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Thread: Silicone hybrid.....

  1. #1

    Silicone hybrid.....

    So, I have an odd question. I have one tail, my fabric one. I try to be as gentle as possible with it, because of the issues it has. My question is this. Could I make it into a silicone hybrid using caulking? Any help on this would be great, cause if so, I'm gonna attempt it, to help try and preserve it a little longer. (If my hands will cooperate) Thanks in advance for the help!

    Amapele's Shellphone

  2. #2
    Depends how you want to use the caulking. If you are going to pipe it on to make scales, as long as it bonds with the fabric you shouldn't have a problem!

  3. #3
    Its a swimsuit type fabric

    Amapele's Shellphone

  4. #4
    If you used silicone caulking on a swimsuit fabric tail you would have to be very careful and make sure to seperate the two sides to make sure they don't stick together because the silicone may sink through a bit. Which neoprene you wouldn't have that problem because the rubber in the neoprene stops it.
    Mermaids - not so graceful on land...
    Luna Dreamtide
    (Formerly Leina)

  5. #5
    What if I made a duct tape dummy to keep it stretched out?

    Amapele's Shellphone

  6. #6
    Most folks who use this method use a neoprene base for durability, but I've tried it on spandex and it works fine. Just remember that you'll lose most of the stretch in your fabric and plan accordingly!
    Beautiful beaded tops and silicone fins and flukes for enhancing your tail at my Etsy shop: Fancy Fish Fashions!
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  7. #7
    I would make a duct tape body cast of myself so it would be to my form

    Amapele's Shellphone

  8. #8
    Has anyone attached a silicone fluke to a spandex body? If so, how would one go about doing that?

  9. #9
    Spandex doesn't inhibit silicone curing, so you could (1) lay spandex or powermesh onto the top of the wet fluke after you pour it and the silicone would cure into it or (2) "glue" the finished silicone fluke to the spandex with another layer of silicone. You could do this before you attach the spandex portion of the fluke to the spandex body, or after. (I haven't tried it, but I have experimented with spandex and silicone. )
    Beautiful beaded tops and silicone fins and flukes for enhancing your tail at my Etsy shop: Fancy Fish Fashions!
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