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Thread: Finfolk Productions Wait Time

  1. #81
    I completely agree with Keiris.

    I know tail makers tend to be in high demand hence long waiting times, but the way they're fulfilling so many other orders that were placed after yours just isn't right. They should be apologising profusely and offering some form of compensation. I'd be tempted to double check your measures as well and update them if they've changed at all.

    Being honest, I wouldn't be happy about paying that amount of money up front and then waiting that sort of time. It seems like once they've got your money, they don't care so much about the customer any more. If I were buying a tail I'd be much happier paying a deposit to cover material costs and then completing the payment when the tail is complete. To me, anyway, that would seem a lot fairer and less stressful for the client. I realise most tails makers take the whole payment up front, hence the reason they can get away with this so easily, but it does annoy me.

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  2. #82
    I'm gonna say this :

    Most of the reasons why there is a huge delay are because of the clients themselves.

    But that's just my opinion. And besides, we don't know what really went between Finfolk and Mermaidhunter.

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  3. #83
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
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    yeah, raven has clients waiting that long and while people will complain on the forum, when I hear the other side, it makes a hell of a lot of sense- I have a hard time biting my tongue. The tricky thing is, a tail maker cant really come on the forum and explain their side without risk of confidentiality issues, infringing on their OWN rights, causing issues for other clients.

    Finfolk are literally one of the top reptuable companies out there. No one but the client is in a position to ask for any information. Let alone demand it. Please keep in mind you only get one side of the story.

    And this is not to put down this merman in particular. Some of the people complaining in here waiting for things are my friends. But in GENERAL I just want people to remember that clients are very capable of being two faced or lying and it happens waaaaay more than you realize. The forum is OFTEN misued as a way to manipulate the participants into putting pressure on a tail maker, when in reality, all it does is add extra stress because they can't go any faster.

    there are numerous reasons that are all valid why some clients might get their tails out ahead. So many people got tails before Tia Michelle, but for Tia's tail, raven had to totally re-do entire molds, styles, and TEST brand new features that she is INNOVATING for Tia. Ontop of a regular work load, that shit takes time.

    so just before you get the pitchforks, let's remember, finfolk aren't mertailor and haven't scammed anyone yet- right?

  4. #84
    Fair point! If there are valid reasons that this one tail has taken so much longer, then fair enough. If not, then we can sharpen the pitchforks. (Just kidding!) But in all seriousness, they really should be hanging their heads in shame if they don't have a good reason for putting that tail off for so long.

    They maybe haven't scammed anyone as such, but I do know one mer who's been waiting for well over a year on a top (which has long been fully paid) and has been told on one occasion it was done and ready to ship, then was told afterwards that it wasn't done at all... And that's definitely really bad business practice, and they haven't been entirely honest in that case.

    It does seem such a shame, as their tail are absolutely stunning and the one I've seen in person is really well made and has lasted well. I absolutely adore their work and could quite happily sit and spend ages just browsing through their Instagram.

    Whatever the reasons are, I hope everyone who's waiting on a tail gets what they're dreaming of and feels it was worth the wait.

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  5. #85
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    . And that's definitely really bad business practice, and they haven't been entirely honest in that case.

    I know that whole situation from both sides, I don't think it's a case of being dishonest, but getting people mixed up and forgetting one of them by accident. which will happen. they are human. I hope the person gets their top soon

  6. #86
    My top is in the mail!
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  7. #87
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  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by AniaR View Post
    I know that whole situation from both sides, I don't think it's a case of being dishonest, but getting people mixed up and forgetting one of them by accident. which will happen. they are human. I hope the person gets their top soon [/COLOR]
    I'll admit, there is something reassuring in that - thanks I just hope you're right! (And I'm sure she does too!)

    Lorelei - I hope we'll get to see yours! Your tail is amazing so I can't wait to see what they've done with the top.

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  9. #89
    Senior Member Pod of Oceania Mer-Crazy's Avatar
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    I'm very with Raina on this one. Usually if a tail is taking a long time I like to think it's something to do with the client. Look at me for example; I'm about to hit 700 days soon but I don't complain because a lot of that was me taking forever to pick a design. I only settled on it in February and I asked Raven to try and develop the chameleon effect for my tail, which takes time and I keep adding stuff to my order haha. Now I could just come up in here and be like 'my tail has taken 700 days and no one would know any of that which is generally why I only post my wait if people ask or I'm making a point like this because I know it's all mostly my own doing and I honestly don't care that much.

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  10. #90
    Initial payemnt was sent in on 3/19/14.
    My design, measurements and color scheme were finalized on 5/9/14
    The custom fluke design finalized on 6/4/14 to which I had pictures on 8/27/14
    Upgraded to individual scales on 7/3/14 which I was told would not impact delivery dates.

    At this point the client (me) made no further changes except to let another tail customer
    take my February 2015 spot as long as I had my tail by end of May 2015
    Last edited by Mermaidhunter; 06-28-2016 at 07:53 AM.

  11. #91
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    Yeah mermaid hunter I don't want my comments to come off judgmental of you, they arent. and by client I mean any client can make it take a long time, for anyone.

  12. #92
    Senior Member Pod of Oceania Mer-Crazy's Avatar
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    ^^ This too. The first time I ordered from Raven my tail took longer than expected because another client at the time was being very demanding and difficult. It sucks that others can make your wait time longer but it's all part of the experience I suppose haha.

  13. #93
    and 2 years is tame in comparison...... I have been waiting 8 years for two Indiana Jones fedoras and about 4 years for a Jack Sparrow pistol.
    Last edited by Mermaidhunter; 06-28-2016 at 07:53 AM.

  14. #94
    Thanks for sharing a timeline of your order! That was very interesting to read through since I have no experience with the ordering process.
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  15. #95
    Well, I have a funny feeling you won't be getting the pistol or the fedoras! (Please tell me you didn't pay a small fortune for them...!?!)

    Whatever's been going on with your tail, I hope they get it sorted and get it done soon. From what you've posted, I do think they owe you an apology... And an honest explanation as to why it's been held up so much.

    You do have a crazy amount of patience, and I really hope you're rewarded for it!

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  16. #96
    I can't wait to order from them!
    Claudia of the Sea.

  17. #97
    I would also like to point out that many clients end up pushing other clients back through their actions/inactions (think indecision on designs and colours, miscommunications on designs, requested repaints which often don't get charged extra for when they should be). Yet the tail makers have to wear it as their own time mismanagement and get anger for it. And with many clients and over time this builds up exponentially. And of course this is going to happen as they are expensive bespoke items; people are going to want them perfect and the girls want to make sure people are happy with the finished product.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Mermaid Lorelei View Post
    My top is in the mail!
    Did ya get it?
    Did ya get it?

  19. #99
    No updates=bad business

  20. #100
    Mermaidhunter- I got it! I plan to take it swimming this weekend hopefully!
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