View Poll Results: Anonymous poll: How acceptable should erotica be on MerNetwork?

60. You may not vote on this poll
  • Most nudity prohibited (like Facebook)

    11 18.33%
  • Anything goes (like Reddit or Tumblr)

    11 18.33%
  • Strike a balance, closer to Facebook

    18 30.00%
  • Strike a balance, closer to Reddit

    10 16.67%
  • Some other approach not listed here

    4 6.67%
  • I'm unsure, conflicted, or undecided

    6 10.00%
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Results 261 to 274 of 274

Thread: A thread for people to discuss MerNetwork's policy on erotica

  1. #261

  2. #262

  3. #263

  4. #264

  5. #265

  6. #266

  7. #267

  8. #268

  9. #269

  10. #270

  11. #271

  12. #272

  13. #273

  14. #274


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