Hi all,

My name is Claire de Louraille and I am a writer for BuzzFeed.com. My favorite beats are basically anything about mermaids and underwater content.

I wrote the pieces about what Ariel would look like if she evolved in various ocean environments, what Ursula would actually look like if she were based off of real octopuses, and this post about Mermen.

I am currently working on a post about Mermaid Squad Goals, aka: Podgoals, and I need your photos!

If you have a photo of 3 or more people and are okay with it being on BuzzFeed.com or any of it's distribution platforms, please reach out to me! (You/your photographer will be credited for the photo)

Here are some rules to the photo submissions:
1) I cannot guarantee that I'll use your photo, but I will check in with you if I would like to use your photo.
2) The photo must have at least 3 people in it.
3) None of those people can be children.

4) Please be wearing your beautiful tails! (Or lovely merperson accessories!)
5) You must own the photograph and be able to grant us (BuzzFeed) permission. Or, if it is a professional photo I need the photographers name so I can reach out to them and ask for permission to use their photo.

If you think you have a photo that fits these guidelines please reply to me here, send me an email at
claire.delouraille@buzzfeed.com, or hit me up on social media @cdelouraille. (You can also reach out to me if you have any questions/concerns, or questions about previous posts of mine)

Thank you, and I can't wait to see all your beautiful photos!