Hi everyone!

Earlier this year I made two partial silicone tails (neoprene & ge silicone), with the intention of testing them out for the summer and seeing how they held up. I was pretty confident in them before I tested it over the summer, and now I'm really confident in the quality/durability! The person that owns the other tail has used it all summer, and I've heard nothing but good things from her!
Anyway, so with that, I've decided to start selling them! I know there is a huge lack of mid-range tailmakers, so I'm hoping to at least kind of fill that role.
They start at $250 as a base price, and I charge a little extra for complex designs, zippers, and large extra fins. Shipping isn't included in that price, but I don't charge for it until the tail is done. I do finis foils by default, but I can do some other monofins as well!
Here are some pictures of my work:
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I'm also holding a raffle right now. There is less than a week to enter! Entries are $5, and I'm limiting the number of entries to 3. I know raffles have been a problem in the past, which is why I hesitated to post it here until now. I have it on rally up, and it's set up more like a crowdfunding campaign per their request. I also have it set up so that no money is collected until the goal is met. I've got 75% of the goal met and only 6 days left so I'm hoping the mer community can help out!
There is a more detailed post about it on my facebook page
And here is the link to enter!