So I'm looking to throw a mer convention here in Texas. The aquatic center I usually swim at is considering hosting it. It would most likely last 2 days and be sometime in August or September. (I realize this is a busy time for some mers but it is the only time that this aquatic center isn't busy.)

I would be looking at having one day for just us mers and another day would have a time for swim with kids.

I would also like if we had some booths if any of you wanted a space.

And if any one would like to teach a class.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

*I do want to note that I live in a conservative town. One concern that they have had is attire. At first they flat out said no because they thought all mermaids swim topless. They mostly likely will want to enforce some type of dress code when it comes to tops. Please realize that this is completely out of my hands and I personally don't agree. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time.