View Full Version : Mermaid Facebook BLOWING UP with fake likes !

06-14-2014, 03:56 PM
So. This is weird.
My mermaid facebook page is exploding with likes. I would be super happy about it, but it's weird. The likes are from all over the world, and they seem fake. A lot of the likes are from new accounts.
I am not advertising or "boosting" my posts (although I have run an ad in the past)
I want to run an honest facebook page where I engage with real fans. What's going on and how do I make it stop?

06-14-2014, 04:10 PM
facebook starts catching them. it's happen to me from time to time. I'll gain 100s and then a few days later facebook catches the accounts and I lose 100s. You can speed it up by going through and literally banning the fake members from your page. one day yoda liked my page 5 times. LOL

06-14-2014, 04:15 PM
I got 4,000 likes last night.

06-14-2014, 04:47 PM
it still says your most popular city is Austin Texas. did you google yourself to see if you've been featured anywhere? even just reddit can do that

06-14-2014, 04:48 PM
or did Trina invite people to your page? she did that one for the Halifax Mermaids page and we went from like 300 fans to 3000 lol all legit

06-14-2014, 05:21 PM
Up 150 likes since I last posted. I do have tons of legitimate likes for sure, but this is insane. The first thing I did was google to see if there was anything, because I also had an unusual amount of sales on my lollypop page, so I though maybe someone wrote about us, and there isn't anything. I feel like I'm on a list for fake likes....

Mermaid Wesley
06-14-2014, 06:46 PM
Well I don't know what they're gaining by doing the fake likes.... Hmmmm well whatever good publicity for now lol

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06-14-2014, 07:59 PM
Fake likes is a huge money making business I've written about it extensively

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Mermaid Wesley
06-14-2014, 08:07 PM
But if you're not paying for it where are they getting money?

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06-14-2014, 09:34 PM
yup they still do. they try to validate their pages by spamming other pages to last longer before being detected by facebook. they also send out FB friend requests.

I found out there's a term for this on the internet, it's called cherry blosoming. LOL

06-14-2014, 10:42 PM

06-15-2014, 02:37 AM
Maybe someone with a big page shared you :)

Most reasonable explanation if you ask me.

You're a tail maker, with beautiful tails to say the least, you could have people sharing you left and right without your knowledge. Don't think of it as a bad thing. Finfolk rises up by hundreds some days just from people sharing their pictures.

All publicity isn't bad publicity :)

06-15-2014, 09:01 AM
hmm yeah at first I thought it was plausible but now you've got another 5k over night so you went from being in the 100s now to 10,000k. It took me years to get to 10k and that was with loads of publicity and going viral on reddit and a whole bunch of other things. It now says your most popular city is Cairo, Al Qahirah which is the #1 place that shows up for fake likes.

Mermaid Kassandra
06-15-2014, 10:35 AM
What can we do to avoid this??

06-15-2014, 10:51 AM
Honestly based on all that stuff I researched and posted in the other thread a spike like that it typically bought. The spammers never range in the 10k over night more like a couple hundred.

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Mermaid Kassandra
06-15-2014, 11:49 AM
So you think we don't have to be worried if it reaches a number of 10k in one night?

06-15-2014, 02:49 PM
No I'm saying someone paid for 10k fans

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Mermaid Kassandra
06-16-2014, 06:50 AM
I can't believe that! This is insane!

06-18-2014, 01:08 PM
No I'm saying someone paid for 10k fans

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As you can see from this screen shot none of the likes are paid for.

06-18-2014, 01:23 PM
I did buy advertising in the past. I understood it would just run an ad and I could reach more people who where interested in what I do.
I later learned that Facebook is extremely dishonest in their advertising. I have not since run an ad.
As you can see from the screen shots I don't "boost" posts or pay for likes.


06-18-2014, 01:25 PM
You went viral somewhere! (I have a couple of Flickr photos like that!)

06-25-2014, 10:40 PM
Wish I could have something go viral lol! Oh well small steps.