View Full Version : Would anyone be interested in this?

04-26-2014, 04:32 PM
I have all these really pretty huge freshwater clam shells, that are mother of pearl and super shiny when cleaned sanded and polished. I'd love to try making a top with them and wanted to know if someone would like to try it out? I'd be willing to work with you on the design and everything and a very low price because it would be an intro top (:


This is the inside and what the MOP looks like


this is the natural outside, unpolished. After polished and sanded it's the iridescent color of the inside. Very beautiful and they are natural, real and native to my area!

While they are large, I would like to test it on someone no larger than B, possibly a C. Please PM me if you'd be interested!

04-27-2014, 01:57 AM
IM interested!!!