View Full Version : The MerNation Thread
Mermaid Dottie
03-25-2014, 05:38 PM
I know there's already the thread where they introduced themselves, but I think a few tailmakers (hint, hint, Finfolk merpeople ;) ) need threads similar to the Merbellas thread. You know, where we stalk it for pictures, and where people post updates about their tails, etc. I stalk MerNation enough on instagram and facebook, that I guess I'm as good a person as any to start this thread, and keep it updated. I'll start the same way Raina did for Merbellas, with info on their tails and pricing.
About our tails
These custom made tails are crafted from 100% dragon skinplatinum cure silicone. Dragon skin silicone is the top of the line, industry standard for safe and realistic mermaid tails. The scales and fluke are molded and then assembled to create a custom fit, based on your measurements. Our paints are made of specially formulated silicones, which are then airbrushed onto the tail to match your design specifications. These paints will not fade, scrape off or change colors, as they are bonded directly into the tail. Each fluke contains a Finis wave or rapid monofin, based on shoe size.
Our promise
We understand the importance of your tail and know that it is more than a costume; it is a part of you! This is why we have dedicated ourselves to serving you, and providing you with unmatched customer service. You will be involved in every step of the tail making process, receiving regular photo updates of your tail and a return call or email within 24 hours. This is a promise. We want to make this a fun and exciting process for our customers, not a hassle. So if you are looking for a tail maker with a focus on customer service, we would love to work with you.
Our full silicone tails are $2500 USD. This includes a custom paint job, Finis monofin, custom fit and excellent customer service. Extra fins can be added for an additional cost. Contact us today for a quote!
Production time
You can expect to receive your tail no more than 2 months from full payment and we will work hard to get you your tail much faster than that. We understand that deadlines are important, and not up to us to dictate, so we will do whatever it takes to ensure a speedy and on time delivery. You can expect regular photo updates as your tail comes to life. Rush orders are available and can be negotiated, please contact us regarding your specific requests.
All general inquiries are welcome to email us for more information. Send us your ideas, sketches and thoughts and we will work together to bring your dream to life. When you are ready to order your tail, send us an email with the subject line “Ready to order”. We will then send you our informational packet, which contains payment information, measuring directions and our design maps. Once payment is received in full we will begin production on your tail. This will reserve your spot in “line” and allow us to dedicate our time to working with you.
Why choose MerNation?
Our company draws from a very diverse background of experience. Artists, business owners and mermaids make up the core of our company. We are professionals who understand that this is a business and you deserve to be provided with the service and products you are paying for. Choosing a new company takes a leap of faith, but if you decide to purchase one of our tails we promise to make your mermaid dreams come true by providing you with a quality product, and exceptional customer service! Come swim with us!
Their E-Mer-gency Clinic
MerNation is proud to announce a new facet of our company, the e-MER-gency Clinic. Do you have a tail that has seen better days and you can’t reach your original tailmaker or they won’t fix it? Let our team of EMT’s (emergency mermaid technicians) repair your tail and bring it back to its original glory! We understand that a mermaid tail can be a pricy investment, and you want to ensure your tail lasts as long as possible. Over time, all tails will show wear and tear, we are here to help keep yours looking great for as long as possible.
What we repair (list is by no means all inclusive)
Silicone damage
Broken monofins
Chipping/fading paint
Incorrect sizing
How it works
Contact us at ( to begin the process of bringing your tail back to life. As with all of our services, we promise a response within 24 hours. Give us as much information as possible, including pictures of your problem areas.
Relevant information includes:
What your tail is made of. Ex. Platinum cure silicone, tin cure silicone, latex, spandex, neoprene etc..
Who made your tail
How long you have had your tail
What the problem(s) are
Where the problems are located
What might have caused the issue
How often do you use your tail
Once we have all of the information, we will evaluate your situation and determine if, and how, we can help. From there we will develop your “course of treatment” and move forward.
How much does it cost
Each tail is taken on a case-by-case basis. Cost will be based on the severity of the damage/how extensive the repair is and will be fully disclosed and agreed upon before any repairs begin. The customer is responsible for all associated shipping costs. There is NO COST for an initial evaulation, feel free to email us pictures and we will be happy to take a look.
Mermaid Dottie
03-25-2014, 06:17 PM
I also snagged photos of a few of my favorite tails they've done, to give people an idea of their capabilities.
They also sell Fabric Tails
Sequin Tops
And now they sell Silicone Tops
Seraphina Suds
03-25-2014, 08:05 PM
Good idea! Mernation seems like a very reliable company. And the tails are beautiful!
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Ah yes! I think a lot of tail makers should have threads like this :) I actually plan on working with Mernation in the future!
03-25-2014, 08:48 PM
Cool! We are so honored to have a thread dedicated to our company, wow!! We will be sure to pop in and check out this thread for questions or if someone is trying to contact us. Feel free to email us at as well! Maybe if we get funny or interesting behind the scenes pictures we can share them here! Little presents for you amazing mernetwork mers <3 Thanks for the support and we are looking forward to continuing to serve you guys! Happy swimming
03-26-2014, 02:33 AM
Would it also be practical to put in the first post tail templates on here? or dorsal/extra fin/fluke designs which are available? It might help fellow mers planning on ordering tails to know what is already on offer and find it easily. I have seen a picture of the 2 fluke types but not of tail templates (feel free to prove me wrong >_<)
Mermaid Dottie
03-27-2014, 04:17 AM
Actually, that's a great idea! When I get back on my desktop I'll post the templates I made for their different flukes in the first post. Thanks for the idea, Ilyena
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03-29-2014, 08:49 AM
Mermaid Dottie
04-03-2014, 05:37 PM
First Fluke Design
Second Fluke Design
Mermaid Saphira
04-03-2014, 05:42 PM
I like them both, Dottie!
04-03-2014, 07:19 PM
Cant see pictures:cry:
Mermaid Dottie
04-22-2014, 01:20 PM
Uh, oh! Sorry, Drucilla. I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, Here's their latest tail:
Mermaid Dottie
04-22-2014, 01:27 PM
Did that fix it? (ish? I think the pictures are probably huge, now....)
04-22-2014, 01:51 PM
Looks so unique! I love rainbow tails but I won't be sure if I like it until I see it on someone. :P
Mermaid Dottie
05-05-2014, 04:58 PM
Their galaxy tail all spread out.
05-06-2014, 09:59 PM
So, this is what happens when tail makers are waiting for paint to dry between coats and have extra scales lying around....haha
I think I'm in love!
Mermaid Wesley
05-06-2014, 10:04 PM
Oh this is too funny
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05-06-2014, 10:16 PM
... I would kill for a dress like that!! haha!
05-06-2014, 10:42 PM
That looks SO cool but way sweaty & sticky. :P
05-07-2014, 01:47 AM
What I really love about mernation tails are that they are so clean cut looking! With the nice defined scales, and smooth cut flukes, they are simply gorgeous!
Mermaid Dottie
05-22-2014, 07:06 PM
Oh my gosh, I want that dress. That's so cute!
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05-23-2014, 12:06 AM
Agreed! Make the dress an item for sale!
Mermaid Jessica Pearl
05-23-2014, 06:05 AM
I would buy a dress like that in a second! Would be really uncomfortable though!
Mermaid Mhara
05-23-2014, 07:33 AM
Oh my Gosh, love the dress haha! :)
And that rainbow tail is wow Q_Q
I'm just curious, I'm saving up for a tail and looking for the right tailmaker (granted it won't be happening for a little while...) but do Mernation do custom flukes at all?? i wouldn't mind saving up extra at all for something completely unique :)
Ayla of Duluth
05-23-2014, 10:16 AM
That dress is gorgeous! I had no idea you guys made such elaborate silicone tails, so I'm glad you have a thread for yourselves so the word can get out. :)
Mermaid Pickles
05-24-2014, 04:03 AM
Mmmh. I remember when I first heard about them. I mentioned that their original fluke shape looked like the fluke on a lyretail molly. I think they're still gonna be my top choice for when I have enough saved up. Still. Even after what, a year? Life is expensive. I need another job just to pay for mer stuff!
05-24-2014, 04:14 AM
Who would've thought mermaiding would be so expensive lol but its worth it and so much fun
Mermaid Dottie
05-28-2014, 01:19 PM
I'm sorry it isn't embedded. Can't do that from my phone, and I still haven't got a computer or Wi Fi in my new house, yet. Just a quick video about how my tail held up against the most difficult event of the season. (you know, most difficult as in the roughest on tails.)
Something I didn't mention in the video is that most of my scrapes appear to be over the monofin. I think with a competitor or one of Victoria's fins, you wouldn't get as much of an uneven wear.
This fluke is MASSIVE, you guys, and because it's difficult to control, there are gonna be more bumps and bruises, especially for events that are mostly dry. I think Alasea was to have hers cut down.
Also, a recent discovery I made was that my feet are just so, that I don't need the heel straps on my wave monofin. They stay inside the foot pockets well enough without them. I think it may be because of how tight the tail is, too, because if the tail isn't up all the way, I slip out a little.
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Mermaid Dottie
05-30-2014, 08:33 PM
I'm just curious, I'm saving up for a tail and looking for the right tailmaker (granted it won't be happening for a little while...) but do Mernation do custom flukes at all?? i wouldn't mind saving up extra at all for something completely unique :)
Hey there! I just asked them, and they said they were open to that, but hadn't priced it out or anything. When you get to that point, shoot them an email and they'll be more than happy to talk about it.
05-30-2014, 08:50 PM
Check it out! Melanie mermaid shared a video of her mernation tail with a custom fluke. Yay for another video!!!
Mermaid Dottie
06-10-2014, 06:56 PM
That is a great video! Go Melanie!
So... you know MerNation's new tops? I'm getting one.
I'm so excited! I feel like a bit of a copy-catfish, but I want it to look similar to Thalassa's top, because I want us to look like sisters.
07-17-2014, 08:21 AM
Congrats, Littleblue! They really are a fantastic company to work with :)
Mermaid Dottie
07-17-2014, 11:53 AM
Yay Little Blue! That's awesomely exciting!
I can't wait to see!
Mermaid Dottie
07-17-2014, 12:49 PM
thanks! I can hardly wait to order!
also I love your tail, and your unboxing video was adorbs.
Lol, thanks, I think it probably took way, way too long, but my cat probably made made up for that.
07-17-2014, 07:32 PM
I have spent more time texting Michael in the past week then anyone else!!!! He gives me the best and most detailed updates on every coat to make sure we get it just right!!! My tail should be shipped out this coming Monday and I will do an I boxing video and a full write up review!!!! I can't wait to share this amazing design with everyone
07-17-2014, 07:33 PM
Mermaid Dottie
07-17-2014, 07:58 PM
I'm so excited for you, Chrissy! I can't wait to see it!
Mermaid Dottie
08-20-2014, 06:57 PM
Okay, you guys! I got pictures of my top! I'm so excited!
08-20-2014, 07:08 PM
That is so cool! I love the finny shoulder straps! How does it connect in the back?
Mermaid Galene
08-20-2014, 07:08 PM
Very cool!
Mermaid Dottie
08-20-2014, 07:13 PM
Also, They have a New and Unique product they just released! I need one in my mer-life!
Here's what they said about it on their Facebook
Do you have a tail that "gaps" along the lower back when you sit or swim? Maybe your tail is a bit too short for your liking? Or do you just want to add a little new flair to your existing silicone or fabric tail?
Our new "Gap-Wrap" can fix all of these issues! Made from 100% dragon skin silicone, this wrap fits underneath your tail and folds over the edge, adding valuable inches and helping to hide the lower back gap.
The wraps can be customized to a variety of different textures, lengths and sizes and can be colored to match any existing fabric or silicone tails.
Email us today for more information and to order your own Gap-Wrap!
And here are some images!
23504 23505
Mermaid Dottie
08-20-2014, 07:14 PM
That is so cool! I love the finny shoulder straps! How does it connect in the back?
I sent them a corset that fits well, that has a hook and eye closure in the back. They also do lace up corsets.
08-20-2014, 07:22 PM
I sent them a corset that fits well, that has a hook and eye closure in the back. They also do lace up corsets. Will you be able to swim with it?
Mermaid Wesley
08-21-2014, 04:48 AM
I love the gills!!!!' So cool!
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Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 03:05 PM
Will you be able to swim with it?
Yes, of course!
Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 03:07 PM
I love the gills!!!!' So cool!
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Thank you! I just loved the idea so much, and I think Micheal did marvelously in figuring out how to make them work. He was a tad nervous, but I knew he could do it!
08-21-2014, 03:35 PM
It cant wait to see it on you!!!! I know Michael would do a great job, they are so creative!!!
08-21-2014, 03:51 PM
I can't wait to start production on my tail. I'm totally missing out hearing about all these wonderful things
Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 04:20 PM
Who are you going to order through?
08-21-2014, 04:22 PM
Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 04:25 PM
Yay!!! Awesome! I'm so excited!
08-21-2014, 04:31 PM
So am I! That day couldn't get here fast enough! I remember when you got yours and watching your unboxing video and same thing with mermaid nola. Makes me all the more excited eeepppp! December is when I can order. I showed you my design on Facebook. The burgundy/pink/purplish/white tail with spots on back of fluke and sides of tail.
Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 04:41 PM
Yes yes yes! I remember! That's so cool! You'll have a new year's tail! Let's see.... What is next year....
08-21-2014, 04:44 PM
Oh wow I didn't even think of it that years tail! Sweet!!! 2015 the year of the mermaid lol
Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 04:46 PM
Lol! It's the year of the sheep. Loyal and kind.
That's so awesome! I'm so excited for you!
08-21-2014, 04:50 PM
Oh wow I didn't know that. I was just being funny lol so awesome! All kinds of big things happening for me that year. New tail which I think I'll get the waist gap deal they made too and hopefully textured scales and graduating college and starting my teaching career and moving. Big changes! Lots going on! So thrilled
08-21-2014, 09:18 PM
I can't wait to see your tail and get all the exciting updates. And then you get to have a unboxing video!!! I can't wait!!! So excited for you
Mermaid Dottie
08-21-2014, 10:00 PM
I'm a with Nola. That is all so awesome! Great great year!
08-22-2014, 01:24 AM
I know!!! It was so wonderful to see y'alls tails. Amazing going through y'alls journeys I can only imagine how much fun it'll be when my turn happens :D I've waited sooo long! Several years. I plan to make a crown and headdress and 2 belts. I'll have to show you guys how those go. Hope I get around to making those and I hope they turn out good!
Mermaid Dottie
08-22-2014, 03:48 AM
I'm sure they'll be incredible! I'm psyched to see everything come together for you!
08-22-2014, 07:04 AM
Their galaxy tail all spread out.
I LOVE THIS TAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
Mermaid Dottie
08-22-2014, 02:03 PM
Isn't it so vibrant? I love it, too.
Mermaid Dottie
08-22-2014, 07:14 PM
Thanks for keeping it real, everyone. Now, can we get back to the purpose of this thread? (hint: it was for excitement over dreams coming true.)
08-22-2014, 07:20 PM
Thanks for keeping it real, everyone. Now, can we get back to the purpose of this thread? (hint: it was for excitement over dreams coming true.)
We need a drama filter lol anyway back on topic......I'm super duper excited!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeppppppppp I have so many plans for my tail in store!
Mermaid Dottie
08-25-2014, 11:19 PM
Like I said, watching dottie for sooo long. Mermaid Nessie and I even talked about her in the car today :p.
Hang on a second, like, lemme just take this in. *rereads multiple times*
I feel so special! *glows like a fairy*
08-26-2014, 02:47 AM
the mernation silicone tails are one of the best tails I ever seen! :O I love that black/dark blue/white tail they done :) I trying to save up money for a tail and I hope I have the money to affored one :)
08-26-2014, 03:03 AM
the mernation silicone tails are one of the best tails I ever seen! :O I love that black/dark blue/white tail they done :) I trying to save up money for a tail and I hope I have the money to affored one :)
That's wonderful! My order should be in December and as Dottie put years tail whoop whoop! I'm amped up :D
Mermaid Dottie
08-26-2014, 03:16 AM
08-26-2014, 03:29 AM
Love it! It suits you so well!
08-26-2014, 04:02 AM
That top is awesome! I'm super excited to see it with your tail!
Fifi Tigg
08-26-2014, 04:53 AM
That is very cool! :D
08-26-2014, 09:18 AM
Dottie can that top be any cooler!!! I know that has bot be what you imagined b/c it is awesome!!! I love how it can be worn with different outfits too, the corset idea was great!!!
08-26-2014, 09:56 AM
I love the straps on the top, Dottie! Very unique. :D
Seraphina Suds
08-26-2014, 10:36 AM
That top is perfect, Dottie!! And it looks so cute with that skirt~ I feel like this may be a silly question but is there any sort of boning in it since it's based off a corset?
Mermaid Dottie
08-26-2014, 01:05 PM
That top is perfect, Dottie!! And it looks so cute with that skirt~ I feel like this may be a silly question but is there any sort of boning in it since it's based off a corset?
There's a little bit of that fakey, plastic boning in it. Actually, it's stiffer and more corset-like than before I sent it.
08-26-2014, 01:11 PM
Omg Dottie!! you look so amazing! I love it! <3
Mermaid Dottie
08-26-2014, 01:22 PM
Thanks! I'm so excited about it! I'm going to have it for pirate fest, and ComicCon, and I get to be twinning with my mer-sister Thalassa.
Mermaid Danielle
08-26-2014, 07:34 PM
Dottie, that top is amazing!
Mermaid Dottie
08-26-2014, 07:51 PM
Thanks Danielle! I designed the sleeves, and requested it in my colors. It is tighter than when I sent the base to them, but I think that's actually a good thing, since I keep losing inches. (it also makes my girls look good!)
It ended up fitting like an elizabethan style corset, which is awesome, because I love that renaissance lady silhouette. I actually think I'm going to paint my swim skirt to match, so that it will look almost like a formal gown when I'm wandering the faire.
And I just LOVE that I can wear the straps up or down depending on my mood! I've been thinking about making some latex (or maybe something else) armor, and doing a kind of Nami cosplay with all of it. My hubby's cousin makes these super awesome cosplay weapons, and I would love to have nami's staff.
Mermaid Dottie
08-26-2014, 11:23 PM
It's no hotter than my tail, though it didn't help with my ice bucket challenge, haha! That was cold!
Mermaid Isabel(:
08-27-2014, 01:32 AM
Wow I absolutely love that top Dottie you look so great in it! :)
Mermaid Dottie
08-27-2014, 02:23 AM
Thanks, Isabel!
Mermaid Dottie
08-27-2014, 02:30 AM ice bucket challenge video. picture of afterwards.
Mermaid Wesley
08-27-2014, 04:24 AM
So cuute
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Mermaid Dottie
08-27-2014, 03:06 PM
Haha, thanks Wesley!
08-28-2014, 03:24 AM
thanks mermaid vixen :) sadly I don't have the money for thare tails yet but maybe in 4 years I might :) and the mernation is one of my picks for thare tails :) wish me luck I gonna neet it :P
08-28-2014, 04:29 AM
thanks mermaid vixen :) sadly I don't have the money for thare tails yet but maybe in 4 years I might :) and the mernation is one of my picks for thare tails :) wish me luck I gonna neet it :P
Totally and I'll keep everyone posted on my mernation journey as well. I have a Facebook fan page but currently it isn't published because I wouldn't be able to publish any updates since I have no decent tail to sport. Once my mernation journey begins you can bet it'll be up and running again! I'll be posting updates as I get them and plan to do an unboxing video so everyone can be there with me in spirit :D I have been watching others journeys and enjoyed them so very much I wanna do it too! Good luck with your money raising. I have been waiting for about 3 years now for a silicone tail so I know how it feels to have to wait. I'm impatient so it was hard for me but hope time flies for you!!!!
09-21-2014, 07:32 AM
I have not ordered my tail yet, nor do I have the money for it yet but I have been communicating with MerNation via email. Lauren has responded most of the time and she's been so awesome. We talked out design ideas and paints so I would know just how much money I need to save.
I've got $260 dollars and that's just in 2 weeks. Next paycheck I should have a nice sales bonus that will ALL go into savings and my boss is working on getting permission for me to cash out my PTO rather than taking a vacation that I can't afford anyways.
09-21-2014, 09:01 AM
Recently I found the latest 2 mers who ordered from mernation on instagram. Last one to receive her tail was Maya from mermaid miracles and she made a video too. Now there's a lady in Spain awaiting hers currently. She said she would make an unboxing video. Seeing if she has a YouTube channel so I can find her and subscribe. She began as a nail artist instagram and that's what her name is based on but she may be switching to a mermaiding page from a nail art page. I think her tail is in the mail now because she posted a finished pic of it. She hasn't revealed her name yet. I've met several mernation mermaids through instagram so I'm excited for that and keep searching for more.
09-21-2014, 10:37 AM
I had a great time communicating with MerNation!!! They did such a great job on my tail and I love it more then anything.
09-21-2014, 12:08 PM
I had a great time communicating with MerNation!!! They did such a great job on my tail and I love it more then anything.
I don't remember where I saw it but I saw the drying rack your hubby made for you. Mom and I are going to buy the stuff today to make a photo backdrop & drying rack combo. I'll take pics to share.
09-27-2014, 03:02 PM
I think I'll be able to order my tail around my birthday this next year. I'm super excited!
Mermaid Dottie
09-27-2014, 03:21 PM
Yay! That's so exciting!
09-27-2014, 03:46 PM
That's awesome, Amber!!!!
09-27-2014, 08:58 PM
That is super super exciting!!! I am working on a design right now and some ideas I am going to be talking to them soon about!!
09-27-2014, 09:05 PM
That is super super exciting!!! I am working on a design right now and some ideas I am going to be talking to them soon about!!
How do you like your monofin choice Chrissy? I was wondering how the foot pockets are holding up? I heard the rapid is prone to having the foot pockets collapse causing very uncomfortable pain from the foot squeezing. Lauren told me hers did that and now it hurts. We've been discussing another option for me to avoid that. She said the trainer has a rubber foot pocket so it shouldn't be prone to that and to ask you about it since you have one. She said the only thing about the trainer is the blistering on top of the foot but dive socks should protect from that.
10-09-2014, 04:44 AM
Have you guys seen where Mernation is offering $1200 full silicone tails? Check out their Facebook
10-09-2014, 10:47 AM
I saw their post on Facebook. It's tempting but I don't know if I could narrow mine to just one color. The other part is the fact that it isn't reinforced like the $2500 tail. I'm curious what a difference that will make in the long run.
10-09-2014, 12:51 PM
Glad to see you have heard about our new tails! If you have any questions, feel free to message us or post here. All of our tails are reinforced with thick silicone and power mesh. The big difference between the two regarding reinforcement is the $2500 tails have more silicone poured in those areas (waist, heels and knee) and another layer of powermesh. This is something we started doing for the mermaids at the Denver Aquarium because they use their tails a crazy amount (12-18 shows a day!), and figured why wouldn't we do it for all of our "higher end" tails :)
10-09-2014, 01:24 PM
Glad to see you have heard about our new tails! If you have any questions, feel free to message us or post here. All of our tails are reinforced with thick silicone and power mesh. The big difference between the two regarding reinforcement is the $2500 tails have more silicone poured in those areas (waist, heels and knee) and another layer of powermesh. This is something we started doing for the mermaids at the Denver Aquarium because they use their tails a crazy amount (12-18 shows a day!), and figured why wouldn't we do it for all of our "higher end" tails :)Do you have any more pictures of these tails?
Mermaid Daenerys
10-09-2014, 02:39 PM
I'm with AmbrGlows here, in that I don't know I could narrow my idea down to just one colour - at minimum I'd want the gradient effect lots of tails have where they're darker on the sides and lighter in the middle. I'm not sure the lack of reinforcement would be a big reason to dismiss these tails for me, as I'd mostly want it for recreational purposes rather than performing daily - it's the lack of being able to make it look more realistic with the two-tone colour that's kinda putting me off. If I could see more pics, I'd be very interested, considering how beautiful Mernation's tails look!
10-09-2014, 04:34 PM
I have seen many mermaids who have tails with one color so I figured they would like this. Some don't care to have designs and such. Also the reinforcement would be like what other tail makers already do for the higher price they charge. I don't think other makers do near as much extra silicone in sensitive areas like what mernation does because in unboxing videos and pictures I can tell mernation added a lot and make it very tough and it doesn't look like that at all in other tail makers video unboxings and pictures and I already can tell that other makers have thinner silicone throughout the whole tail itself and thinner extra fins. That's why I went for mernation because in videos and pictures I could tell the overall tail and extra fins are thicker than other makers tails and their price is more reasonable than other makers. I want thicker silicone because one it gives support and less likely to rip and second it hides your leg shape better and third kids can't feel your legs or feet as much.
10-09-2014, 04:34 PM
As we just started offering this single color paint job we only have the one picture so far. But they'll look just like our other tails :) Just one color haha! We are happy to discuss adding a slight gradient effect for an additional charge, however the main reason for the discounted price is the dramatic reduction in painting time. The paint is still airbrushed (not just embedded) and will still have a very shimmery look though. Feel free to email us your designs and we will happily quote you a price!
10-11-2014, 09:08 PM
Well done, Mernation! I love this idea and will be definitely keeping you guys mind once I'm ready for my second tail. I'd most likely get the single color or a gradient effect and then add more color myself.
Mermaid Sirenia
10-11-2014, 09:22 PM
I plan on getting another tail in the future, it will definitely be a mernation tail!!
~Mermaid Sirenia~
Mermaid Saoirse
10-11-2014, 10:35 PM
After hearing about Mernation's new offer, I'm proud to announce that I have started saving up to purchase a single color tail! This is a huge leap for me considering I've never made such a large purchase before, but I'm looking forward to it. In the meantime, I already have my money saved up to begin purchasing supplies for my neoprene and sequin tail! (This is about $90, considering my Mertender is purchasing my sequins for me as a gift. I already have the fin I plan to use for it.)
Princess Pearl
10-18-2014, 04:17 PM
I was iffy on Mernation tails- I really like their shape, but the scales are really plain compared to, say, Merbella or Finfolk. But I really like their new shell patterned ones!
Dang it, now I've got another tail maker in the running for when I'm ready to buy a silicone tail!
10-18-2014, 05:21 PM
I was iffy on Mernation tails- I really like their shape, but the scales are really plain compared to, say, Merbella or Finfolk. But I really like their new shell patterned ones!
Dang it, now I've got another tail maker in the running for when I'm ready to buy a silicone tail!
I went for them because you get more for the price. If I went with finfolk it would cost me over $4000 for the same tail I'm getting for $3120 from Mernation. I can get a scale top too for $160 because the tail was under budget by so much. I only planned to pay $3500 at most and I'm still way under budget even with the top added which the total is $3280. Finfolks prices are going up too since they are in Hawaii now. As if $4000 was cheap to begin with..... Mernation makes their tails thicker too for more strength and durability. Look at pictures and unboxing videos where people show you up close and handle a merbella and finfolk tail and compare the thickness of the entire tail to a mernation tail. I've seen merbella extra fins get ripped off but mernation fins are stronger and can take abuse because I know a mer who has hers yanked and pulled but it never rips. If you don't care about the thickness of the silicone then mernation offers a $1200 tail that's basically the same thickness as other makers tails. This cheaper tail is still full silicone not partial like what merbellas does to you for a cheaper price. I'm just saying from observation and someone who wants her dream tail without having to remove extra fins or colors because I couldn't afford it to be added but doesn't want to be gouged and still wants quality and durability, mernation was the only way to go for me not to mention no long waiting like what would happen with the others. I always said to myself if I'm going to pay that much money I better get my actual dream tail! $3500 is my budget but that's still A Lot of money and for that much I shouldn't have to sacrifice parts of my dream tail. Lucky for me their extra fin and design prices are reasonable so I get my dream tail. Also their shipping price is reasonable. Shipping in the USA is from $70-$100 depending on your location (ask and they'll tell you shipping price). Dorsal is $250, pelvic fins $100, heel fins $100, and designs are $100. Deluxe advanced start price $2500, basic tail $1200. They also will make any kind of design you request. Have a special fluke or extra fin in mind that they haven't done, show them and I'm sure they make it. I haven't seen them turn down a challenge yet. They are going to make me some heel fins and they haven't done those before. They send pics and updates everyday of production. They personally call you or text if they have concerns or questions. They make the production very one on one so no waiting in anticipation. They are very sweet people and I hope to meet and swim with them one day. Yep they do that too :) they told me to text if I'm ever in Florida. This info is what I know from my experience with them so far and I haven't even made my tail yet and info from others who told me about their experiences with them. I'm so excited. I'm not saying other makers are bad I'm just saying expensive and your getting the same thing. Mernation isn't charging as much for labor for instance. They want everyone to have a chance to have a dream come true!
10-18-2014, 05:35 PM
thicker presents with it's own issues FYI. I have both a super thin tail (my merbellas is thinner than any other silicone tail) and a thick tail (my mermaid creations tail) and thicker comes with it's own sets of issues. I personally don't think anyone has had a recent mernation tail *long* enough to know exactly how durable they are.. *yet*. I went a good 1.5 years before one of my fins ripped off. And I put my tails through a beating- and mine was *intentionally* cast thinner than normal. My thicker tail is heavier and puts way more weight on stress points such as the monofin which increases the risk of breaking a monofin and or having a monofin poke through.
Tail makers are all different, it really just depends with what you're looking for and what you need. But it's hard to know exactly how durable a tail is until it's been used a lot for at least a year IMO. I was quite impressed for instance, with Christomer's mertailor tail he brought when he visited us. Far more durable than I was expecting. I think swimming in a aquarium isn't as risky to the tails as other environments. You're not coping with chlorine that eats away at tails and creates mold in powermesh. You aren't dealing with various pool textures that can scrape a tail. You aren't dealing with kids and people who can pull and pick at your tail. And you're not dealing with transporting the tail a whole bunch in a day to different venues.
I think it's a really smart move for Mernation to offer extra reinforcement. I know 3 other tail makers who have already been offering it- just as part of the whole package but didn't really specify it. I think it's a smart business move to charge extra since it *is* extra time and materials to do it. I think tail makers should also charge extra for elaborate paint jobs as they require more time, more paint, and custom stencils.
10-18-2014, 05:52 PM
thicker presents with it's own issues FYI. I have both a super thin tail (my merbellas is thinner than any other silicone tail) and a thick tail (my mermaid creations tail) and thicker comes with it's own sets of issues. I personally don't think anyone has had a recent mernation tail *long* enough to know exactly how durable they are.. *yet*. I went a good 1.5 years before one of my fins ripped off. And I put my tails through a beating- and mine was *intentionally* cast thinner than normal. My thicker tail is heavier and puts way more weight on stress points such as the monofin which increases the risk of breaking a monofin and or having a monofin poke through.
Tail makers are all different, it really just depends with what you're looking for and what you need. But it's hard to know exactly how durable a tail is until it's been used a lot for at least a year IMO. I was quite impressed for instance, with Christomer's mertailor tail he brought when he visited us. Far more durable than I was expecting. I think swimming in a aquarium isn't as risky to the tails as other environments. You're not coping with chlorine that eats away at tails and creates mold in powermesh. You aren't dealing with various pool textures that can scrape a tail. You aren't dealing with kids and people who can pull and pick at your tail. And you're not dealing with transporting the tail a whole bunch in a day to different venues.
I think it's a really smart move for Mernation to offer extra reinforcement. I know 3 other tail makers who have already been offering it- just as part of the whole package but didn't really specify it. I think it's a smart business move to charge extra since it *is* extra time and materials to do it. I think tail makers should also charge extra for elaborate paint jobs as they require more time, more paint, and custom stencils.
I think mernation looks to provide mers with something special rather than making financial gain from it. They seem to be doing it out of love for mermaiding and love for others dreams since they do have another job other than this. This seems more like a side thing they do. I'm just thankful for them otherwise I would have to sacrifice parts of my dream tail just to have a tail at all. Chrissy said she's had kids tugging and pulling on her fins a lot consistently the last few months and haven't had a rip at all. The fluke seems to be the perfect weight to prevent monofin breakage because the mers I've talked to haven't had an issue at all. They said the tail weighs about 30 to 35 pounds. Yes I love the extra durability. They just took that out and do a simple paint job for the $1200 tails so if there are mers that don't care about durability "heavy tail" or special paint then they can afford a full silicone tail. They said they are even willing to do special paint for the $1200 but they would charge a little extra but at least the start price is $1200. I know I've been aggravating them to death with messages but they are so nice and told me to keep asking questions if I have any because now is definitely the time rather than during production. I started talking to them way back in March and even though they knew I wasn't buying until December they still talked to me as much as they are now. They didn't cast me to the side or anything.
10-18-2014, 08:16 PM
I would also just like to chuck this out there, to show how competitive the market actually is at the moment: (please note this is BEFORE the Finfolk scheduled price rise and I will make a new one once it's been announced)
Looking at this you can see how close the prices actually are among SOME of the tail makers. If you take out Flip tails and Mermaid creations you'd probably get a more accurate expectation of what things cost and what is 'expensive' vs 'cheap', but I thought I'd include them anyway. But looking at the prices, I think it's unfair to say that Mernation is the only one not trying to make a financial gain from making tails. I will also acknowledge that their simple tails are the cheapest full silicone tails on the market without a doubt (Jesse's from Mermaid Creations coming in a close second with his).
Let's try this, I wanted to order a tail with a fairly elaborate paint job, 2 sets of fins (because who can have just one?), a dorsal and a monofin upgrade (because I live near the ocean) here's how much it would cost me:
Mernation: $3150 (Tail: 2500, Monofin Upgrade: 200, Extra fins: 100x2, Dorsal: 250, Elaborate Paint: Included)
Finfolk: $3375 (Tail: 2500, Monofin Upgrade: 150, Extra fins: 175x2, Dorsal: 175, elaborate paint: 200)
Merbella: $3200 (Tail: 2600, Monofin Upgrade: Included, Extra fins: 150x2, Dorsal: 300, Elaborate Paint: Included)
Mertailor: $3490.58 (Tail: 2729.50, Monofin Upgrade: Non-Optional, Extra fins: 168.50x2, Dorsal: 371, Elaborate Paint: 53)
So as you can see between all four of the current (in my personal opinion) major tail makers, a fairly standard order there is only about $350 between the lowest and the highest, with only $50 standing between the bottom two. So I once again say that if we are talking prices then I'd say Mernation is in it for dream making AND profit just as much as any other tail maker. THIS taking into account that Mernation only sculpts the exterior side of their fins (as seen in Mermaid Dottie's unboxing video at 17:00 min in.) and whilst they are highly praised for their resilient body of the tail the fluke seems to be a weak spot in that aspect:
After 3 months:
After 2 Months:
I will acknowledge that they are really up there in terms of their customer service and response times, probably Finfolk are the only others close to their quality from what
I've heard, however I think Finfolk also have a much higher order intake than Mernation does, so Mernation has the time to spend. They are known to be sturdier than most other tails, once again Finfolk seem to be close to them in terms of how well the extra fins are attached (based on videos I've seen). However as Raina stated they haven't been around as long as some other tail makers like Mertailor or Merbellas so it's impossible to say how their tails will hold up in the long run.
But in saying that in my personal opinion (please do not attack me for this I've been mostly fact orientated up until this point but I think this is something that I need to say as well) Mernation isn't as up there with their sculpting abilities and painting. I'm not saying their bad, I'm just saying that from what I've seen in videos and pictures that compared to the other tail makers their designs aren't as detailed or advanced.
Princess Pearl
10-18-2014, 09:18 PM
But in saying that in my personal opinion (please do not attack me for this I've been mostly fact orientated up until this point but I think this is something that I need to say as well) Mernation isn't as up there with their sculpting abilities and painting. I'm not saying their bad, I'm just saying that from what I've seen in videos and pictures that compared to the other tail makers their designs aren't as detailed or advanced.
Which is one of the reasons why I was so impressed with the new scale pattern! It shows they've really stepped up their game!
10-18-2014, 09:27 PM
Which is one of the reasons why I was so impressed with the new scale pattern! It shows they've really stepped up their game!
This is true also :) I was quite impressed by the new scale pattern, though I did forget about that in my little price analysis haha. Not sure if they'll be same cost or an additional though. May be a variable I'll have to add to the chart haha.
10-18-2014, 09:41 PM
Am I the only one who thinks the new Mernation scale design looks inspired by Merbella scales?
10-18-2014, 09:46 PM
No. I also thought that as well, but there are a few differences with them which are mainly comparative size and the fact that Merbella scales have a raised lip on the edge. I thought I may have offended enough with the whole 'not as good as so-and-so' that I didn't bring it up haha.
Princess Pearl
10-18-2014, 09:54 PM
This is true also :) I was quite impressed by the new scale pattern, though I did forget about that in my little price analysis haha. Not sure if they'll be same cost or an additional though. May be a variable I'll have to add to the chart haha.
According to their Facebook page, there will be no extra cost.
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10-18-2014, 10:26 PM
Selene I think your chart is really cool
If you have time maybe put it in its own thread that can be stickied in commercial tail discussion. I bet a lot of people would appreciate how you have the options all laid out.
10-18-2014, 10:41 PM
I would also just like to chuck this out there, to show how competitive the market actually is at the moment: (please note this is BEFORE the Finfolk scheduled price rise and I will make a new one once it's been announced)
Looking at this you can see how close the prices actually are among SOME of the tail makers. If you take out Flip tails and Mermaid creations you'd probably get a more accurate expectation of what things cost and what is 'expensive' vs 'cheap', but I thought I'd include them anyway. But looking at the prices, I think it's unfair to say that Mernation is the only one not trying to make a financial gain from making tails. I will also acknowledge that their simple tails are the cheapest full silicone tails on the market without a doubt (Jesse's from Mermaid Creations coming in a close second with his).
Let's try this, I wanted to order a tail with a fairly elaborate paint job, 2 sets of fins (because who can have just one?), a dorsal and a monofin upgrade (because I live near the ocean) here's how much it would cost me:
Mernation: $3150 (Tail: 2500, Monofin Upgrade: 200, Extra fins: 100x2, Dorsal: 250, Elaborate Paint: Included)
Finfolk: $3375 (Tail: 2500, Monofin Upgrade: 150, Extra fins: 175x2, Dorsal: 175, elaborate paint: 200)
Merbella: $3200 (Tail: 2600, Monofin Upgrade: Included, Extra fins: 150x2, Dorsal: 300, Elaborate Paint: Included)
Mertailor: $3490.58 (Tail: 2729.50, Monofin Upgrade: Non-Optional, Extra fins: 168.50x2, Dorsal: 371, Elaborate Paint: 53)
So as you can see between all four of the current (in my personal opinion) major tail makers, a fairly standard order there is only about $350 between the lowest and the highest, with only $50 standing between the bottom two. So I once again say that if we are talking prices then I'd say Mernation is in it for dream making AND profit just as much as any other tail maker. THIS taking into account that Mernation only sculpts the exterior side of their fins (as seen in Mermaid Dottie's unboxing video at 17:00 min in.) and whilst they are highly praised for their resilient body of the tail the fluke seems to be a weak spot in that aspect:
After 3 months:
After 2 Months:
I will acknowledge that they are really up there in terms of their customer service and response times, probably Finfolk are the only others close to their quality from what
I've heard, however I think Finfolk also have a much higher order intake than Mernation does, so Mernation has the time to spend. They are known to be sturdier than most other tails, once again Finfolk seem to be close to them in terms of how well the extra fins are attached (based on videos I've seen). However as Raina stated they haven't been around as long as some other tail makers like Mertailor or Merbellas so it's impossible to say how their tails will hold up in the long run.
But in saying that in my personal opinion (please do not attack me for this I've been mostly fact orientated up until this point but I think this is something that I need to say as well) Mernation isn't as up there with their sculpting abilities and painting. I'm not saying their bad, I'm just saying that from what I've seen in videos and pictures that compared to the other tail makers their designs aren't as detailed or advanced.
They now always have textured fins on both sides. They no longer do the smooth underside like what you see in dotties review. When you make a request for something to be done they do it. I haven't heard of them turning down a custom request. Even though they haven't done any heel fins as of yet they are making some for me. I have custom pelvic fins being made too because the ones they have don't match my design. I love how they get a tail delivered to you exactly 1 month after you order. They don't take months and months to get the product to you. They constantly stay on top of things by updating you everyday so you know how it's going. They make sure it looks right to you before continuing when they aren't sure about something. I think they deserve more credit than what they are getting.
10-18-2014, 10:43 PM
This is true also :) I was quite impressed by the new scale pattern, though I did forget about that in my little price analysis haha. Not sure if they'll be same cost or an additional though. May be a variable I'll have to add to the chart haha.
They don't charge extra for the new scales. Same price included in either the $1200 or the $2500 tail
10-18-2014, 11:20 PM
They now always have textured fins on both sides. They no longer do the smooth underside like what you see in dotties review. When you make a request for something to be done they do it. I haven't heard of them turning down a custom request. Even though they haven't done any heel fins as of yet they are making some for me. I have custom pelvic fins being made too because the ones they have don't match my design. I love how they get a tail delivered to you exactly 1 month after you order. They don't take months and months to get the product to you. They constantly stay on top of things by updating you everyday so you know how it's going. They make sure it looks right to you before continuing when they aren't sure about something. I think they deserve more credit than what they are getting.
I don't mean to step on your toes here, but it's okay for other people to prefer other tailmakers. You seem very defensive of MerNation--which is fine! I agree, they're a great tailmaker! The only silicone tail I've touched is a MerNation tail and it was beautiful. But you don't need to reply to every post about them. I love your passion about them and I know you'll love your tail from them, you just seem to be coming off a little strong and defending them when the post seems neutral.
10-18-2014, 11:35 PM
Its easy to reply to every email when you don't have many orders... Not everything is a big contest.
10-18-2014, 11:58 PM
Its easy to reply to every email when you don't have many orders... Not everything is a big contest.
Just because they answer all emails quickly doesn't mean it's because they have no customers. They have 3 people working and it's easy for them to have 1 person stop and take time to answer emails and speak with customers while the other 2 continue working. That's another reason why they finish so fast. Not all their customers post reviews or have pictures plastered on the internet. I know several who haven't made themselves known out there in the social media world who have tails by them and love them. Just because they're not all over YouTube or Facebook doesn't mean they don't exist. Some choose to stay under the radar and have just bought the tail for their own personal enjoyment not entertainment of others. I'm only defending them as much as others defend other tail makers. They do wonderful work and deserve to be treated as such. It's amazing how when anyone talks about getting finfolk tails or merbellas tails not one person says a negative thing about them but instead that person considering that tail maker gets congratulated and welcomed. I shared my personal experience and opinions about them to someone who is considering them to encourage her decision and I get attacked for encouraging someone all because it's mernation. If I said the same thing about finfolk or merbellas to someone considering them I would have had people backing me up and saying I was right and they are awesome yada yada but since it's mernation we speak of that doesn't happen. It's best to just leave it alone. If someone considers mernation there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with someone else encouraging that decision. They aren't doing people like what mertailor did or fishbutts did so there's no reason why they shouldn't be supported.
10-19-2014, 12:10 AM
Where were you attacked? Providing other opinions isn't an attacking and I don't recall that happening. You are very defensive of them as a tailmaker and I don't really understand why. Most people here like MerNation, there have been a few issues along the way but I don't have a problem with them and from the extent of my knowledge most people don't mind either.
10-19-2014, 12:16 AM
Where were you attacked? Providing other opinions isn't an attacking and I don't recall that happening. You are very defensive of them as a tailmaker and I don't really understand why. Most people here like MerNation, there have been a few issues along the way but I don't have a problem with them and from the extent of my knowledge most people don't mind either.
I always seem to feel like I'm backed into a corner when I speak of them or show support. Nobody can simply say "yeah they are a great company or that's awesome" people always come at me with something negative about them like "they have no customers or thicker comes with problems or whatever"
10-19-2014, 12:17 AM
All I did was simply try to provide facts, backing this up with as much proof as I could find and put one personal opinion at the end. I also provided many point FOR Mernation, putting them up comparatively to other tail makers even agreeing that they were the best tail makers in terms of customer service. I was just trying to provide Princess Pearl with a lot of unbiased facts that mainly compared Mernation to other tail makers since this is their thread. ALL Tail making companies have flaws, pointing them out is not a crime, no one is perfect. I never intended for you to feel personally attacked and whilst I don't feel like I did if this is the way I made you feel then I'm sorry.
10-19-2014, 12:32 AM
I always seem to feel like I'm backed into a corner when I speak of them or show support. Nobody can simply say "yeah they are a great company or that's awesome" people always come at me with something negative about them like "they have no customers or thicker comes with problems or whatever"
Being unbiased doesn't mean bashing necessarily. There's nothing wrong with showing support! I think they're a great company, but that doesn't defeat the farce that has happened so far. It just comes off really strong with the way you post about them and you haven't even received a tail from them. I understand what you mean about how MerNation's "faults" seem to come up more often than MerBellas' and FinFolk.
10-19-2014, 12:33 AM
All I did was simply try to provide facts, backing this up with as much proof as I could find and put one personal opinion at the end. I also provided many point FOR Mernation, putting them up comparatively to other tail makers even agreeing that they were the best tail makers in terms of customer service. I was just trying to provide Princess Pearl with a lot of unbiased facts that mainly compared Mernation to other tail makers since this is their thread. ALL Tail making companies have flaws, pointing them out is not a crime, no one is perfect. I never intended for you to feel personally attacked and whilst I don't feel like I did if this is the way I made you feel then I'm sorry.
It wasn't necessarily you selene. Thank you for the apology though. This is mernations thread and that's why I'm on here because I support them and this was made to give them kudos. I'm not going to merbellas or Finfolks threads and telling anyone there to go with mernation. If I was choosing to buy from finfolk or merbellas I would be on their thread and encouraging whoever to buy from them but I'm going with mernation so I'm on mernations thread encouraging people here. I'm staying in the appropriate thread. I just shared the price difference based on my tail which is pretty blinged out and not basic.
10-19-2014, 01:03 AM
Being unbiased doesn't mean bashing necessarily. There's nothing wrong with showing support! I think they're a great company, but that doesn't defeat the farce that has happened so far. It just comes off really strong with the way you post about them and you haven't even received a tail from them. I understand what you mean about how MerNation's "faults" seem to come up more often than MerBellas' and FinFolk.
I didn't mean for this to be a price war. I was basically comparing strength of the tail (thicker silicone and reinforced seams) and quick replies and customer service. Then I get pushed back with they have very little customers which is so not true and thicker silicone comes with its own set of issues and no one has had a mernation tail long enough or not enough hours in a tail. What about mermaid cydney who was their first customer over a year ago who swims in the ocean and other environments other than aquariums or the Denver mermaids who has more hours than most in those tails. They have several shows a day everyday and yet they've told me they love theirs and never had a problem. From actual customers the positive out weighs the negative. I feel confident in my choice to go with them. I was also only comparing to makers I actually considered buying from. My top three were mernation, finfolk, and merbellas. I have good reason to not mention mertailor and mermaid creations isn't my style. But anytime someone mentions they are considering mernation or thinking about going with mernation I back them up on that decision. Just because I don't have a tail personally yet doesn't mean I don't have information. I am friends with many mernation tail owners and they tell me what they think about quality and also from what I observe in videos. The customer service is my experience because I've been speaking with them since March quite often.
10-19-2014, 01:08 AM
I think Raina was just trying to offer her side of the story since she's experienced both a super thin tail and a pretty thick tail. Like I said, I'm all about MerNation. WavyMermaidy has a gorgeous tail by them (and I STILL haven't gone swimming with her yet! We live like 20 minutes away from each other??).
It can just be difficult to really provide facts or information without a tail quite in hand yet, I feel. You just come off kind of persistent and it seems a little off putting that way, but I totally understand where you're coming from.
10-19-2014, 01:20 AM
I think Raina was just trying to offer her side of the story since she's experienced both a super thin tail and a pretty thick tail. Like I said, I'm all about MerNation. WavyMermaidy has a gorgeous tail by them (and I STILL haven't gone swimming with her yet! We live like 20 minutes away from each other??).
It can just be difficult to really provide facts or information without a tail quite in hand yet, I feel. You just come off kind of persistent and it seems a little off putting that way, but I totally understand where you're coming from.
Lucky!!! Wish I lived close to someone I could swim with. No one lives near me. Kinda in the middle of no where lol. Maybe I will when I move near Galveston Texas. Not a whole lot to pick from as far as swimming meet up spots either here
10-19-2014, 01:30 AM
Yeah one sentence doesn't require a great big defensive paragraph. You keep making a lot of assumptions and just being defensive off the bat. In finfolk and merbellas people do compare tails. Because people talk about their own experiences with their own tails and how they apply to the thread. Compared to the other tail makers who have months long wait lists before you can even pay, they do have little customers. Even Jesse had such a wait list he had to stop taking orders. It's not an insult, it's context. You're suggesting they're better than others because they're answering emails and communicating, but all tail makers who do well and last a while eventually get to a point where they have more clients and can't instantly answer people. it doesnt mean a tail maker is good or bad one way the or the other. It's just unfair of you to compare them to tail makers in a positive or negative way who have been around much longer and have had tails going longer. I think in a year, after people have used their tails a while, and mernation builds up more of a client base, there will be a more accurate example of what they're capable of.
In the tail making world everyone starts out the same. People don't have as many clients so they can bend over backwards to make the tails perfect. They can charge less. But over time, more clients, it becomes more work, there's the pressure to improve, and material costs go up. EVERYONE starts off all bright eyed scaley tailed, and then the rubber hits the road so to speak as things pick up. If you're going to go on and on about a company you have yet to get a tail from and keep comparing them to all the existing people, I am going to point out the context that hey, it's not like they're working the same work load, the same conditions, juggling the same amount of clients, or putting out the same type of materials.
You basically took one person's comment of "I wasn't sure, but now I am!" and turned into paragraphs and paragraphs of defending. It also bothered me the suggestion that other tail makers are doing it all for money. Raven does more free upgrades, free exchanged, and refunds while there's been a very public issue with mernation not doing that for a client. I don't think it needed to be said that they do it for the love and suggest others don't because they charge more. They deserve to charge for the amount of work, time, energy, and materials they put into their product. I love the community a hell of a lot, I demonstrate it all the time with all the free hard work I put in. But I'm sure as hell gonna charge for my book and workshops because I deserve to be paid for my skill and knowledge. Tail makers are no different.
I *own* a mermaid creations tail, and I'm pretty open about the struggles I've had with that being thick so I think it's worth people considering. I also am really candid about my experience having a tail cast thinner which is also something I don't recommend to people based on my experience. Tails are one of those things, people want to sway to an extreme but in reality it requires a balance to get the best use out of it. Raven's tails and Jesse's tails both have their fault. I don't argue that it takes Raven forever and she doesn't talk enough, or defend that Jesse still uses permawet and desnt glue the fluke down. Every different tail maker has their pros and cons for why you should go with them. I just think there needs to be a bit more time and a bit more product before people can comment in the manner you're trying to, about mernation. At least wait til you get your tail and use it.
For the record, as I already said, I think it's great they're making reinforcement upgrades. I think more people want middle ground tail prices too- so that's great. Too many price gaps from somewhere in the 100's to all of a sudden 2000+ we need more middle ground priced tails. Mernation DESERVES to make money and not just break even. It's meant to be more than a hobby, it is a job. There's NOTHING wrong with doing something you love and making money at it. I mean, by that line of thinking mermaids should charge less for our services because we love doing what we do or making kids happy. See what I'm trying to say there?
10-19-2014, 01:50 AM
Yeah one sentence doesn't require a great big defensive paragraph. You keep making a lot of assumptions and just being defensive off the bat. In finfolk and merbellas people do compare tails. Because people talk about their own experiences with their own tails and how they apply to the thread. Compared to the other tail makers who have months long wait lists before you can even pay, they do have little customers. Even Jesse had such a wait list he had to stop taking orders. It's not an insult, it's context. You're suggesting they're better than others because they're answering emails and communicating, but all tail makers who do well and last a while eventually get to a point where they have more clients and can't instantly answer people. it doesnt mean a tail maker is good or bad one way the or the other. It's just unfair of you to compare them to tail makers in a positive or negative way who have been around much longer and have had tails going longer. I think in a year, after people have used their tails a while, and mernation builds up more of a client base, there will be a more accurate example of what they're capable of.
In the tail making world everyone starts out the same. People don't have as many clients so they can bend over backwards to make the tails perfect. They can charge less. But over time, more clients, it becomes more work, there's the pressure to improve, and material costs go up. EVERYONE starts off all bright eyed scaley tailed, and then the rubber hits the road so to speak as things pick up. If you're going to go on and on about a company you have yet to get a tail from and keep comparing them to all the existing people, I am going to point out the context that hey, it's not like they're working the same work load, the same conditions, juggling the same amount of clients, or putting out the same type of materials.
You basically took one person's comment of "I wasn't sure, but now I am!" and turned into paragraphs and paragraphs of defending. It also bothered me the suggestion that other tail makers are doing it all for money. Raven does more free upgrades, free exchanged, and refunds while there's been a very public issue with mernation not doing that for a client. I don't think it needed to be said that they do it for the love and suggest others don't because they charge more. They deserve to charge for the amount of work, time, energy, and materials they put into their product. I love the community a hell of a lot, I demonstrate it all the time with all the free hard work I put in. But I'm sure as hell gonna charge for my book and workshops because I deserve to be paid for my skill and knowledge. Tail makers are no different.
I *own* a mermaid creations tail, and I'm pretty open about the struggles I've had with that being thick so I think it's worth people considering. I also am really candid about my experience having a tail cast thinner which is also something I don't recommend to people based on my experience. Tails are one of those things, people want to sway to an extreme but in reality it requires a balance to get the best use out of it. Raven's tails and Jesse's tails both have their fault. I don't argue that it takes Raven forever and she doesn't talk enough, or defend that Jesse still uses permawet and desnt glue the fluke down. Every different tail maker has their pros and cons for why you should go with them. I just think there needs to be a bit more time and a bit more product before people can comment in the manner you're trying to, about mernation. At least wait til you get your tail and use it.
For the record, as I already said, I think it's great they're making reinforcement upgrades. I think more people want middle ground tail prices too- so that's great. Too many price gaps from somewhere in the 100's to all of a sudden 2000+ we need more middle ground priced tails. Mernation DESERVES to make money and not just break even. It's meant to be more than a hobby, it is a job. There's NOTHING wrong with doing something you love and making money at it. I mean, by that line of thinking mermaids should charge less for our services because we love doing what we do or making kids happy. See what I'm trying to say there?
I think what they are trying to do is make it affordable to those who can't afford to pay 3000+. They make their tails in a few weeks rather than 7 to 8 months so they don't have to have a wait list. They are able to keep up with their clients. They've been making silicone tails for over a year and a half now. February 2013 was their first announcement of silicone tails. They have enough clients that they stay constantly busy and rarely seem to get any down time.
10-24-2014, 03:20 AM
seavixen: do you have a pic of the design you are going with or are you going to wait until it's done for the reveal? ^___^
(hey, another Texas Mer going for mernation ^^ that makes 4 I know ^^ including myself :) I have requested a very custom fluke and they didn't hesitate to come up with a reasonable estimate and compliments ///^^/// they are such a delight to chat with. I'll hopefully be ordering from them around january/feburary <3 )
Hey blue! I'm actually ordering in December so you'll possibly be after me yay!!! I do have the design done and on paper but I was going to wait for the reveal once it's in production. I have a fb page and I was going to share updates there (the page is unpublished right now but it will be published again when I order) and I have an instagram just search SeaVixen you should find me. I also will have a YouTube going if I'm brave enough to do an unboxing video since I am the camera shy type. That's so exciting that you're going with them as well and yes they are an absolute delight! I'm super excited for you!!!! :D I had no idea there were several Texas mernation mers! Where are their locations in texas. I'm in the south about an hour and a half from corpus. I'm moving in a few years near Galveston in lake jackson so not far from the beach.
10-24-2014, 03:36 AM
Hey blue! I'm actually ordering in December so you'll possibly be after me yay!!! I do have the design done and on paper but I was going to wait for the reveal once it's in production. I have a fb page and I was going to share updates there (the page is unpublished right now but it will be published again when I order) and I have an instagram just search SeaVixen you should find me. I also will have a YouTube going if I'm brave enough to do an unboxing video since I am the camera shy type. That's so exciting that you're going with them as well and yes they are an absolute delight! I'm super excited for you!!!! :D I had no idea there were several Texas mernation mers! Where are their locations in texas. I'm in the south about an hour and a half from corpus. I'm moving in a few years near Galveston in lake jackson so not far from the beach.
Edit: it's Mermaid _ SeaVixen for instagram
10-24-2014, 10:30 AM
I have a Mernation fabric tail and I'm about to talk with them about a custom top. Also...Texas Mer here!
10-24-2014, 02:44 PM
I have a Mernation fabric tail and I'm about to talk with them about a custom top. Also...Texas Mer here!
10-24-2014, 05:15 PM
the other two Texas mers I know considering MerNation are Lotus_blooming and I believe Andariele ^^ although I am not sure if they want me giving away their location so if they want they can just pop in and tell you themselves ^__^ I live in the arlington area ^_^ I also have the same plan to keep my design to myself until it's in production ^^ in fact Lotus_blooming was the one whom drew it for me because I lack artistic ability. I am very excited :)
I'll keep an eye out for your facebook and youtube, don't have an instagram though.
Dang everybody is in the Dallas area while I'm stuck 6 hours away. I've been to Dallas twice in my almost 25 years of life. I went to south fork ranch once several years ago and then was stranded at the airport during a layover to San Antonio the other time. When I move to lake jackson I'll still be a good 4 1/2 hours away. I was hoping some were in the Houston area since I'll be 45 minutes from there and we could have meet ups at mammoth lake or something.
10-24-2014, 05:33 PM
aw, I'm sorry :/ yea, I just got lucky to have a couple of mers near by. Ya never know though, maybe meet ups could happen at half way points or whatever ^^ although that kind of discussion would belong in a texas pod thread ^_^
so, back on track, I sent Mernation an email last night (late last night) and am hoping to hear from them soon :) I haven't talked to them in a few months, since I have been busy saving, so I am very eager to hear from them once again :D
I've been talking to them on Facebook! I can't wait to get to send the official I'm Ready message. They send me messages occasionally. They are very good about keeping in touch and remembering you! Been talking with them off and on since March and they've been a delight to speak to and they were more than happy to speak to me and send me templates even though it was going to be 9 months before I could order. I'll actually have the money a week from tomorrow but I'm losing weight right now and need another month to get where I wanna be before doing my duct tape dummy. I'm just a few inches away from my goal. I'm not as concerned with weight just the inches. I definitely know the feeling you're having. I can't wait to see your design! I met a lady on instagram who's from Spain who recently got a tail like a few weeks ago. She loves hers but she's very secretive about it. She only has like 3 or 4 pix of it on her instagram. Her account is mainly nail art. Haven't seen her in it yet but I think she's camera shy
10-24-2014, 05:47 PM
I'm in Cypress, near Houston.
10-24-2014, 06:47 PM
I'm in Cypress, near Houston.
Sweet you will only be 1 1/2 hours from where I'll be moving to. Rosenberg will be about the halfway point. I'll be about an hour from Galveston too. Surfside beach will be like 20 minutes or so away from me over by Freeport. Mammoth lake is that large man made diving lake in lake jackson too. Right now I'm stuck in Victoria for the next 2 years at least then I'll be in lake jackson.
10-24-2014, 06:50 PM
I just got a reply <3
they are so accommodating ^__^ I had a similar experience! it's so nice how well they respond even when they know it will be awhile before you buy. There's something so great about that. They just really seem to care, it's not like talking to other people in sales (in general, not necessarily talking about other tail-makers) where they are nice but it's obvious they are just repeating a certain rhetoric and well. I feel like I am having an actual conversation when I message them //^_^// it's comforting, I feel a level of real trust with them ^^ which is important when it comes to a purchase like this ^____^
I know right! That's another reason I like them so much. Plus the fluke shape I totally fell in love with when I first saw it in a picture I ran across. Sometimes they message me just to converse like we talked about meeting in Florida sometime and swimming in springs. They are super friendly people and so eager to please! I have spoken to both Erin and Lauren. Both awesome ladies!
10-24-2014, 10:38 PM
Even after your tail is done if you ever have any question they will get back to you super fast!!!! They really are sweet people
10-24-2014, 11:30 PM
I am so happy with my tail. I have no complaints!!! They did everything I wanted just how I wanted. I don't know if you have checked out my YouTube videos "nola Mermaid" but you can see my unboxing up to my review I did after 2 months of hard work
10-25-2014, 02:04 AM
Actually I have seen your youtube ^^ including the unboxing! (You were so amazed how vibrant it was x3 didn't know about the review though! I'll go check it out!
I love how she did many swimming videos. Just not enough of those out there for mernation. I really hope I get over my fear of being taped so I can make an unboxing video and swimming videos too. Not only does other mers like to see others opening their tails but I'm sure mernation loves to see their customer open their tail and see the look on their face since they can't be there the day it arrives or hand deliver it. I bet it's the same sensation you get when someone is opening the birthday or Christmas gift you got them and seeing the look on their face.
10-25-2014, 09:17 AM
I'm in Dallas, TX. And I'm saving for a MerNation tail.
10-25-2014, 02:55 PM
wow, looks like mernation is gonna get a lot of business from us texas mers ^^
oh, seavixen, I forgot to ask, what type of monofin are you getting?
I'm getting the trainer
10-26-2014, 05:14 PM
I plan to ask mernation personally but some insight from mers whom have already bought from them would be good too ^^
do you think they would be open to make a custom silicone top? (like the tops they make already, but not scales)
I have a few ideas but I am not sure if they would be open to making custom silicone tops. Has anyone perhaps already asked them this? Or is pretty confident about what they might answer with?
(I have been asking them a lot of questions and although they are so nice and accommodating I want to see if I can find out about it before sending them another email in the same day ^^; )
Believe me I sent them a ton of messages! They are more than happy to answer questions. Yes I'm positive they are willing to make custom tops. Just show them your ideas. I'm going to be driving them crazy I'm sure with all the details of my fins since they haven't made anything like the fins I'm wanting. My fins will be completely custom. By doing custom work for customers they are learning and expanding their abilities which is why they accept challenges. It looks better for them in the long run if they do more than what they already do. No company wants to be stuck in a rut and produce the same stuff over and over.
10-27-2014, 01:48 AM
I just asked about the waist being lower and they seem to only do it to the waist and I would need to adjust it myself if I want it lower, do any of you have experience in cutting a MerNation tail's waist down? I'm looking to cut it down near the middle of the hips, maybe even have a bit of a V in the front so my belly botton is visible and to give it a hint of a sensual look. Any thoughts?
Chrissy "Nola Mermaid" would be the one to speak to about this. She did this to hers including the V. If you watch her 2 month update video she shows what she did and talks about it. The reason they don't do this is because they are afraid the waist might be too short and your bathing suit bottoms will show since all they have is the duct tape dummy to go by. Also when you cut the silicone yourself there won't be any paint where you cut even though the silicone is dyed you'll still notice. Chrissy shows this in her video. You can't touch it up either because the silicone pores will be closed and it won't adhere anymore. Silicone has about a 3 day window after being pulled from the mold, and the pores close and after they do, it can't be repainted or touched up so if you cut the silicone there won't be any paint on the tip where you cut it if that makes sense. You can make the duct tape dummy stop where you want the tail to stop at the waist or hips and tell mernation to not to add any inches past the duct tape dummy because according to Chrissy in her 2 month video update, Mike adds 2 extra inches above the duct tape dummy just in case to make sure it isn't too short so you can tell them not to do that and only go to the edge of the duct tape dummy so it'll stop where you want it. As far as the V they have no way of knowing how low it should go but I suggest while wearing the duct tape dummy use a sharpie and draw where you want the V to go so they can use that as a guide but idk if they'll trust that so much since they worry it may not fit right and you'll be very unhappy. They are determined to please their customers and a perfect snug fit is key.
10-27-2014, 01:54 AM
Chrissy "Nola Mermaid" would be the one to speak to about this. She did this to hers including the V. If you watch her 2 month update video she shows what she did and talks about it. The reason they don't do this is because they are afraid the waist might be too short and your bathing suit bottoms will show since all they have is the duct tape dummy to go by. Also when you cut the silicone yourself there won't be any paint where you cut even though the silicone is dyed you'll still notice. Chrissy shows this in her video. You can't touch it up either because the silicone pores will be closed and it won't adhere anymore. Silicone has about a 3 day window after being pulled from the mold, and the pores close and after they do, it can't be repainted or touched up so if you cut the silicone there won't be any paint on the tip where you cut it if that makes sense. You can make the duct tape dummy stop where you want the tail to stop at the waist or hips and tell mernation to not to add any inches past the duct tape dummy because according to Chrissy in her 2 month video update, Mike adds 2 extra inches above the duct tape dummy just in case to make sure it isn't too short so you can tell them not to do that and only go to the edge of the duct tape dummy so it'll stop where you want it. As far as the V they have no way of knowing how low it should go but I suggest while wearing the duct tape dummy use a sharpie and draw where you want the V to go so they can use that as a guide but idk if they'll trust that so much since they worry it may not fit right and you'll be very unhappy. They are determined to please their customers and a perfect snug fit is key.
You can also take a picture of you wearing the duct tape dummy so they can see how it looks on you. I plan to do this.
10-27-2014, 12:22 PM
Yes I have cut my tail down a bit. I measured high and they added 2 extra inches to that. We laughed when I got it on and Mike said to cut if down 2 scales. After I cut that. I have slowly cut down the front one scale layer at a time and then I would swim in it to see if I needed to adjust. Then I cut down one more layer and stared to "v" the front. But the paint isn't in the silicone, it is sprayed on. The silicone is blue so when you cut the blue shows at the top where there is no paint. I don't mind this b/c I have a bit of a gap in the back (I am very curvy) so I use a belt that covers all that anyway. But they have emailed me the paint they have used so I can touch it up. But only take down one scale line at a time, they don't grow back and I would rather have it a bit higher in the back
10-27-2014, 03:45 PM
One of the Denver mers said to request that the silicone be dyed the main color before the silicone is poured into the mold so it isn't clear or anything under the sprayed on paint. I've been asking around alot for various tips from others and their suggestions to better the tail
10-27-2014, 06:01 PM
Oh I see, so just make the dummy reach up to where I want it and tell them not to add any inches to the dummy? Yea, ok that should work :) maybe I can do without the V though, I'm not sure I trust myself cutting it.
Yeah that's what I'm going to do. I'm afraid of having one of those high waisted tails. Looks like grandma pants on me lolol you know how old people wear their pants all the way up to their boobs hahahahahaha yep that's how I would look. Some pull it off but not me I look ridiculous. My parents made me wear pants all high as a child and I looked like a nerd and was teased about it because that's when the hip huggers came about.
11-11-2014, 06:46 PM
From Mernations Facebookpage: g
Mermaid Wesley
11-11-2014, 09:16 PM
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11-11-2014, 11:05 PM
Do they have any video of it in action?
11-11-2014, 11:57 PM
OOOOoooooooo how cool. And perfect for mers who travel often and want to bring their tail.
Princess Pearl
11-12-2014, 01:37 AM
Wow. First the solid colour tails, then the new scales, now these. Mernation is really cranking out the new products lately.
11-12-2014, 01:43 AM
Wow. First the solid colour tails, then the new scales, now these. Mernation is really cranking out the new products lately.
Don't forget the gap wraps!
11-12-2014, 08:43 AM
Do they have any video of it in action?
Not yet, It's still in prototype-stage.
11-12-2014, 01:13 PM
I just need to put my two bits in here about MerNation and their customer service. They rock! I bought a custom fabric tail with a dorsal fin from them and they were helpful from the get go. Then, when I got my tail, I had noticed that it was still a little large on me, but I wasn't worried too much about it. After reading my review here on Mernetwork, they personally contacted me to let me know that if I wanted them to adjust the size and take it up a bit, that they would do it for no charge. I would just need to pay for shipping it to them. Wow. I was floored with how nice that was! So I had my mom help me safety pin the tail up to where I would like it and sent it to them. In no time, they had it fixed and sent back, all the while letting me know what the progress was on it. I couldn't rave about them enough. Hopefully I'm going to get a silicone top from them when I save enough money. I'm a fan of Mernation!
11-12-2014, 03:47 PM
Not yet, It's still in prototype-stage.
They have a video of the new silicone fabric tail in water up now on facebook!
11-12-2014, 03:48 PM
Do they have any video of it in action?
Yep its been uploaded today on their facebook! The fluke really holds up nicely for fabric!!
11-13-2014, 09:22 AM
So I have gotten my newest design together and and spoken with Mernation about the design and what we are going to come up with. the colors are fun and the design will be exciting and hopefull something they will be able to offer to other clients as well!!! I can't wait to get this project started, I kick it off in Feb so I will have this new tail for spring!!! Super super excited about this one, I was my second favorite color scheme that I came up with, I just altered the design and shape a bit!! I can't wait to show everyone a sketch!!!
Mermaid Martha
11-18-2014, 05:04 PM
Hey everyone! I just ordered a solid colour silicone tail from Mernation! So so so excited to start this process. I have been considering many tail makers for months and months but I have finally decided to go with Mernation. Their flukes and amazing customer service sold me on this company. I will excitingly be their first UK customer! I am going to video the whole experience and put it on Youtube so others who want to know more about the process can see. I look forward to becoming part of this lovely community!
Mermaid Saoirse
11-18-2014, 06:53 PM
Hey everyone! I just ordered a solid colour silicone tail from Mernation! So so so excited to start this process. I have been considering many tail makers for months and months but I have finally decided to go with Mernation. Their flukes and amazing customer service sold me on this company. I will excitingly be their first UK customer! I am going to video the whole experience and put it on Youtube so others who want to know more about the process can see. I look forward to becoming part of this lovely community!
Congrats!! It must be really exciting. :D You documenting the experience will definitely be useful to future customers like me who will also be purchasing a single color tail eventually.
Are you willing to share what color it will be? or is it a secret? :3
Hope you have a wonderful experience with them, I heard they're very good at keeping up with communication! I've asked two questions before on their fb page and they've responded to both in under two minutes!
11-18-2014, 11:02 PM
Congrats!! It must be really exciting. :D You documenting the experience will definitely be useful to future customers like me who will also be purchasing a single color tail eventually.
Are you willing to share what color it will be? or is it a secret? :3
Hope you have a wonderful experience with them, I heard they're very good at keeping up with communication! I've asked two questions before on their fb page and they've responded to both in under two minutes!
Oh yeah they are fabulous at responding fast. I have been talking to them the last few days since it's getting close to time for me to order too. they respond within a day! When they are working with a customer on a tail they don't reply quite as fast since they dedicate 110% to their current customer but they do get back to you as fast as possible.
Mermaid Martha
11-19-2014, 04:01 AM
No it's not a secret at all! It will be a grass green kind of colour I think. I'll be painting it further when it gets here as well. I'm currently trying to work out if I want the new shell scales or the original... Difficult choices!
I wanted to document it so everyone can see what happens. I know I love watching unboxing and review videos so I thought it would be a good idea to start!
I am very impressed with the speed of their replies. I have contacted a few tail makers and both mernation and finfolk are quick to reply. Just so excited!
11-19-2014, 04:10 AM
No it's not a secret at all! It will be a grass green kind of colour I think. I'll be painting it further when it gets here as well. I'm currently trying to work out if I want the new shell scales or the original... Difficult choices!
I wanted to document it so everyone can see what happens. I know I love watching unboxing and review videos so I thought it would be a good idea to start!
I am very impressed with the speed of their replies. I have contacted a few tail makers and both mernation and finfolk are quick to reply. Just so excited!
Do you have a youtube? I would totally watch! I was going to do the unboxing too assuming I don't clam up. Camera shy :S feel stupid talking to no one lol then I start messing up haha. I took an online speech class years ago and man I had to redo my speech over and over. We had to record our speech and upload it to youtube. So scary! Lol maybe it was because I knew it was for a grade idk
Mermaid Martha
11-19-2014, 04:33 AM
Yes I do. It's called mermaid Martha! There is currently only one video on there at the moment however hopefully there should be another up tonight just explaining why I want to be a mermaid and why I have chosen mernation over other tail makers. I know what you mean with the camera though! It took so much editing because I would mess up what I wanted to say or say ummmm a lot! It's a little scary even though there is no one there! It's ok though I'm sure it'll be ok if you start making videos :)
11-19-2014, 04:37 AM
Yes I do. It's called mermaid Martha! There is currently only one video on there at the moment however hopefully there should be another up tonight just explaining why I want to be a mermaid and why I have chosen mernation over other tail makers. I know what you mean with the camera though! It took so much editing because I would mess up what I wanted to say or say ummmm a lot! It's a little scary even though there is no one there! It's ok though I'm sure it'll be ok if you start making videos :)
I guess I fear judgement and ugly comments. Making fun of something or whatever you know. I'm gunna try and give it a whirl. I know mernation loves to see customers open their tails so I know I gotta do it for them and anyone else interested in seeing it. I watch everybody else open theirs and I get so excited for them. I don't know who's more excited me or them lolol
Mermaid Martha
11-19-2014, 07:19 AM
I know what you mean! I was thinking about disabling the ratings but I wanted to make sure people could ask questions of they wanted to and so I can have feedback. I guess there are always going to be people who judge you. As mermaids, we will face a whole lot of comments and funny reactions but who cares :)
11-19-2014, 03:39 PM
I know what you mean! I was thinking about disabling the ratings but I wanted to make sure people could ask questions of they wanted to and so I can have feedback. I guess there are always going to be people who judge you. As mermaids, we will face a whole lot of comments and funny reactions but who cares :)
It's not the mermaid criticism I worry about. I've seen people comment Ugly or Fat to people's stuff
Mermaid Martha
11-19-2014, 03:45 PM
People can be cruel but there are enough nice people to help support you rather then be mean... In my video my wobbly bits are all out but I think I just don't care anymore. It doesn't matter what you do someone will be mean for no other reason then they can be
11-19-2014, 05:25 PM
People can be cruel but there are enough nice people to help support you rather then be mean... In my video my wobbly bits are all out but I think I just don't care anymore. It doesn't matter what you do someone will be mean for no other reason then they can be
I hope so. I'll give it a go and hope I don't screw it up lol I'll just pretend there's someone there. I'll do it when no one's home hahaha
11-23-2014, 09:29 PM
I'll be ordering my first silicone tail from mernation in january, (Decided to wait until after chrismas to put down the down payment.) They were so fast and quick to reply. I've been trying to contact finfolk for a tail for a while now but I never get a response when it comes to asking about ordering a tail. Not even a "We are not taking orders right now." :S it was kind of annoying, I had my heart set on a finfolk loreena fluke. But Mernation has been wonderful in responding and their tails flow nicely in the water from what I have seen.
I got to say even with all the positive reviews I am a little nervous about paying the full cost of the tail before it is made. I have herd some horrible experiences with people paying for stuff online and never receiving what they payfor.
11-23-2014, 10:26 PM
I'll be ordering my first silicone tail from mernation in january, (Decided to wait until after chrismas to put down the down payment.) They were so fast and quick to reply. I've been trying to contact finfolk for a tail for a while now but I never get a response when it comes to asking about ordering a tail. Not even a "We are not taking orders right now." :S it was kind of annoying, I had my heart set on a finfolk loreena fluke. But Mernation has been wonderful in responding and their tails flow nicely in the water from what I have seen.
I got to say even with all the positive reviews I am a little nervous about paying the full cost of the tail before it is made. I have herd some horrible experiences with people paying for stuff online and never receiving what they payfor.
I'm not paying online for mine. I'm sending them a check with my duct tape dummy. They don't charge shipping until it's ready to go. I assure you, there's nothing to worry about. They are honest people and are absolutely a delight to speak to and work with. I've been discussing my design more with them lately since I'll be ordering in a few short weeks! I have spoken to many owners of mernation tails and they all speak highly of them and said their experience was a delight and have no complaints. I will also keep everyone up to date on my Facebook page and instgram and here.
11-23-2014, 10:33 PM
I'll be ordering my first silicone tail from mernation in january, (Decided to wait until after chrismas to put down the down payment.) They were so fast and quick to reply. I've been trying to contact finfolk for a tail for a while now but I never get a response when it comes to asking about ordering a tail. Not even a "We are not taking orders right now." :S it was kind of annoying, I had my heart set on a finfolk loreena fluke. But Mernation has been wonderful in responding and their tails flow nicely in the water from what I have seen.
I got to say even with all the positive reviews I am a little nervous about paying the full cost of the tail before it is made. I have herd some horrible experiences with people paying for stuff online and never receiving what they payfor.
Finfolk have been very busy with moving to Hawaii, so that may be the reason for not answering you. Mernation is a great company too, congrats to getting a tail! <:
11-23-2014, 10:44 PM
I'm not paying online for mine. I'm sending them a check with my duct tape dummy. They don't charge shipping until it's ready to go. I assure you, there's nothing to worry about. They are honest people and are absolutely a delight to speak to and work with. I've been discussing my design more with them lately since I'll be ordering in a few short weeks! I have spoken to many owners of mernation tails and they all speak highly of them and said their experience was a delight and have no complaints. I will also keep everyone up to date on my Facebook page and instgram and here.
Thanks for the input and reassurance :) I'll look forward to seeing your updates, I'm beyond excited and I think mernation will do a fabulous job for my first tail :)
Thanks Yulia! Yea I had a feeling thats why. Oh well I'm glad I'm going with mernation, shiping may be a little cheaper to, I'll try finfolk for my second tail.
11-24-2014, 12:08 AM
I'm strongly considering Mernation for my second tail...I just wish they would design some more fluke shapes! :(
I won't be ordering until January-February though, so maybe they'll release some more by then.
11-24-2014, 04:55 AM
I'm strongly considering Mernation for my second tail...I just wish they would design some more fluke shapes! :(
I won't be ordering until January-February though, so maybe they'll release some more by then.
If you design a fluke shape and give it to them, they will create it. They aren't limited to those 2 flukes. No one apparently has asked them to create anything new. They are creating a totally new dorsal that they don't have right now for me and heel fins and pec fins. In fact they don't have any heel fins at all right now so I'll be the first mer to get heel fins from them evidently. Just because they don't have what you want on the table at the moment doesn't mean they won't work with you to create something like what you envision. Show them your ideas
11-24-2014, 05:03 AM
Thanks for the input and reassurance :) I'll look forward to seeing your updates, I'm beyond excited and I think mernation will do a fabulous job for my first tail :)
Thanks Yulia! Yea I had a feeling thats why. Oh well I'm glad I'm going with mernation, shiping may be a little cheaper to, I'll try finfolk for my second tail.
If you have instagram follow me mermaid_seavixen and I'll have my Facebook page back up and running in December.
YouTube is
I will attempt to do an unboxing video without butchering it lol and I'll be posting updates more frequently on my Facebook and instagram. Currently there's no videos on my youtube. I'll let yall know when my Facebook page is back up
11-24-2014, 06:34 AM
Sea vixen what date are you expecting your first tail?! :D
11-24-2014, 06:40 AM
SeaVixen, how much more did they charge you for the custom fluke sculpting? (:
11-24-2014, 07:00 AM
SeaVixen, how much more did they charge you for the custom fluke sculpting? (:
They didn't charge me anything extra for custom fins. I'm not getting a custom fluke just custom extra fins. They will still accommodate you on the fluke though. I got my invoice and it's $3210. That's just the tail charge plus what they normally charge for extra fins and paint design. They are awesome like that!
11-24-2014, 07:01 AM
Thanks for letting me know! That's really cool of them!
11-24-2014, 07:04 AM
Sea vixen what date are you expecting your first tail?! :D
Don't have an exact date yet but I'll be getting it sometime in January I'm sure. I'm doing the duct tape dummy and sending the money December 10. Once they receive it and if they aren't already working on someone else's tail they will get started as soon as possible. I'm totally excited!
11-24-2014, 07:06 AM
Thanks for letting me know! That's really cool of them!
I did edit my response really quick ^^^^ because I just saw you asked about my tails fluke. I'm not getting a custom fluke but they will work with you if you have something special in mind. They try anything from what I've seen!
Mermaid Freyja
11-24-2014, 01:05 PM
That's wonderful! Looking forward to the progress of your tail.
That's also good to know about their custom fluke possibilities, as I've been considering them too, for a first Silicone tail.
11-24-2014, 07:16 PM
Try are a wonderful group to work with!!! They will design a fluke shape if you summit one but no one has done that yet. I actually am having a custom fluke shape designed that we will be working on very soon.
Mermaid Saoirse
11-27-2014, 10:24 AM
I'm actually considering asking them about possible lily pad details on a top my mertender wants to purchase as a Christmas gift. Since my mersona is more fresh water based it's extremely hard for me to find any tops that could fit the part.
If I do however, would anyone else be interested in them? I'd rather not request something that would only ever find use from me. :)
Mermaid Evolet
11-28-2014, 02:15 AM
i would totally be interested! ive been searching for a freshwater top quite a while ;-)
Mermaid Saoirse
11-28-2014, 06:42 PM
I just asked Mernation over Fb if they have any plans to make freshwater-based tops in the future, and they said no. However they did say they were excited by the idea of lily pad tops and are open to custom top commissions! If in fact my mertender does raise up the money sometime soon I plan on having them make a custom freshwater-styled top.
Just figured I'd let you all know if you were wondering about it :)
Mermaid Jaffa
11-30-2014, 10:13 AM
Shy me wants a full boobied mermaid top... I didn't know all I have to do is send in a bra... Well guess who has started saving for a Mernation bra?
Mermaid Saoirse
11-30-2014, 01:30 PM
Congrats! :D
Do you have any thoughts as to what you want it to look like? It's always good to have an idea of what you're going for before you have the money for it. That way you have a lot of time to devote to thinking about it.
Mermaid Jaffa
12-01-2014, 02:24 AM
I'll most likely send a fabric sample of my current tail. They don't have to match the pattern, just the colors on it.
12-01-2014, 02:56 AM
I went and bought a bra in a nude color that fits me perfectly for them to use to make my top. The bra is also wireless because that kind is more comfortable. I have it in the box right now ready to go with my duct tape dummy. It helps to make sure the top is a precise fit. Some bras don't fit properly even though it may be your size. They gave a discount for providing the bra. They will paint my tip to match my tail. They are making both at the same time so they can make it match perfectly. I'm so excited. I'm going to try and make sizing as painless and easy for them as possible. I'll even put marks on my dummy so they know where to put my dorsal and pelvic fins. I may even make a dummy of my top chest so they can build my top around "me" and it'll be a perfect fit. I may even go as far as making a dummy of my foot since it's hard to judge shoe size with me to make sure my actual foot fits in the monofin properly. I'll do everything possible to help them make it easier.
Mermaid Jaffa
12-01-2014, 03:38 AM
Ok. Thanks! I'll remember that when its my turn to send in a bra.
Mermaid Neri Elvina
12-16-2014, 01:37 PM
I really want a tail from Mernation!
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12-16-2014, 03:04 PM
Guess whose top arrived today on the mail..... :yay:
I haven't seen it yet because it was sent to my mom's house, but I'm guessing I'll go there tomorrow.
I may even do a box opening video. It will be fun, I will be screaming in delight in English and my mom in Spanish - she does not know English, apart from "Pleased to meet you", "Chicken, please", "A beer, please" and "Exit right/left". :dance:
12-16-2014, 03:10 PM
Guess whose top arrived today on the mail..... :yay:
I haven't seen it yet because it was sent to my mom's house, but I'm guessing I'll go there tomorrow.
I may even do a box opening video. It will be fun, I will be screaming in delight in English and my mom in Spanish - she does not know English, apart from "Pleased to meet you", "Chicken, please", "A beer, please" and "Exit right/left". :dance:
Haha mom was all up in my space when doing my duct tape dummy. Her face was buried in my stomach lolol it was a sight to see and we couldn't stop laughing
12-16-2014, 03:31 PM
I have to say, my mom used to tell me frequently that I was crazy, but now that she has a hobby of her own (1:12 scale dollhouses) she is very supportive of "irresponsible" spending on non-necessary things, such as mermaid tops, because now she knows firsthand what it feels like when you "just have to have" something.
I have two tops now, and both are Christmas gifts from her.
12-16-2014, 03:37 PM
I have to say, my mom used to tell me frequently that I was crazy, but now that she has a hobby of her own (1:12 scale dollhouses) she is very supportive of "irresponsible" spending on non-necessary things, such as mermaid tops, because now she knows firsthand what it feels like when you "just have to have" something.
I have two tops now, and both are Christmas gifts from her.
Awww lucky you. My mom just thinks I'm nuts. She's a psychology professor.....she just doesn't understand it. She plays keyboard but she thinks that's a "useful" hobby since she plays in church and stuff. She doesn't think doing birthdays and church events as a mermaid is the same kind of useful as she thinks her keyboard playing is. She believes I'll swim in it a few times and get bored and it'll collect dust but it won't....believe me that will be my pride and joy! I won't have a pool for 2 years but other than that once I get a pool again I will be out there all the time! I have a few friends who support it though and think it's cool and different
12-16-2014, 03:45 PM
Awww lucky you. My mom just thinks I'm nuts. She's a psychology professor.....she just doesn't understand it. She plays keyboard but she thinks that's a "useful" hobby since she plays in church and stuff. She doesn't think doing birthdays and church events as a mermaid is the same kind of useful as she thinks her keyboard playing is.
Oh, SeaVixen, sorry to hear that!
12-16-2014, 03:49 PM
Oh, SeaVixen, sorry to hear that!
Maybe she'll change her tune once she sees it. I hope.... I already have one friend asking me to do her daughters birthday in may or June so I'm excited for that
Prince Calypso
12-16-2014, 09:23 PM
From Mernations Facebookpage: g
I'm really looking forward to this one
12-16-2014, 09:45 PM
I'm guessing that tail doesn't have a monofin. Otherwise I don't know how they'd get it to fold like that. Having even a partial silicone tail with no monofin kind of defeats the purpose of having a silicone tail IMO. It's an interesting idea though. I definitely dig the prospect of a tail that is made for traveling. It'd be great to use for recreational swims instead of hauling out your professional tail for gigs everytime.
12-16-2014, 10:14 PM
The monofin is removable. It's the white thing sticking out of the bag in the thumbnail pictures.
12-16-2014, 10:51 PM
I'm guessing that tail doesn't have a monofin. Otherwise I don't know how they'd get it to fold like that. Having even a partial silicone tail with no monofin kind of defeats the purpose of having a silicone tail IMO. It's an interesting idea though. I definitely dig the prospect of a tail that is made for traveling. It'd be great to use for recreational swims instead of hauling out your professional tail for gigs everytime.
The monofin is removable. You can see it in the image and in the video the fluke is stiff while swimming. The bottom opens to get the monofin in and out
12-17-2014, 10:28 AM
Mernation makes their monofins and they are a very flexible lexan. I adore mine. I swim with just it all the time.
12-17-2014, 10:36 AM
But that is not a Lexan monofin. You can't fold Lexan like that.
12-17-2014, 10:39 AM
I'd love this tail more if the fin was a different shape. It's very much like those of all the "Little Mermaid" tails but that look is a bit odd to me. Looks more flowy & showy than power for swimming.
12-17-2014, 12:27 PM
Looks and acts like Nylon. Lexan if it were possible to bend and stow like that wouldn't be wrinkled when it came out.
If they could make that for a very low price, say under $500 that would be cool as an entry level tail. I like the packability of it.
12-17-2014, 03:09 PM
But that is not a Lexan monofin. You can't fold Lexan like that.TBH, I don't know what it is made out of. I do know it's plastic, clear, bends well and takes the amount of abuse I sling at it. I should take a pic.
12-17-2014, 04:07 PM
It's made of polycarbonate. Flexible for sticking in a bag but strong enough to propel you through the water.
12-17-2014, 04:16 PM
Lexan is polycarbonate...I've never been able to bend any of mine like that, though. Interesting!
12-17-2014, 04:19 PM
Lexan is polycarbonate...I've never been able to bend any of mine like that, though. Interesting!
Yeah a brand of it. I asked mernation about it
12-17-2014, 05:09 PM
That's an interesting tail!
Also, guys, I opened today my Mernation top. I made an unboxing video and it kind of defeats the purpose - I was literally speechless! Couldn't utter a word :$
Here is a pic:
It fits like a dream! I will post a review soon. More pics to come soon - mom already snatched it away to wrap it for Christmas!
12-17-2014, 05:15 PM
Lovely, Talia!
12-17-2014, 05:29 PM
Looks Great!!! :clap:
12-17-2014, 06:34 PM
That looks epic!
Has Mernation made Bracers?
12-17-2014, 06:35 PM
That looks epic!
Has Mernation made Bracers?
Yes they have. Nola mermaid has some and Maya of mermaid miracles has some.
12-17-2014, 07:25 PM
I asked them in an email; they do.
I'm still trying to decide whether to go with Finfolk or Mernation for my next tail, but I discovered that Mernation is willing to make me finned bracers like Finfolk, costs slightly more than Finfolk, but can hand-deliver since I'm about 45 mins away from them. Their customer service is FANTASTIC!
12-17-2014, 07:26 PM
I asked them in an email; they do.
I'm still trying to decide whether to go with Finfolk or Mernation for my next tail, but I discovered that Mernation is willing to make me finned bracers like Finfolk, costs slightly more than Finfolk, but can hand-deliver since I'm about 45 mins away from them. Their customer service is FANTASTIC!
I always think it best to support your local small businesses when possible.
12-17-2014, 07:27 PM
I asked them in an email; they do.
I'm still trying to decide whether to go with Finfolk or Mernation for my next tail, but I discovered that Mernation is willing to make me finned bracers like Finfolk, costs slightly more than Finfolk, but can hand-deliver since I'm about 45 mins away from them. Their customer service is FANTASTIC!
They have been amazing for me for sure. They're willing to do all the extra custom work I requested including the first set of heel fins!!!!
12-17-2014, 10:34 PM
Yes they have made bracers for me
Vrindavana Starfish
12-18-2014, 06:13 PM
From Mernations Facebookpage: g
If this is fully customizable, this might be my first/travel pro fin, since I'm sure I'll be doing a fabric one before. It's a great idea.
12-18-2014, 06:47 PM
If this is fully customizable, this might be my first/travel pro fin, since I'm sure I'll be doing a fabric one before. It's a great idea.
Shoot them a message!
12-18-2014, 06:49 PM
Mernation received my duct tape dummies today!!!!! So stoked!! [emoji1]
Vrindavana Starfish
12-18-2014, 07:15 PM
Shoot them a message!
Not even close to being ready to invest in a tail yet, but I have my eye on it. :) Can't wait to see how yours turns out!
12-18-2014, 07:26 PM
Not even close to being ready to invest in a tail yet, but I have my eye on it. :) Can't wait to see how yours turns out!
I'm totally excited! You don't have to be ready to buy to ask any questions. I've been sending questions and design ideas since March before I ever had the money and just barely placed my order now. They welcome any questions anybody has at any time. That's why they are so awesome!
12-18-2014, 07:29 PM
Mernation received my duct tape dummies today!!!!! So stoked!! [emoji1]
Yay!! So happy for you SeaVixen! Keep us updated on the details!
Also, thanks everyone! I can't wait to take my top to its first swim :dance:
12-18-2014, 07:34 PM
Yay!! So happy for you SeaVixen! Keep us updated on the details!
Also, thanks everyone! I can't wait to take my top to its first swim :dance:
You should do a video!!!
12-21-2014, 01:04 AM
Hey guys just a quick question for a project I'm working on; how much would a basic scale top cost me?
12-21-2014, 01:10 AM
Hey guys just a quick question for a project I'm working on; how much would a basic scale top cost me?
I think they sell them for $160 but they deduct $20 if you supply the bra and it's a guaranteed fit. I'm getting one with my tail
12-21-2014, 01:14 AM
Thank you so much! I am honestly so excited to see your tail SeaVixen. It's going to be legend- wait for it -dary
12-21-2014, 01:18 AM
Thank you so much! I am honestly so excited to see your tail SeaVixen. It's going to be legend- wait for it -dary
Thank you and I can't wait. Anything they make is absolutely stunning and I know mine will be no exception. I can't wait to get the message saying they are getting started! Which reminds me I still need to post the video I made of the ripleys mermaid show in Gatlinburg last summer on YouTube now that I have decent Internet where I'm at. Mainly to get my channel started
12-21-2014, 03:39 AM
Another quick question- how much does a custom fluke design cost from Mernation?
12-21-2014, 10:58 AM
Another quick question- how much does a custom fluke design cost from Mernation?
They don't charge for customizations.
12-21-2014, 12:59 PM
My Facebook page is up again and I posted the video of the mermaid show in Gatlinburg on youtube. Since my Facebook is back up, you know what that means......MerNation has begun on my tail!!!!! Go find me at the following places for updates!!
12-22-2014, 07:43 PM
Design reveal. Already getting progress pix of paint and it looks amazing already just after one coat. The dorsal and heel fins are ombre looking rather than the sketch. Change on my part. Love it!
12-22-2014, 10:19 PM
Design reveal. Already getting progress pix of paint and it looks amazing already just after one coat. The dorsal and heel fins are ombre looking rather than the sketch. Change on my part. Love it!
It's beautiful!! Can't wait to sea it!
12-23-2014, 01:30 AM
It's beautiful!! Can't wait to sea it!
Oh I know. I'm super anxious!!! I get excited everytime I get a message! [emoji13]
12-23-2014, 01:45 AM
Oh I know. I'm super anxious!!! I get excited everytime I get a message! [emoji13]
I'm having to wait until I get my tax refund to see if I can afford a tail.
12-23-2014, 12:05 PM
SeaVixen, that is just GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see pics!
12-23-2014, 12:23 PM
SeaVixen, that is just GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see pics!
Thank you I just love this design
Vrindavana Starfish
12-23-2014, 01:17 PM
I'm totally excited! You don't have to be ready to buy to ask any questions. I've been sending questions and design ideas since March before I ever had the money and just barely placed my order now. They welcome any questions anybody has at any time. That's why they are so awesome!
So, I took your advice and just sent them a few questions about the silicone light tail. I told them not to rush to get back to me—it's the holidays and I'm not in any hurry at all. I will share what I find out.
SeaVixen, I love your tail design!
12-23-2014, 01:21 PM
So, I took your advice and just sent them a few questions about the silicone light tail. I told them not to rush to get back to me—it's the holidays and I'm not in any hurry at all. I will share what I find out.
SeaVixen, I love your tail design!
Thank you and I'm sure they'll get back as soon as they can.
12-24-2014, 12:48 AM
Sneak peek [emoji13] if you guys wanna see all the updates check out my Facebook and instagram.
12-25-2014, 09:28 PM
Top updates have been posted! :D
Mermaid Martha
12-26-2014, 01:59 PM
Looks beautiful! Gorgeous colours! I'm so excited for you do you know the completion time? I'm just waiting for mine to be sent after Xmas!
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