So I am sure a couple of us have come across them at some time or another, but a couple of years ago The Downtown Denver Aquarium started a mermaid attraction. It consists of a short show that talks about the importance of sustainability and recycling. There is also a meet and greet area where you can talk to each of the mermaids. You can youtube the show if you want to see it. Here is a behind the scenes video they film during one of their shows:

I recently came across another vid that was posted a few weeks ago. From the looks of it, it was part of the Holiday show they did during December. Here it is!

As you can see, the tails they originally used look a little sad. They are all the same color, and they look baggy and bunched up at times. Thankfully they have made a purchase from a professional tailmaker (mertailor) from the looks of the holiday show, they have at least 2 latex tails and a silicone tail. BUT sad day yet again, the monofin in the silicone tail looks broken almost in half! It's a shame spending so much money only to have it break after a short time.

I was thinking about trying to contact them on facebook or try emailing them to see if they wanted to join us. And if this is in the wrong spot please move it. haha.