Hello folks! We are starting a thread for NC Mermania 2017! I will be posting updates on behalf of the group as details are nailed down.

To get things started, you can see the the old thread here, you can join the FB group here, and you can see the FB page here (will be updated as we go)

The website will be updated as we secure details: http://ncmermania.com/

To start I'd like to introduce the current (pun) staff! (and by staff I mean a bunch of people volunteering to make this work)

This year we've got group founder, Merman Dan

Last years awesome graphic designer and webmaster, Mermaid Venessa

Kid juggling mermaid. Me! And also, Sean will be adding some help.

Our merman trailblazer, Merman Christian

We will be adding more to the staff as we secure a few things so be sure to check this main post for a summary of most recent updates.

Last year was a real splash, and we heard you loud and clear. Participants filled out a survey which the feedback from has been the main inspiration for many of the changes and new things will be applying this year. We want to keep that intimate, drama free, social aspect, but still offer you new and unique experiences and chances to grow.

Right now, we are still trying to secure our venue and pool which will determine the dates. We still expect due to availability, to have the event in January. We feel this is still the best time to prevent conflict with other mermaid events around the world. Of course, if we can't nail it down with the pool we'll be sure to let you know ASAP so you can start planning and saving. Our planned pool is the same awesome facility as last year, the GAC.

We have a list of workshops we are working hard to secure based on the feedback from the last one. We will be approaching well known and skilled mers in the community to provide these workshops. We know everyone has a lot of ideas, but it all comes down to the people being able to run them, and the budget!

We will have a space for vendors with more information on that soon.

We will have a ball and a mixer

We may have a few surprises

We have some special guests in mind but will not be announcing them until everything is done contract wise. But let's just say we think they will make a splash.

We will have some positive media lined up.

We will have kid's swims and be looking for volunteers who are willing to submit background checks (more details on this soon!)

In order to bring the best event possible we'll be actively looking for sponsorship from local NC groups, and mermaid related businesses. In addition, Dan will be working with the local tourism to try and create funds and support.

We know everyone gets very excited and have a million ideas and suggestions, just know we are still in the process of nailing down our budget and while we'd like to do EVERYTHING everyone wants, we need to look at what's feasible too. I am really excited personally for all the new avenues we'll be exploring and I am sure we'll have some unique content not yet seen at other events.

So keep an eye on this thread, the page, and join the group! Our staff are working every day to plan and organize, so we'll be posting many updates.