Hey everyone, where have you gone S.C.U.B.A. diving, and what places do you especially recommend?
Though I've tried several times, I still don't have my SCUBA certification.The first time I was pretty young, and couldn't pass the in-pool swimming test. The next time I tried, I wasn't able to get all of my certification dives done in time. The third time I managed to get all my dives done, but my instructor somehow lost my certification papers in the mail.
That said, on my training dives and various resort diving crash courses, I have been on dives in Jamaica, Bermuda, Dutch Springs near Bethlehem PA, and off the Riviera Maya (near Cancun). The Jamaican and Bermudian dives were a lot of fun, and I even got to hold one of those delicate, spindly-looking red-and-white tropical shrimp in my hands in Bermuda.