View Full Version : Ohai!

11-20-2011, 06:48 PM
Hi, merfolk!
When I have legs, I'm Katie. I'm 22 and I live with my boyfriend 5 minutes away from the beach, near Melbourne :D. I graduated last year from Monash uni with a Bachelor of Arts with Honours (my undergrad majors were History and Classical Studies and my honours topic was heraldry in 14th century costume). Being a medieval geek, I'm also in the Society for Creative Anachronism. I'm between real jobs at the moment, but people solicit my costuming services fairly regularly (hopefully I can expand that into tailmaking!). Except for Honey, who is a palomino Arab X Australian Stock Horse (and lives with her half sister and is *technically* owned by my half sister :P ) I'm also between pets, but renting a smallish unit makes it a bit difficult. Once I'm making regular money again I intend to get a cat (my landlord is a cat fan - I'm more of a dog person but I like all animals :D), preferably a Russian Blue so I can call him Rasputin, 9 lives and all... and maybe 'Spew' for short :P. Hmm, what else.... I'm an Artemis Fowl/Tamora Pierce/Harry Potter/Narnia/Pirate/Gilbert & Sullivan nerd.

With a tail, I'm Volitania. The fancy name for a red lionfish is Pterois Volitans, and being a lionfish inspired mermaid, I thought Volitania would make a good name - I have a short fuse, so the 'volitile' hints seemed appropriate :P. I know they're a terrible pest, which is a shame for such an interesting fish that so little is known about! Volitania is a shy mermaid, often being the last in a group of mermaids to socialise with humans, especially human children. She prefers being approached to approaching and will often try to excite interest by swimming near, but not too near, humans (except for the one human man she is captivated by).
She also has a Facebook page, hooray!

Aaaand that's me done.

11-20-2011, 08:44 PM
welcome to the pod!

Mermaid Shelly
11-20-2011, 08:54 PM
I wondered where your mermaid name came from... I love it :)

11-21-2011, 03:25 AM
Fancy seeing you here! :D

How did I not know you were a G&S nerd. More conversations to be had :P

11-21-2011, 04:55 AM
Great to see more of Lilypad Lagoon represented! LPL! LPL! LPL! :D

Mermaid Saphira
11-21-2011, 04:56 PM
Welcome to the fourm :)
I love your mermaid "character"