretty well on hair. I don't know if it would work for a tail though...