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Thread: Designing a Coat of Arms for the North Pacific Pod

  1. #21
    Name:  potnp.png
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    here is a sloppy copy photo collage for my design, the sturgeon aren't showing up for some reason though...

  2. #22
    Hummm....I wonder why?

  3. #23
    I'm liking where this thread is going with the design of the crest. I'd really like to get it finished!
    I think it would be cool for us (during the meet up in seattle sept 22nd) to have shirts or pins with the crest... probably not much time for production now that I think of it... but maybe future meets?
    I'm all for the crest so far I think it's incorporating everything from alaska to oregon. ^_^ Good job guys!

  4. #24
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod Morticia Mermaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malinghi View Post
    Here's a sketch I drew and took a picture of with my phone. It incorporates several of the stuff that people liked, like the orca, the octopus, and the sturgeons as supporters. Let me know what you think. I can probably find time to start work on a digital one sometime next week.

    Attachment 4874
    This looks wicked. I love this
    I claim Pat 1001! ~Mermaid Morticia

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  5. #25
    What about the sea lion? There are a bunch of those pacific side

  6. #26
    Well we can't have sooo many animals on the crest that it's just a crest of critters lol
    We should definitely start solidifying this thing! I wanna buy shirts and stuff so we can be legit at our future meet ups!

  7. #27
    Haha you're probably right

  8. #28
    I love this design, agree that the Orca should be a little that kelp I see under him?

  9. #29
    So i'm new and confused. Did this thread go dead? Did we finish the coat of arms. Did we move the discution to a different place. What is going on???

  10. #30
    I understand that this thread is currently extremely dead however I thought that it could be entertaining to have a crack at designing a coat of arms, so i spent three hours making a coat of arms that people are unlikely to see. Credit to Mermaid Arianna for providing a lot of the design elements. I just made a finished version of
    Mermaid Arianna's rough draft.
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    Last edited by Eranthis; 12-18-2021 at 05:52 AM. Reason: Forgot to give proper credit to the design that mine was based off of.

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