Hey guys so after a small discussion with Coradion in another thread about ways to boost community creativity we came up with this Fintastic idea to have a sort of Project Runway but with mer tails.

Itll just be mostly designs by mers and there would be challenges just like on the show.
Example: create a tail using unconventional objects you would find at a grocery store
example 2: create a tail inspired by trash found on the ocean.
example 3: create a tail inspired by wedding dresses

and so on and so forth. Each challenge will last for about a week to give participants time to come up with a sketch and colour them in.

Disclaimer: If you're uncomfortable with putting up your own original designs you can feel free to pass the challenge. If you're ok with sharing your designs knowing they might be recreated by a tail maker and you don't mind or care, then this challenge is for you! Tailmakers who choose to use posted tail designs is responsible and required to credit the designer. (Which shouldn't be a problem yeah?)

Challenge 1) well because it was listed as an example and was the first that came to mind, this challenge is to create a tail inspired by unconventional objects and or food items you would find at a grocery store.