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Thread: Non swimmable fabric latex Mermaid Tail by Angeldis

  1. #1

    Non swimmable fabric latex Mermaid Tail by Angeldis

    Latex MermaidTail by Angeldis

    For Sale asking $100.00

    I have a medium blue latex mermaid tail for sale non swimmable. Tail is used for photographs I bought the tail for its design for my full body tail that is swimmable.

    Measurements used for tail as follows
    Waist 42 in

    Hip 43 in

    Thigh 40 in

    Knee 27 in

    Calf 27.5 in

    Ankle 17.5 in

    Waist to ankle 38in

    Height 67 in

    send me a e mail message here if any questions
    Last edited by merstorm; 07-18-2016 at 10:40 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Senior Member Pod of Cali Ashton's Avatar
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    You need to post photos here as well as measurements.
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    Creations and fun things: Ashton.Designs


  4. #4
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  5. #5
    You probably want to make one post with all the information about the tail in it. This looks more like a fetish tail than a swimmable tail, if it is people need to know before hand. If it isn't people need to know what kind of monofin and what size feet it can fit.

  6. #6
    I think I had that was non swimmable in the add sorry if I didn't I do need to sell it moving time coming very soon

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