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Thread: Tummy Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member Pod of The South
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    Tummy Question

    Alright, so as some of you know now, I am preparing for a big event come January, however, the thing that has me the most uneasy, surprisingly is not the insane time crunch on finishing my tail. It is actually how to go about hiding my tummy

    See, if it was just a matter of extra meat, I'd have no problem with that. I have actually lost all but 10 pounds of my baby weight (which really doesn't make a huge difference), the problem is, from just about an inch over my belly buttonand down all in my lower stomach, the difference in size (I had a HUGE baby, and am normally a tiny person) has left me with that horrible, LOOSE SKIN ;_; It looks DISGUSTING. And it is a big reason I have stopped belly dancing - at least in the half tops I use to wear, and I am concerned with this, because I am unsure of what I can wear or add to cover it.

    Again, I normally wouldn't mind so much, but if you took like, that chicken dangly-looking thing that hangs off a 90 year old's throat, and stuck it on my stomach, THAT'S what it looks like - really really bad. I've made my tail where it should sit up somewhat high on the waist, but I'm not sure that it will actually be high enough to cover all of that, so I was wondering if any of you fellow mers have any ideas?

    I initially thought maybe henna or temporary body paint, but since it is loose skin, coloration isn't really the big problem - it's how it hangs and bunches and does all of its ickyness

  2. #2
    Maybe some sort of loose, flowing/hanging sleeveless top instead of the traditional bikini top? Something that would hang down over your hips and your tail, maybe in colors that resemble seaweed?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Chesapeake Pod ShyMer's Avatar
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    Maybe you can make some sort of belt that covers you more? I rather like the idea of a wrap or something also.

  4. #4
    how about some netting and decorate it with sone shells or seaweed?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
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    make your tail high enough to cover you belly! I have a permanent budda belly because I have a curve in my spine so it always pops out no matter how flat it is. I just pull my tail up over it and feel great

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Yeah have a higher waistline with your tails. Not only to cover your belly but to prevent the tail riding down at you swim. Not a good look when yu're trying to do a barrell roll and your bikini bottoms peek out! :P

    But don't worry about your belly - own it. Cover it if you really feel you need to but you should learn to love and accept yourself for who you are at this very moment. Because all we have are moments, there is no point in hating yourself for not being perfect!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
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    I am currently making a top for myself that is a little more modest.
    Right now this is the design I have...

    Name:  089.JPG
Views: 410
Size:  15.8 KB

    I am hoping it will cover up a little better than shells..etc
    "Silence is beautiful, not awkward. The human tendency to be afraid of something beautiful is awkward."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by AniaR View Post
    make your tail high enough to cover you belly! I have a permanent budda belly because I have a curve in my spine so it always pops out no matter how flat it is. I just pull my tail up over it and feel great
    I totally agree with Raina! It's how I've made my last two tails! I am a curvy woman (I wouldn't want to see myself any other way) and I don't have the "perfect" abs/stomach either! No matter how thin you are some of the poses we have to do in our tails will make our tummies stick out anyway! Having the tail cut a bit higher (mine comes up over my belly button - my excuse being that mermaids don't have 'em hehe) helps with this!

    Some of the other ideas are pretty awesome too though! I love the creativity that people her have! Yay for teamwork!

  9. #9
    Make you tail (or a belt) to have a cut like things from the 1950s. Everything was really classy back then, and it'll cover what you'd want it to! Try googling some imagese of the swimsuits from that time. The "atomic biki" is pretty awesome. Here's a url for an article with a great image of what I am talking about (Not clear on whether or not to just post the image)
    Last edited by Mermaid Photine; 12-18-2011 at 01:16 PM. Reason: spelling error

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Senior Member Pod of The South
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    Thanks, guys, these are all very good ideas. I guess I've gotten so use to everything hanging a good 3 or 4 inches below the bellybutton, that having something come all the way up to the waist has just become weird to me. But I actually really like the look of that 50s bathing suit!

    @ Courtney: Really, the extra pudge doesn't bother me. I did have the best stomach of my life right before getting pregnant, but in belly dancing, I see so many big tummies, that I really dont have anything against that and don't find them unflattering. It's just the loose skin that really does bother me. Sorry Aela. It's just something I've got low self esteem about. Maybe I'll eventually warm up to it. More than likely I'll probably eventually get a tummy tuck when I can afford it >.> But for now it is what it is. Courtney, your belly button reasoning is cute - I will use that ^_^

    @ Aqua: That would be a cute top, especially if decorated with little shells, and seaweed, etc, like some of the other people have mentioned here

  12. #12
    I can totally relate to your concerns about this... I was a lot bigger when I was in college and have lost 80 lbs which I'm happy about, but the loose skin is so frustrating. I don't believe in cosmetic surgery so I've just used a lot of cocoa butter over the past few years and it does seem to help somewhat. I wish it would just magically disappear after all the hard work it took to lose that weight, it doesn't seem fair.

    We can be our own worst critics sometimes, so perhaps it looks worse to you that it does to other people? My husband is always reassuring me because I obsess over it also. I've made a few more modest tops to help out with confidence in that respect and I hope that making one that makes you feel good about yourself will help you feel good about yourself too. I'm sure it will be great sweetie, whatever you come up with
    Mermaid Shelly

  13. #13
    i am skinny yet i still have fat that looks funny when i slouch. so something that will help is sitting in the tail. back straight, shoulders back. stay confident while your there.this will be fun, i promise =) do the fish net top, the high waist tail,but know that you are someone the kids and tenage girls will look up to.
    good luck,Sirenia!
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  14. #14
    Senior Member North Pacific Pod LindseyLu's Avatar
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    If it's the loose skin you are worried about and not so much the size, you could wear control top nylons or underwear. To cover the nylon/spandex you could sew on sequins, or some sort of decore...even paint it a similar color to your skin with some faux scales? It would keep your tummy nice and tight so you wouldn't be thinking about it while your trying to perform. Like Shelly I too have lost a large chunk of weight a few years back, about 70 lbs. I don't have a a lot of loose skin, but it's sure not tight anymore! Spanx is awesome and they last forever, they are a little spendy, but worth it! Good luck! Let us know what you come up with!

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