Raven did an excellent job fixing my orange tail up for me, but wow I feel like it needs another lift! But here's an option for anyone who bought a tail that doesn't fit or has issues, Thom can fit it for you. Also 2500 for a dry costumed tail (high quality) is pretty good considering it be from the master!NOTE FROM THE TAIL MAN: Do you have "Tail Regret"? Did you purchase a lesser quality Tail? Not so happy with the final results? Do you need a REPAIR, REPAINT or RE-SIZE?----You need to contact yours truly. Just send me a photo of your Tail with a description of the problem. We will send you an estimate for repairs. Prices start at $200. E-MAIL TO: TAILMAN01@EARTHLINK.NET.----Thom "The Tail Man" also sells realistic, custom "Dry" and "Wet" Tails for recreational use.----DON'T BELIEVE THE RUMORS--our prices start at $2,500. for "Dry Tails". Best of all - we SERVICE ALL OUR TAILS!----TO GET THE BEST, BUY FROM THE BEST!----REAL MERMAIDS BUY REALISTIC TAILS FROM "THE TAIL MAN"! -----Please Re-post! Spread the Word!-----