My name is Roman Laveau, and I reside in Riverside, California. I just joined the Mernetwork and excited to finally be apart of a great community! Now the reason I am calling all my Merpeeps in SoCal is because a couple of my merfam and I are wanting to go into a children's party business, where we would give them an unforgettable experience; swimming with the merfolk, reading them little fairy tales, making little treats and just making a great overall experience. So if anyone would be interested in venturing out with us, don't hesitate to contact me. I am in my senior year at a University in North Carolina, so I wouldn't be back to meet with anyone personally until around Christmas time. However, if you are interested, I would still love for you to email me so we can keep in touch! Also, even if you are not from SoCal, I would love to hear EVERYONES different ideas and opinions to make this a successful business.
Thanks so much, and "just keep swimming" lol

Roman Laveau