View Full Version : Navy And killing whales

08-10-2014, 03:52 AM
Hi everyone! *I didn't know where to quite post this, so this is the best place i found so far.if you want to move this to the appropriate spot, please do!* I wanted to come here today because recently(when i mean recent, i mean the in the last few months) i was on Facebook and found that someone had posted an article about the Navy and killing whales. I will not name names on who posted out of respect, but i am pretty sure many of you have seen this article. When i read this article, my heart was crushed, and not for the reasons you think: As a member of the United States Navy, one of the first things they train us on when we reach the fleet is how to be careful and mindful of the habitat that we are in. The put us through extensive shipboard training on what different wild life looks/acts/sounds like and teach us procedures on how to avoid harming them. We have specific rules and regs in place on the trash and hazardous materiel that we dispose of so that it doesn't contaminate the oceans/ sea life/ water supplies of foreigner countries and more.. We go through countless brief and classroom lectures on how to spot wildlife in the area so we can quickly and safely move out of their way.. Hell! Even if we had shipboard shooting range training, we STOP THE RANGE if there is wildlife near by and only continue when we are ABSOLUTELY SURE that the range(which is the ship AND THE SEA) is CLEAR before we continue. No, we are not perfect all the time, but rest assure the Navy everyday continues to research ways to maintain the safety of these beautiful creatures while maintaining the safety and balance for the people we fight for so we can be perfect at it. If you are an environmentalist, please PLEASE research ALL the fact on what you are fighting for BEFORE you post or take a stand on something. Slandering someone else or another organization because you THINK they are bad without knowing all the facts is the wrong way to go about it and in fact cause harm to PEOPLE AS WELL. Please remember that the Human race is also part of this environment and there to is a select group of people that fight to protect them as well. Environmentalists and The military fight on the same side: to protect this planet. Don't forget that. For those who were worried about the whales and the military, i hope this eased up a tin bit of that worry. For those who are still looking at the different articles about Navy and whale killing, think before you believe it, because it's not always true. For those who got offended at this article because they found it a little harsh, I am sorta sorry, but at the same time, the point needed to be made. I wish you all the best and happy Swimming! Much Love ~Naveh~

08-10-2014, 07:14 AM
:clap::clap::clap::thumbs-up::thumbs-up::thumbs-up: Bravo and well said! I love hearing people stand up for what they believe in, rather than just blindly following what someone else says! Thank you for your service and God bless (: