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Thread: Archive: "Mertailor Tail and Top Mix-up"

  1. #1

    Archive: "Mertailor Tail and Top Mix-up"

    This is an archived thread that was originally posted on, the predecessor to MerNetwork. For more information about, click here.

    Mermaid Alicia

    Posts: 1
    05/10/11 06:39:00
    Where have I been? It seems I should have found this forum a year ago. Here's my story: take from it what you will.

    A year ago, in the beginning of June, I wanted a tail for a mermaid event in July, and a friend recommended The Mertailor. I ordered online, but I did have some questions, so I emailed Eric. I needed it by a certain date, and he assured me that it would be done by then. The foot size confused me since I had never owned fins, so I asked him about it. At the time, the shoe size on the website stated: Women (up to a size 7). I told him I was a size 8 in womens, and he recommended a man's fin. I didn't think I was a man's size, but he was the expert, so I ordered it with a man's monofin.

    The event came and went, and my tail was not ready. I was very disappointed that I could not take it with me to Dominica, but I sucked it up and hoped it would arrive when I returned home. Finally, in August, it arrived.

    Well, what I received was a whale tail, not a mermaid tail. It was very large, and there is enough room in the monofin for a third foot. It was also so heavy that I could not bend my foot at a 90 degree angle. 13 pounds to be exact. The body itself was very large. Needless to say, I was very unhappy. As always, I assumed that I had done something wrong in the ordering process.

    I checked my measurements again, and they were correct. So I emailed him about it. There was a sympathetic tone, however no offer of fixing it. I told him about the size of the fluke, as well as the size of the monofin, and he suggested that I wear thick socks while wearing it. Really?

    I also ordered a latex scale top at the same time that I ordered a tail. I never received it. I told him, and he said he would look into it. He also agreed to adjust the body measurements. A friend in Florida brought the tail back to him for adjustments at the end of August. Months went by.

    Finally, with some serious pushing, I got the tail in February 2011. Eight months after I ordered it. It fit better, but the fluke was still the same size and weight. It was supposed to be cut down, but it wasn't. It was also supposed to have glitter paint added, but it came back unglittered.

    Still no top. I called him and he sent it immediately. I received a seashell top, not the latex scale top that I ordered originally. It was almost $20 more than the seashell top. I had a show the next day, and could not wait for another top.

    I know I should have sent it back. It wasn't what I ordered and I lost money because of it. However, after waiting eight months to get my tail and finally getting my top, I couldn't bear the thought of any more frustration. I kept it, and I have not been able to wear it because of the harsh texture, something I wished to avoid by ordering the scale top.

    Mertailor tails are beautiful. They are original. When done properly, they look absolutely fantastic. I just wanted to add my story to the many others out there. Learn from it. Don't go through the frustration I went through; voice your mind and opinion. You are the customer, and you are always right. I still regret not sending the top back.

    AinaR #1

    Posts: 836
    05/16/11 15:16:45
    a lot has changed in the 8 months for Mertailor and there were quite a lot of mixups with tails back when you first ordered, I experience too. However I know right now Eric has been working really hard to set those things right and he's a better tailmaker now than he was back then. You should call him (his number is on his site and he's been doing his best to phone upset customers to see what can be done) and explain about the mixup and see what can be done about it. He's been working hard to sort things out with people but I know between that and new tails it's hard not to get behind and mixed up so let him know you got the wrong top and the fluke wasnt cut down. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, don't give up!
    Last edited by Winged Mermaid; 07-17-2011 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I wish she would have followed up with us I would have loved to hear what happened

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