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View Full Version : Archive: "Mermaid top ideas for under $5"

07-13-2011, 07:04 AM
This is an archived thread that was originally posted on mer.yuku.com, the predecessor to MerNetwork. For more information about mer.yuku.com, click here (http://mernetwork.com/index/content.php?136-About-MerNetwork-article).

http://static.yuku.com/common/bypass/images/off_line.gifprincesswizard (http://princesswizard.mer.yuku.com/)

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Posts: 139
05/27/11 07:05:40
Hello All!!! So I've been working on a few new tops and wanted to share with you some ideas for creating tops for great prices. The Dollar Tree has plastic white shells for $1 right now that are great to work with. I took out the white string, used fishing wire to attatch it so that one can't see the straps, and painted it with regular spray paint then glitter. It has now been in the ocean, rubbed up against sand, in pool water, and of course out in the sun for days. It still looks great! I got many compliments when I was walking around the beach in this top as people thought it was a new swimsuit top and couldn't believe it when I told them how to make it. I bought a few more of these shells bc I have also sewn a pair onto an old bra, added some mesh fabric and smaller shells and it looks beautiful. They also have a floral top at this store which you could do alot with to make it unique for your style.

I then found real large seashells at TJMax for less than $10 and used tough as nails glue to attach them onto an adhesive bra. Wal-Mart just had a sale on those bras, and Jo-Ann'shas them for a very good price. I wore that in the ocean as well and I didn't even have to use the spirit gum to get it to stay. After hours in that bra, once I tried to take it off, it was tough, I couldn't believe how well it stuck on, considering the weight of the shells. I don't have alot of time to work on things for my mermaid hobby, so for those of you who are busy and who may be on a budget, I hope this helps :) I will try to post pix. Here is the pic with the large shell top. My avatar has the green shells from the dollar tree.

Last Edited By: princesswizard (http://princesswizard.mer.yuku.com/) 05/29/11 20:14:09. Edited 1 time.

http://static.yuku.com/common/bypass/images/off_line.gifOceanOasisTails (http://oceanoasistails.mer.yuku.com/)


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Posts: 102
06/04/11 16:11:14
Great top princesswizard! I should attempt at doing this!

http://static.yuku.com/common/bypass/images/off_line.gifleshyren (http://leshyren.mer.yuku.com/)


http://images.yuku.com/image/jpg/a893632c6b56a1dbc87b53e86686013dd27e0bbf_a.jpg (http://leshyren.mer.yuku.com/)
Posts: 58
06/06/11 11:26:42
thanks! i like this idea. my shells are kinda heavy.