I don't want people to be scared, I just want them to be informed I was recently in FL myself (on the beach almost every day I was there, if not swimming walking in the surf) and am not worried because I didn't have any open cuts or anything. My husband however, did, and I wish someone had told us beforehand. Keeping an eye on him for any sign of infection for sure. He's got a good immune system though so hopefully all will be well.

The tip they gave about protective footwear is worth listening to. There's lots of sharp shells on the beach! I happened to be wearing my neoprene socks because it was more comfortable that way. If you're nervous about getting a cut like that, leave your shoes on or get some neoprene socks or water booties or something.

Also I know a lot of mers have health issues. So the whole weak/compromised immune system thing is relative as well and for sure worth pointing out.

Just do what they say- don't eat raw shellfish, and if you have cuts/scrapes/ect, don't go in the water. To be well informed is to be well prepared, and all that