View Full Version : 1st swim in monofin!

Mermaid Jaffa
03-09-2014, 01:37 AM
Just came back from the pool... Had my first swim in my Finis Wave.

Wooo! It was AWESOME! Way faster than frog paddling! Only had two troubles whilst swimming, one, my right foot kept slipping out, I figured it out afterwards, I didn't tighten it enough.

The other, I tried to do the mermaid swim but my body couldn't figure it out, despite having watched all the mermaiding/dolphin kick videos on youtube! Blergh! It was easier going backwards, so that's what I did!

Zooming backwards up and down the lane!:lol:

Oh and overheard a kid's conversation in the change rooms...

Girl 1 - Did you see the girl with the really big fin?
Girl 2 - (Probably looking confused)
Girl 1 - She was standing right there! (She meant when I was outside the change room, I was checking which lane I could go in.)
This went on twice more, with Girl 1 asking the same question of all the other kids and mums in the change room. Eventually, she gave up. When I walked past her to go to the pool, her eyes were so big looking at my fin!:D

03-09-2014, 09:28 AM
LOL I got the same look when I first started. An people other than children were asking me all types of questions.

Carolina Mermaid
03-09-2014, 10:03 AM
I had one little girl come over to me and just stared at me all day. When I waved to her she made a squeak noise and ran and hid behind her mom. She was too cute!

03-09-2014, 11:32 AM
I had one little girl come over to me and just stared at me all day. When I waved to her she made a squeak noise and ran and hid behind her mom. She was too cute!

OMG that's sooooo cute

Mermaid Jaffa
03-10-2014, 01:26 AM
After that, when I got a lane all to myself, I suddenly started noticing every kid, there was a birthday pool party on that they took 2 lanes... Was going into MY lane, and everyone looking/watching me swim. It felt a little awkward cos I'm not used to getting people's attention! And plus I couldn't even give a good show, with me flopping about in the water, not really mermaid swimming!:lol:

Mermaid Ellowyn
03-10-2014, 11:42 PM
You're not alone there - I rently had my first swim as well and my body couldn't figure it out either. Mind you, I have absolutely no rhythm LOL. So that's something I have to work on. I did find that I could "mermaid swim" sideways though. But only one side.... Guess we just have to get back in the water and try some more!

Mermaid Jaffa
03-10-2014, 11:45 PM
@ Harley - I bet if we combined my backwards and your sideways, we would make a good swim team!:lol:

03-10-2014, 11:45 PM
Oh man, I know what you mean! The attention with just a monofin is crazy fun...I enjoy it a lot. I can't wait until I get a tailskin for mine, but...I've got so many little stories like this. :)

Mermaid Ellowyn
03-10-2014, 11:46 PM
Hahaha if only it worked that way ireneho!

Mermaid Catkid
03-11-2014, 09:42 AM
Fortunately for me, swimming is literally in my blood. The first time i tried to dog-paddle, i got it. My mom was a diver before she had us three kids XD. Also i picked up swimming mermaid-style 1st time i tried it. im not trying to boast but swimming is very natural to me. (Now i just have to work on flying hahaha). Also when i went to florida and swam in my mermaid tail for the first time, about 4 little girls stared at me. One even tried to swim alongside all the way down the pool and back , but she could barely swim, let alone race a mermaid! A 30 year old guy(or so i think, im not a good age-teller) asked me where i got it from(you're welcome Fin Fun!) it was a very good first swim.

Mermaid Jaffa
03-12-2014, 01:27 AM
That's so cool Cat! I wish I was a more natural swimmer. I only got into it because of what I've read online and the youtube videos, that said it gives your entire body a workout!

Since starting I prefer swimming than other sweaty impact sports like walking or running. This is the person that can't even run 10 steps without crashing to the ground in a heap! But I can swim laps in a pool without tiring.

03-12-2014, 01:39 AM
That's so cool Cat! I wish I was a more natural swimmer. I only got into it because of what I've read online and the youtube videos, that said it gives your entire body a workout!

Since starting I prefer swimming than other sweaty impact sports like walking or running. This is the person that can't even run 10 steps without crashing to the ground in a heap! But I can swim laps in a pool without tiring.

I concur. I'm more like Cat in ability, though I'm not related to any pro divers(I don't think... Unless coast guard and Navy count.), but I don't do land excercise very well... It all works out all right though, because my sister(who's my polar opposite in almost every way) sinks. She likes to joke that I run sideways and she runs upright.

Mermaid Jaffa
03-15-2014, 10:46 PM
It just feels so weird to have my legs together, and the whole process of trying to get them to move as one leg... Let's just say, I didn't need to drink from my water bottle that day!