SO, let's talk drama. It's a thing. In the mermaid world. I get into it a lot. haha let's take a look at that for a second... I think it's good for the community to dialog about this stuff.

So I struggle with drama and I admit it! For me I have certain triggers, like anyone else. It's usually when I feel there is some sort of injustice happening, when I feel someone is being scammed, or like many of you when I see through something and I figure others can't see it.

Having been around in the mermaid community for so long I know and have seen so much. I know so many things about things. I find it really hard to stay quiet when I see misinformation, or straight out lies. I struggle with knowing when should I say something, when should I mind my own business ?

I know others have trouble with this too. Your gut reaction when you see someone venting about a situation is to give them support; it isn't always to see what the other side might be. Yup, totally guilty of that one too!
We also tailor things to a specific audience and then don't realize what it comes off like to the unintended audience.

I feel like with the summer winding down, a lot of us are getting a bit crazy with the drama. Some people's way of dealing with is to just be nothing but positive. I have tried SO HARD to use that approach. Time after time. But it doesn't work for me, because when I see bad things I have empathy that I can't turn away from. So I set myself up for failure when I decide, oh I'm just going to only say and do things that are seen as happy, and I'm not going to talk to anyone about drama. I am so not capable of that, lol.

I do give myself breaks, I force myself not to use FB, not to check mernetwork etc. It helps for a while. I mean, we could all use a break sometimes right?
Mermaid Linden told me something profound one day. She told me if I put the energy into my business that I put into community drama, I'd have more success. Holy sea-cow was she ever right. When I look at my 'timeline' a lot if my success happened when I put the blinders on and kept myself busy.
But... I am someone who was dealt a lot of bad in life and I feel like if I can stop someone else from being harmed, I should do what I can. So where do I find the balance?

I invite you to reflect on Linden's words to me, because I think they can help many of us. But I also want to ask: How do you choose what to get involved in and what to walk away from? How do you know what is worth fighting for, and what is worth totally ignoring? Do you only deal with it if it effects you somehow? or do you feel a responsibility to others?
There's no wrong answer here. I just want to know what people think and why they choose to handle things the way they do.
I feel like if we were all open about this kinda stuff... there would be a lot less drama. Because maybe we just don't always realize how much what we say effects others even if we don't think it's bad. Dottie can tell you ALL about me sticking my fin in my mouth THINKING I was doing the right thing , and not realizing I was alienating a friend.

OK, so Drama. Discuss!

ps.: what do you think causes drama to bubble up the most in our community, and why?