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View Full Version : First Silicone Tail Swim

05-18-2014, 04:32 PM
This weekend I had the opportunity to take my silicone tail out for its first swim. Me and my wife decided to have a stay-cation in Calgary only a short drive away from our home outside the city. I had spent a lot of time researching hotels that had a decent size pool to demo it.

FYI, for anyone wanting to tail swim, Holiday Inn's have pools with at least five feet deep.

I didn't go to the brand of hotel, instead went to a higher end Marriott Courtyard. The reason being, one, it had a decent size pool, no hot tub or sauna but that didn't bother me. The biggest thing, was this hotel was aimed at business travellers so the weekends shouldn't have been as busy. I was wrong. There was a whole bunch of sports teams in staying there. So there was a lot of young boys and their families there. Any way's yesterday morning after breakfast and making a quick trip away from the hotel it was time to try out my tail.

I had a inclination that since a lot of the visitors there were sports teams they were in town for tournaments so going around 11am in the morning was the best time and turned out to be the best after all was said and done. Getting the tail on only took about 10 mins because of the practice at home twice and a little advice from others. Here is a photo of me taken by my wife.


I am not in the best of shape but here is a quick video I created on the fly today of my first swim.


After a few quick videos taken by her I moved over to the steps of the pool just to relax and enjoy the amazing feeling of being half human half fish. Here I am sitting on the steps.


I had such a blast swimming in my tail and for everyone who maybe wondering I wear compression shorts under my tail to help hold it up and it cover up my butt that could show. I had to add that because many may ask why is he wearing under amour.

A funny thing also happened. There was two kids and their dad and they stuck to the shallow end of the pool and then left and thats when I moved down the pool to sit on the steps. Then this group of kids came down the hall and looked into the pool and then came in. All they could do was stare at me. So I tried to make conversation but they left quickly. Again they showed up and this time walked into the pool and out the other door to come into the pool. All while I could see their shadows and them walking back towards the pool again. The young girl with them was probably the most curious out of them all but said nothing. The boys with here eventually asked me to stand in my tail which I know is something we don't normally do but I showed them any ways. I asked if they wanted to touch it and they said no. Just a very curious bunch of kids. I was laughing the whole time because to them this probably was the strangest thing they have ever seen.

So after returning to my room I put the tail in the tub and washed it and then let it soak and currently while I am writing this soaking again with fresh water. I built my own tail stand out of PVC pipe and its pretty portable.

Here its packed up after returning from the hotel.


It would fit nicely in a snowboard bag but I am planning on compacting it more to travel by plane next month when I go to British Columbia. I will also build a frame to fit into a luggage bag to protect my tail while its being placed under the plane.

Here it is unpacked and created.


Here is my tail in the stand after it soaking in the bathtub.


So that is my first adventure with my new silicone tail. Hope you all enjoyed it. BTW, my tail was created by Jesse at Mermaid Creations.

05-18-2014, 05:05 PM
I recognized that as a Jesse tail as soon as I saw it. :) Looks good! Congrats!

05-18-2014, 06:34 PM
Fantastic! Looks great! Thanks for showing your tail stand, I'm going to have to make something like that for mine. I can't wait to get my Jesse tail as well!

Mermaid Lorelei
05-18-2014, 06:56 PM
Looking great Matt!

05-18-2014, 07:40 PM
lookit you Matt! Way to go and holr karp you look so familiar. Ever been out my way for any reason?

I've been to both sets of pools in their NS versions. Always a good time!

05-18-2014, 08:29 PM
It looks like you were having a blast! I couldn't see it too well in your video, but it looks like the heel fin does a nice job disguising your heels.

05-18-2014, 11:26 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Raina, I haven't been to NS ever. I would love to visit the east coast at some point but airfare is really expensive to fly out that way for two people. I guess though I have a doppleganger out there as well. Well one day it would be nice to meet others here at a meetup.

05-20-2014, 04:43 AM
Love your tail its gorgeous :)