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Thread: Finfolk Productions Wait Time

  1. #21
    Member Undisclosed Pod Ianthe's Avatar
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    Goodness, 20 months! you are very patient, mermaidhunter. Though I think they did mention that they had taken a one week break from studio work while hosting a friend. Have they contacted you further?

  2. #22
    Nope, no contact since the one back in September

  3. #23
    Member Chesapeake Pod Tom Cardwell's Avatar
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    Modified rush charges for high demand tail makers.
    180 day rush = $10K (double the max tail cost)......90 day rush = $20k no matter if its a base tail or decked out......30 day rush = $40k
    Every time a rush order bumps everyone, we all get a $10-$20 credit distributed from the hefty rush fee.

  4. #24
    Member Undisclosed Pod Ianthe's Avatar
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    I don't think Finfolk's rush charges are that high; for example, their 30 day delivery is priced at an additional $1,000. Mermaidhunter, I wish you all the best in your wait!

  5. #25
    Moderator Pod of Cali Mermaid Wesley's Avatar
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    They're not that high, but I think that would be a good idea

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  6. #26
    Normally Finfolks rush fees are 400$.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Mermaidhunter View Post
    Nope, no contact since the one back in September
    I was interested in a Finfolk seaweed top and emailed them at the beginning of the summer. MONTHS later in September they replied saying they could make the top for me but didn't give me any more information. I replied that I was ready to pay and would do so as soon as they sent me an invoice. They never replied.

    It sucks to feel that hope and then get ghosted. I ended up getting a top elsewhere.

    I'll probably be in the market for a new tail next year and I would love to have it be from Finfolk or Merbella. Finfolk would be my #1 choice, but this experience kind of turned me off of them. I know I could do a year-long wait for a tail but I'm not sure I could deal with extremely limited communication. Especially if it occurs after you've paid large sums of money for a tail. Especially when there are other great tailmakers out there who are improving their skills with every new tail they make, have faster turnaround, and excellent communication.
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  8. #28
    Member Chesapeake Pod Tom Cardwell's Avatar
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    Umm, the reason I posted super high rush rates because their current rush rates are BOGUS.
    I know people that have paid rush and didn't get their tail for that rush fee. *shrug*
    If someone will drop $40k/$20k/$10k for a 30/90/180 day rush, guarantee it.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Pod of Texas Sherielle's Avatar
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    At one point, Finfolk was top on my list for a custom tail. At one time, they were super speedy with their work. Unfortunately, even though I'm pretty sure they or Merbellas would make the most magnificent creation, I wouldn't stand the year plus wait.
    Honestly, I'm sort of dreading when the current mermaid craze bubble bursts and all these tailmakers start losing business when mermaids are no longer the current in thing.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
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    20 months is a long time to wait. But with people like finfolk and Raven there's usually always a reason. They don't just scam people. Raven was telling me about her longest orders and why they take so long and it makes perfect sense.

    Often a tail is ready by a deadline too, but then people make changed and it delays them.

    I know everyone wants more communication but it isn't standard in other expensive customized fields. If you go with people who are top of the line you're going to wait and likely have little communication because they're busy making things.

    Since finfolk stopped taking custom orders I expect they'll start catching up. I'm not trying to invalidate waiting 20 months because damn, that is a long time. I'm not a finfolk customer and have nothing to gain by defending them. I just know from when I socially speak with the girls that they work their butts off.

    Everyone always thinks they know how to run a tail making business better than the tail makers. But every successful tail maker ive seen runs into the same issues despite all these genius solutions

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  11. #31
    Well it must be me because I have a record for purchasing custom made items and either never getting them, long delivery times and/or no communication. For example:

    Mermaid tail by Adam Martin: 8+ years STILL waiting, LOL
    Indiana Jones fedora: 2 hats ordered and paid for: 7 years. No communication or updates yet he will respond if you place a new, higher priced order.
    Jack Sparrow pistol: 3 years... more my fault as I am trying to get a sideplate made which is now 18 months
    Gandalf custom costume: 8 months. Sporadic communication.

    Not a great track record. 20 months is nothing compared to others but I am getting a bit concerned.

  12. #32
    When considering getting a silicone tail you have to just put up with the wait time if you are set on buying from Finfolk or Merbellas. If you want a shorter wait time and more communication you can go with a newer tailmaker who will be less likely to be so swamped with tail orders and thus they will probably be able to communicate with you more and finish your tail sooner. Of course the downside to this is, there are plenty of reviews that Finfolk and Merbella tails are of great quality and the wait was worth it. Newer tailmakers generally don't have the same years of experience and amount of reviews.

    I haven't bought anything from a tailmaker yet, but I can imagine that paying a lot of money and waiting a year or more gets very stressful and I am sure that you begin to wonder if they forgot about you when there is hardly any communication. You just have to wait as patiently as you can and find reassurance in the others who have ordered from them and are happy customers and say that the wait paid off.
    I love: Peacocks - Mermaiding -
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  13. #33
    Hey Mermaidhunter, I saw your post and had to chime in.

    Getting an answer from Finfolk was like pulling teeth with regards to not only my tail, but asking for adjustments. I ended up giving up on sending the tail back to them for adjustments since they simply would not answer me (and seemed to be favoring another FF mer with regards to taking in her tail but not mine?) It definitely put me off from getting another tail from them in the future.

    I do know they're very hard-working ladies but that doesn't make the wait time any easier. I'm very sorry you're having to deal with this, MH. /hug hug hug

    Is it possible to message them once every 10-14 days asking for an update?
    Octavia: got married! Saving for a new tail! >u<b

  14. #34
    Hi Mermaid Octavia,

    Thanks for writing and providing some insight.
    Last time I wrote to them it took a couple of tries before I got that response that they would be working full steam on my tail...... back in September.
    Being the holidays I am guessing that I'll hit 21 months (BLACKJACK!!) before I hear something definite with pictures, lol.

    Thanks for the hugga hugga huggas :-)

    If I don't hear anything before the holidays I'll probably start messaging them every week


  15. #35
    21.... BLACKJACK!!!

  16. #36
    Senior Member Euro Pod SeaNymph's Avatar
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    Did you have contact with them since September, mermaidhunter?
    From Africa: A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. Itīs the rough times that make what you are!

  17. #37
    I've written twice but heard nothing back and sent a message through FB. Will be writing once a week once the holidays are done though.

  18. #38
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
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    I heard from them when I let them know I posted about them, that they were mostly done your tail. Hope that helps? Not an official statement but I did ask.

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  19. #39
    Thanks for inquiring AniaR..... would be nice to see some progress pictures especially if they are almost done so I can at least see if the colors are what I asked for.

  20. #40
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
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    I think they were mostly done with assembling I'm not sure about painting. They just happened to mention it briefly. Not an official statement!


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